My Favorite Animal!!
The Animal I Chose Is:
My Name Is:
All About Your Favorite Animal!
Part1: Make a power point:
You must make a power point of your favorite animal and something that you learned about it. You can have some pictures of the animal in it’s habitat! You can present each question on a different page with your answer. It’s up to you, be creative!
Part 2: Present your favorite animal to your class:
You must present your favorite animal with your powerpoint.
Scoring Rubric!
Writing Grade for your Animal Report:
Criteria / Points Possible / Points EarnedComplete Sentences / 15
Complete Answers / 15
Final Grade Earned / Total: 30
Science Grade for your Animal Report:
Criteria / Points Possible / Points EarnedKnowledge About Animal / 20
Accurate Information / 25
Research Skills / 5
Completed Activity / 15
Creativity / 5
Final Grade Earned / Total: 70
The name of my animal is:
Here is a drawing of my animal!
Answer each question below.
Don’t forget to make complete sentences.
1. To which animal class does it belong to? (fishes, birds, reptiles, mammals, amphibians)
My animal belongs to the class.
2. What type of skin does he have? (scales, fur or smooth skin)
My animal has
3. How many legs does it have?
4. Does it have a tail?
5. How much does it weigh?
My animal weighs
6. What is your animal’s height?
My animal is tall.
7. Does your animal move? If so, how does it move? Does it fly? Run? Jump?
My animal
8. In what part of the world does your animal live? (Which country/continent?)
My animal lives in
9. Describe your animals habitat (forest, ocean, mountains):
My animal lives in
10. Describe any adaptations your animal might have that helps it live in its environment (ex. A giraffe has a long neck to reach the top of tall trees; ducks have webbed feet to help them swim):
11. What does your animal eat? How does it get his food?
My favorite animal eats
He gets his food by
12. hhhhhBehavior: Describe any interesting features of your animal's behavior.
a) a)aaaDoes it live in groups or alone?
b) b)bbbbbbDoes it burrow underground?
c) Does it hibernate, or move to a new place in cold weather?
d) Is it nocturnal (awake at night)?
13. How does your animal protect itself? Does it use his teeth? Does it have claws or a hard outer shell? Does it camouflage itself?
14. How does your animal reproduce itself? (eggs or normal pregnancy)
My animal
15. How many babies can your animal get at a time?
My animal can get
16. Why did you choose this animal?
I chose this animal because MyMy