Summer Camp Booking Form
Multi-Sports Camp 2015
27th-31st July & 3rd-7th August 2015
10am – 3pm
A multi-sport camp is being held at Mersham Sports Club and will be available to boys and girls of any ability, between the ages of 6 and 11 years old. The course is run by qualified coaches from Mersham Sports Club, supported by young leaders.
Course Details
The course will include coaching and playing a range of sports enabling children to develop a wide range of skills, abilities and tactics, in a fun and safe environment.
Participants will receive coaching in football, cricket, tag-rugby and rounder’s followed by competitions in each sport.
Equipment and Clothing
- All equipment will be provided on the course. However, children are welcome to bring their own kit but do so at their own risk.
- Children are advised to wear appropriate sports clothing including a supportive pair of trainers.
- Rain Jackets and/or hats and sun cream should also be brought with them to allow for all weathers.
Children are required to bring a packed lunch (no nuts please). Water and Squash will be provided but children can bring their own drinks should they wish.
£15 per day or £60 for a full week.
To secure a place on the course, please complete the registration form below and send together with a cheque (payable to Mersham Sports Club) to: Matt Fagg, 58 Harvey Road, Willesborough, Ashford, Kent, TN24 0AW. Or return to your team coach. If you have any other queries please contact Matt on 07814006576 or
Membership to Mersham Sports Club is essential for insurance purposes; the course will be offered to MSC members as priority, if any places remain unfilled they shall be advertised publically. Non-members will be subject to £15 membership fee and will be required to complete a membership form.
Multi-Sport Camp 6-11 years old
27th-31st July & 3rd-7th August 2015
Child’s Name:………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Age (at date of course)…………….
Emergency Contact details……………………….………………………..…………….………………………..………………
Email address………………………………………………………………………………………..……………………………………
Medical information.
Please make us aware of any medical conditions that we need to be aware of regarding your child.
Dates your child will be attending (delete as appropriate)
Safe, Enjoyable, Child friendly Cricket at MSCC
For all club info please go to like our facebook page & follow us on twitter.
Summer Camp Booking Form
Week 1- All week Yes No
Monday 27th July Yes No
Tuesday 28th July Yes No
Wednesday 29th July Yes No
Thursday 30th July Yes No
Friday 31st July Yes No
Week 2- All week Yes No
Monday 3rd August Yes No
Tuesday 4th August Yes No
Wednesday 5th August Yes No
Thursday 6th August Yes No
Friday 7th August Yes No
Safe, Enjoyable, Child friendly Cricket at MSCC
For all club info please go to like our facebook page & follow us on twitter.
Summer Camp Booking Form
Total Number days ………………………………………………….
Amount Paid …………………………………………………………..
(Cheques payable to Mersham Sports Club)
Signed (Parent/Guardian)…………………………………………………………………..Date…………………………………………
Please send this completed reply slip with a cheque for the relevant amount to:
Matt Fagg- 07814 006576,
Safe, Enjoyable, Child friendly Cricket at MSCC
For all club info please go to like our facebook page & follow us on twitter.