Clinical Commissioning Group Adult Safeguarding Policy and ProcedureTemplate for Providers
1.1.Statement / Statement of responsibilities
1.2 Purpose / Why is safeguarding necessary
1.3 Scope / Context/Aim
1.4 Principles / 6 principles of safeguarding.
Making safeguarding personal.
1.5 Definitions / Terminology of abuse adult at risk to include clear explanations for all acronyms used.
1.5 Criteria of harm/neglect / Threshold for safeguarding referrals.
1.6 Types of abuse / New categories from the Care Act 2014.
1.7 PREVENT / Duties, requirements
2. Mental Capacity
2.1 Consent / Public interest
Vital interest
Duress or pressure
Cross reference to consent policy to include narrative of process for achieving patient consent to treatment and evidencing gained consent
2.2 Statutory principles / 6 principles
Mental Capacity Act 2005
2.3 Criteria / 2 stage test
2.4 Deprivation of liberty safeguards (DOLs) / Understanding the principles of DOL’s and its application.
2.5 Advocacy / Consideration for Independent Mental Capacity Advocate and safeguarding adults advocate referrals.
3. Organisational Arrangements / Governance and responsibility structure for safeguarding adults.
3.1 Roles and responsibilities
(description) / Executive Safeguarding Adult lead
Operational Safeguarding Adult lead’s with brief narrative outlining role and responsibility
Including: MCA & PREVENT lead
3.2 Whistleblowing Policy / Cross reference within overarching SA policy - narrative to include clear reference about the steps that employees can confidently take about raising a concern without fear of recrimination.
3.3 Serious Incidents Reporting
Policy / Cross reference policy within overarching SA policy - narrative to include how the safeguarding process is aligned with SI process.
4. Workforce
4.1 Safer recruitment Policy / Cross reference within overarching SA policy :Safer recruitment policy. Narrative on safe recruitment practices to include pre-employment checks.
4.2 Training programme / Cross reference within overarching SA policy. Detail the level of staff safeguarding training in accordance with their role and responsibility to include:
Domestic AbuseModern Slavery.
4.3 Supervision Policy / Cross reference within overarching SA policy. How are staff supported in supervision with adult safeguarding cases.
Frequency, how is supervision delivered
4.5 Allegations against staff Policy / Cross reference within overarching SA policy. Narrative from policy to include referrals to:
Regulatory body’s
Local Authority Designated Officer for Adults and Children.
4.6 Duty of Candour
Policy / Cross reference within overarching SA policy.Social Care Act 2008 (Regulation 20)narrative from the policy about the organisations duty of candour responsibilities.
4.7 Regulatory requirements / To include notification to regulators and commissioners if patients safety has been compromised.
5. Information Governance Policy / Cross reference within overarching SA policy, reference to the information governance policy and full compliance with relevant legislation to include: confidentiality, safe record keeping and sharing of sensitive information.
Procedures and processes for Safeguarding Adults.
Indicators of abuse / Warning signs of who abuses adultslocation of abuse
How to raise a concern / When to raise a concern, to whom, how to assess urgency (risks) making a referral, how to obtain consent from the adult at risk, follow on action and recording.
Always consider wider family involvement
Always consider safeguarding children.
Internal flow chart on the process, relevant local contact details. Should be submitted as Appendices.
Appendices / Care Act 2014, statutory guidance
Care Act 2014 Statutory Guidance
NHS England Vulnerable People Accountability Assurance Framework 2015, Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulation 20),
Mental Capacity Act 2005
Deprivation of Liberty,
Revised PREVENT duty guidance 2015 (Home Office),
PREVENT Strategy,
Modern Slavery Act 2015,
Modern Slavery Act 2015
DOH Building Partnerships Staying Safe 2011,
Building Partnerships Staying Safe 2011
NHS Standard contract service conditions 2015-16 S32 (safeguarding),
Pan London multi-agency policy and procedures 2015
NICE guidance domestic violence and abuse 2014,
NICE quality standard 2016
Bromley Safeguarding Adult Boards toolkit
Data Protection Act
Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards: A guide for primary care trusts and local authorities.
Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards
The Criminal Justice and Courts Act 2015 (2015 c2)
the criminal justice act
Version Control document / Version 3 CL/DG/JWJ 7.3.2106