7th Grade Glimpse November 2nd – November 6th

Counselor’s Corner- A big thank you to Parent Network for providing handouts to our students during Red Ribbon Week. These handouts were reminders for students to live a drug-free life. Thank you Peer Helpers also for your hard work this week. Classroom lessons for November will allow students the opportunity to learn about and explore potential careers. To get additional information about different careers, visit . Also, a big shout out to the middle school student council for their participation in District STUCO here at LCC-1. It was a great experience for the students and we look forward to attending next year.

· Small Group Counseling with Ms. Barnes will begin on November 16, 2015 instead of November 2nd.

· Peer Helper meeting will be November 19th.

· Student Council Executive Board meeting has been moved to TUESDAY, November 3rd at 7:30am. Please make arrangements to attend.

· All member STUCO meeting November 6th at 7:30am. Please make arrangements to attend.

· Food Drive for all students will begin November 16th- 23rd.

Communication Arts: Spelling Lesson 5 will begin on Monday for B1 with the test on Friday. We will also continue working on the MSHSAA sportsmanship essay. Reminder: All homework assignments that receive a grade below a C may be redone for half credit. Assignments must be asked for that day and are due the next class time. Encourage your student to take advantage of this opportunity if needed. Mrs. Snapp / Conference Times: Gold 4 (12:00-1:30) and Blue 5 (1:35-3:00)

7th Grade Reading: Reading Logs are due on Tuesday, Nov. 3rd. The next Reading Log will be due on Nov. 17th. We will be continuing our study of literary elements this week. All 7th grade classes meet on Gold day and we will visit the library every Gold Wednesday, in order to take AR tests and check out/renew books. Feel free to contact me with questions or concerns and have a great week! Mrs. Meyers, , Conf. times: Gold 11:40-1:32, Blue 8:00-9:24

Pre-Algebra and 7th Grade Math: We will continue the unit on applying rational numbers next week. Students will divide decimals by integers and decimals and solve one-step equations with decimals. Please check out my website at There is a lot of helpful information and resources there including a class calendar and notes from class. My digital library contains many resources that students can use at home to practice the skills we are learning in class. Ms. Nikkel 660-584-7161 (Conference time Gold 11:30-1:30, Blue 1:30-3:00)

7th Grade Math (Mrs. Gillilan) Students will continue their study of rational numbers by learning how to divide with decimals and solve algebraic equations involving decimals. Students in B4 will take a short quiz over decimals on Friday and G4 students will take their quiz the following Monday. Please be sure to sign up for the “Remind” program to receive texts or e-mails of homework assignments. Visit my website for further information: Have a great week! Mrs. Gillilan Conference time - Gold days: 1:36-3:00 Blue days: 8:00-9:24

Science: This week we will wrap up our Physical/Chemical Properties/Changes unit with a test on Monday (blue) and Tuesday (gold). We will end the week with an introduction into our next unit, Heat. Students should be able to use the kinetic molecular model to explain changes in the temperature of a material. Students should also be able to describe how heat is transferred by conduction, convection and radiation and classify examples of each. Please contact us with any questions or concerns. Mrs. Logan Mr. Sears

7th Grade Social Studies (Mr. Brand) This week we will be reviewing the topics discussed in Chapter 2 and then we will begin studying the 50 states, capitals and major land formations of the United States. If you have any questions my email is . My plan time is 9:28 to 10:52 on both Gold and Blue Days.

7th Grade FACS The students have begun sewing their projects. They will learn to pin a pattern, thread a bobbin, and follow directions to create their project. If you have not paid your $7 fee yet, please do so. Those students not sewing at the time will be learning to hand weave and crochet.

………………cut here ………………. cut here …………………… cut here ………………cut here ……………

** Return signed slips to Mrs. Gillilan by 3:00 on Tuesday, November 3rd

Student Signature: ______

Parent Signature: ______Date: ______

Student signature needs to be included, first and last name, for extra credit

7th Grade Computer Literacy Students will begin to focus on the whole keyboard. Book PowerPoints are due on Wednesday and Friday we will begin learning about elements in Excel. The elements we will focus on are: creating and opening workbooks, saving and sharing workbooks, cell basics, modifying columns, rows, and cells, and formatting cells. Mrs. Bell , Conference Time: BLUE 5 (1:36-2:45)

7th Grade Rise Students are working on putting together their presentations for their independent study projects and working on their projects in Scratch. In our Conflicts curriculum our Enduring Understanding is: Understanding the positive and negative sides of conflicts may help people make better choices. The guiding question with this lesson is: What is conflict resolution? Mrs. Bell , Conference Time: BLUE 5 (1:36-2:45)

Graphics I The students in graphics class will begin a multimedia unit.

7th Grade Art The students in this class will continue the outline drawing for their high contrast self-portrait paintings. Once these are finished they will transfer the outline to watercolor paper and begin painting. Rhonda Boedeker Conference: Gold 4 and Blue 4 from 11:40-1:32.

7th Grade PE/Health Physical Education/Health: This week students learned about skin function and structure. Students also completed their second quarter fitness tests. Any students that missed a day of testing, need to make sure they arrange a time with their teacher to make up the test he or she missed. Students have started a new unit that they will continue with next week covering the World Series. Students will discuss the current Royals vs. Mets series and the history of the World Series. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us. Coach Dudley’s plan is Blue 5 and Gold 2. Coach Postin’s plan is Gold 1 and Blue 5

6/7TH Grade CA Mrs. Lettau - This will be a spelling week and we will complete activities using the short ‘i’ sound. We will also finish our essay. We should be able to have a short verb quiz this week (over action, linking, helping). If you have questions, you may call me at 660-584-7161 and leave a message or you may e-mail me at If you need to talk to me immediately, I am available on Gold days from 9:30-10:50 and on Blue days from 1:30-3:00.

6th/7th/8th Grade Resource – Mrs. Lettau – We will continue Unit 3, over bonus letters and welded sounds. If you have questions, you may call me at 660-584-7161 and leave a message or you may e-mail me at If you need to talk to me immediately, I am available on Gold days from 9:30-10:50 and on Blue days from 1:30-3:00.

7th Grade Industrial Tech This week the 7th graders are learning about some basic shop power tools that will be used in building their projects. We are reviewing safety practices and demonstrating that they know how to operate the tools properly. They are taking written safety tests this week and next week. They are also doing some intro level drafting/engineering work on the computer. The cost of their upcoming project will be $17. If you need more information or just have a question, feel free to contact me. conference time G2 9:28 – 10:52 AM or B1 8:00 – 9:24 AM

7th Grade Band Students have been working hard this week as we have started to prepare music for our first concert which will be held on December 14th at 7:00 pm. Please make sure your student has a nice pair of black shoes, black dress pants, and their blue music shirt. The music shirt order that was placed this year will be distributed to students in class the week of the concert. If you need help obtaining any of these items, please do not hesitate to contact me. Meyer Music will be holding a “step-up” night in our band room next Wednesday, November 4th for students who wish to trade up to a more quality instrument now that they have progressed. It will run from 5:30pm – 6:30pm. They will have representatives ready to talk to you about trade-in options and will also have the instruments here for the students to play.

7th Grade Vocal The Fall Choral Concert will be held on Tuesday, November 3, at 7:00 p.m. in the High School (east) gym. Students should report to the gym by 6:45 p.m. 6th Grade Vocal students will report to the stage, and 7th and 8th graders will report to their labeled seats on the bleachers for roll call. Punctuality is part of each student’s grade. All students should plan on staying for the entire concert. Students should wear their blue Husker Music Shirt, black pants/skirts, and black shoes. Please let me know as soon as possible if your child is in need of clothing or shoes to wear to the concert. It is important that your child is in attendance, on time and well-behaved during the concert. Each student is an important member of the ensemble. Concerts are a celebration of the learning that has taken place in our classroom. Participation in performances is worth 200 points. If you have an emergency situation on the evening of the concert, please let me know by phone as soon as possible. Make-up assignments are allowed for excused absences. Please give me a call at 584-7161 or e-mail me at if you have any questions.