Attendance and signatures

Full attendance by each participant is essential to the JUNIOR COMMISSION. If selected, I will make a commitment to meet the program requirements.

Signature of applicantDate

Signature of parent/guardianDate

Sponsor Support

Each applicant must have a sponsor, such as a teacher, principal, employer, commissioner, community-based or faith-based organization.

Name of Sponsor

Title ______

Phone No. ______

Cell No. ______

Email ______

Signature of Sponsor

Recruitment: Ongoing, however, space is limited.

Please return this part of the form and your separate answer sheet to:

Commission on the Status of Women

24100 Amador Street, Suite 616

Hayward, CA 94544

For more information, please

call 510-259-3871 or 259-3856.



on the

status of


/ 24100 Amador Street
Suite 616
Hayward, CA 94544
(510) 259-3871
Fax: (510) 259-3880

what is the junior commission on the status of women?

The Junior Commission is a project established by the Alameda County Commission on the Status of Women:

To develop leadership ability;

To build high self-esteem;

To show how government works; and

To demonstrate how young women can become empowered by advocating on issues relating to adolescents and teens.

Term of Office - Terms are from August through July. Seniors serve only one year. At your discretion and at the recommendation of the Alameda County Commission on the Status of Women, Junior Commission Committee, you may serve up to four years while in high school. There will be an orientation and training for the Junior Commissioners selected. You may be eligible for school credit for your participation. Every effort will be made to provide assistance with transportation for Junior Commissioners, if necessary.


  1. Attend Junior Commission Meetings.
  2. Attend specified meetings of the Commission on the Status of Women.
  3. Provide input to the Commission on the Status of Women regarding issues related to young women.
  4. Share Commission news with your school and community.
  5. Actively participate in Junior Commission projects and activities.
  6. Plan to spend several hours per month on Junior Commission related activities and projects.






Email ______

Cell Ph

Date of Birth


Grade as of September 1 ______

On a separate piece of paper, please respond to the following questions:

  1. Why are you applying to be a Junior Commissioner?
  2. What are your personal, educational and career goals?
  3. What talents, skills, and/or personal experiences will you bring to the Junior Commission?
  4. What issues related to young women are important to you?