University of the Free State

Department of Computer Science and Informatics

RIS 224 (2012)

User Interfaces Module Guide


Departmental Chair: Dr. A. van Biljon
Office: WWG 312
Telephone: 051 401 2754
Consulting Hours: Per appointment

Lecturer: Mr. Jaco Marais

Office: WWG 211
Telephone: 051 401 2929

Consulting Hours: Per appointment

Secretary: Mrs. S. Opperman
Office: WWG 312
Telephone: 051 401 2754


NQF-level: Level 6

Objectives: To

·  introduce the student to the fundamental and exciting area of human-computer interaction (HCI);

·  train the student to understand the designs that people need;

·  train the student to understand the user-centered design process;

·  train the student to distinguish between good and bad user interfaces;

·  train the student how to perform usability testing.


After the successful completion of the module the student should:

·  Display knowledge of the basic principles of Interaction Design.

·  Determine user needs and convert them into requirements in order to ensure that the interactive product helps the user to perform his/her task in an effective, efficient, and enjoyable manner.

·  Identify usability goals and user experience goals for proposed interactive systems.

·  Distinguish between and select appropriate interface types.

·  Redesign poorly designed user interfaces.

·  Evaluate a user interface (interactive product) in terms of usability.

·  Plan a usability test.


Demonstration of the above mentioned outcomes will be evident if:

A.  When presented with a prospective system, the candidate can identify user needs for the specific system in its context of use and translate and classify these needs into the different types of requirements.

B.  The candidate can identify usability goals and user experience goals appropriate for a specific system in its context of use.

C.  The candidate can consider a simple application designed by applying four different interfaces types, and to then compare the different interface types with one another according to pre-defined categories.

D.  The candidate can improve an existing screen shot of a badly designed user interface. Presented with examples of good and bad interaction designs, the candidate can identify whether the design is good or bad, provide reasons for this and suggest improvements where applicable.

E.  The candidate can identify usability problems in computer systems in terms of effectiveness, efficiency and user satisfaction.

F.  The candidate can present a plan for performing a usability test on a computer system.


It will be to your own disadvantage if you miss a class as classes are handled in a practical and participative manner. Do not fall behind with the work! Contact the lecturer in time if you have any problems with the work.

Blackboard will be used for this module. All information regarding the module will be placed on Blackboard. It is your own responsibility to regularly check Blackboard for new content.

Appointments with your lecturer must be scheduled by e-mail. Read your e-mail regularly.

It is the responsibility of the student to ensure that he/she receives all the information in connection with this module that is provided during the theoretical classes, on the notice board in the Mathematical Sciences Building on the second floor, in the calendar, in the module guide, on Blackboard, or by e-mail.


Passing RIS214/RIS216 or RIS234/RIS236 is a pre-requisite for registering for RIS224. Please consult the calendar/year book.


·  We will use the following text book during this module:

Interaction Design – Beyond human-computer interaction

3rd Edition

Preece, Rogers & Sharp



ISBN: 978-0-470-66576-3


This module consists of two theoretical periods per week and one practical session of 2 hours per week.

The scheduled practical sessions may be used for team meetings for the assignments (see section I), but is not an official compulsory practical session. You may complete your practical assignments in your own time on your computer, as long as it is handed in on time.

1 / 2
/ Monday period 4
10:10 – 11:00, WWG223 / Tuesday period 5
11:10 – 12:00, FGG378
English / Monday period 10
16:10 – 17:00, FGG378 / Tuesdays period 6
12:10 – 13:00, FGG378
Practicals / Friday periods 8 – 9
14:10 – 16:00, WWG 225

The completion of all assignments to the satisfaction of the lecturer is compulsory. Should you not comply with these requirements, your module will be marked incomplete and you will not be allowed to write the final examination.

Assignments must be completed on the indicated dates. Late submission will only be accepted due to illness if accompanied by a valid medical certificate.

Five % per day will be subtracted for late submissions not accompanied by a valid medical certificate.

The student is also reminded that it is his/her sole responsibility to make frequent backups and to comply with meaningful backup procedures. No excuses will be accepted for work lost as a result of negligence as far as backups are concerned.

Groups: Where indicated that it is a group assignment, you may team up in groups of no more than 4 and no less than 3 students. In no assignment should you have a team member that was also a team member in any other assignment. The marks for the team effort will be assigned to each team member. If complaints are received that a team member did not pull his/her weight in the team, the team member will be penalised according to the discretion of the lecturer.


The following table provides all the preliminary dates and important information regarding the evaluation of RIS224. It is extremely important that you keep this handy at all times and refer to it regularly.

Evaluation / Date / Contribution to Module Mark / Time Venue
- Intermediate (Test 1) / Tuesday,
28 August 2012 / 30% / To be announced
- End-evaluation (Test 2) / Tuesday,
25 September 2012 / 30% / To be announced
Class tests/-participation / Regularly during semester. Refer to module calendar. / 10% / In class venues
Assignments / 30%
Aegrotat examination
(Sick test) / Tuesday,
16 October 2012 / On all the work / To be announced
Final Examination / November 2012 / On all the work / Refer to the examination time table

You must write both module examinations as well as all the class tests

§  Failure to write any of the module examinations or class tests while not handing in a valid original or certified doctor certificate (within 48 hours after the evaluation), will result in RIS224 being indicated as incomplete next to your student number. This implies that you will not be admitted to the final examination.

§  RIS224 will also be indicated as incomplete next to your student number in the following cases:

q  If assignments are not submitted at all.

q  If you submit another student's work as your own (this will then also be reported to the dean). Action will also be taken against students who allow other students to copy their work.


·  A promotion system applies for this module. You are exempted from the final examination in November if your module mark for the semester is 70% or more and you received 60% or more for each individual assessment. Please remember that it is a privilege and not a right to promote the module. The promotion mark is 70% and not 69% or 68% or less. No discussion on the matter will be held.

Final Examination (November)

·  The final examination will consist of a 3 hour written paper. Your examination mark and module mark each contribute 50% in the calculation of your final mark for the semester (except when you qualify for promotion). Consult your Calendar for passing requirements.

§  Marks for module evaluations, tests, examinations and assignments may be held back if required so by the Administration of the University in cases of students not registered for the module or when fees are outstanding.

§  The module marks will be available on the notice board on Friday 19 October 2012. No marks will be provided over the telephone. All assessments must be completed by 16 October 2012, otherwise the candidate’s module will be marked as ‘incomplete’, even if he/she passes the exam.


The Aegrotat policy of the Department is published on the notice board on the third level of the Mathematical Sciences Building and will be strictly applied.

Only in the following circumstances will persons qualify for an aegrotat assessment:

1.  In the event of absence of the class tests or module examinations due to illness. A valid medical certificate, wherein the doctor stipulates the diagnosis of illness and that you are not in a position to write a module assessment, must be submitted within 48 hours after the assessment. Please note that the lecturer might call the doctor to confirm the legality of the medical certificate.

2.  With the death of any of your immediate family. You are required to hand in a certified copy of the relevant death certificate to the lecturer within 48 hours after the module assessment.

Please note:

1.  There will be only one Aegrotat examination, which will take place on 16 October 2012. This examination will cover all the work of the semester.

2.  Should you qualify for the aegrotat assessment and you do not write the assessment on the given date and time, no further assessments will be set up.

3.  Participation in sport, cultural activities, the attendance of weddings, or transport problems etc. are not valid reasons for the absence of module assessments.

4.  No member of the Student Representative Council or House Committee may give you permission not to write a test or examination.

University of the Free State

Department of Computer Science and Informatics

RIS 224 (2012)

Personal Details

Student number ______

Surname ______

Initials ______

Title ______

First name ______

Address during semester ______



Telephone numbers ______(cell)

______(home / residence)


E-mail ______

Emergency contact during semester ______(name) ______(Cell)

Preferred instruction medium Afrikaans English

I have received the RIS224 (2012) module guide and understand and accept the contents thereof.

Signature ______

Date ______/______/ 2012

dd mm yyyy

RIS224 (2012) 6