Political Management

Every nation or every local culture benefits from a system of social relations imposing a certain kind of politics. So, in spite of the fact that political responsibility and political management suppose a high level of professional competence and morality, generally, the ones elected by the people are not able to cover these needs. A minimum guarantee of professional ability in the field of political management is a complex understanding of reality. Therefore the systems analysing informational feedback, whether simple or connected in a matrix with two, three or n dimensions, become useful instruments of analysis on the initial state and the needs of a people, permitting the development of specific strategies in the selection of managers, as well as in political programmes as such.



The primary circuit made up of

I data entry (riches, resources-poorness)

II computing entered data (qualities-defects)

III using entered data (economical infrastructure, skill- inability)

IV data exit (contacts to the outside, changes, isolation)

V computing exit data (external experience, successful programmes or catastrophic intrusions)

VI using exit data (adequate strategies, strategic incoherence)

For each of the six points of the circuit, the analysis is to be performed according to the following matrix (e.g. I)

richness, primary resources / poorness
waste of resources / secondary resources
a /  a
ä /  ä


a is the positive side of the point

äis the need of further positive components

 ais the negative part of the point

 äis the product of turning the latter positive

A first step towards a complex analysis of the situation can be done on the analysis of one point. So, if during an inquiry on the richness of a people we get answers as such,

native intelligence
artistic talent / poorness
unable managers
waste of resources
water, air, natural riches
industrial materials
reduced moral credit
failed collaborations / secondary resources
old things recycled

we shall be able to draw conclusions which could form the nucleus of the future reparatory politics.

The analysis on the upper table is also to be done on a scheme of informational feedback.

So the fields, the wood are 1 (data entry), native intelligence 2 (computing entered data), artistic talent 1. We can notice that among the riches we don't count some under 3 (using entered data, e.g. a good manager), under 4 (data exit, e.g. good promoters of national products), under 5 (computing exit data, e.g. good analyzers of international reaction) or under 6 (using exit data, e.g. good strategists).

The same thing may be noticed regarding poorness: unable managers 5, litter 3, thieves 3, which shows the lack or the insufficiency of causal understanding of poorness. So, there is no 1 insufficient professional competence, 2 maximum use of native intelligence, 4 bad image in the eyes of other nations, 5 insufficiency of esteem or self-esteem, 6 the lack of strategic and tactic experience in facing reality. The simple correlation of riches and needs brings forth the conclusion that:

- the riches are misused because of the lack of the consciousness of the insufficiency in professional competence

- intelligence is wasted because there is no system of acknowledging and promoting native intelligence

- artistic talent is not enough valued, because native intelligence 2 is not put in a key position of decision

Other conclusions regard the immaturity of the social system or the degeneration of it, reflected in the incapacity of discovering the opinions illustrating the causal chains. The two last components of the matrix of analysis strengthen the conclusions of the first two. So, the waste of resources shows: air, water, natural riches 1, unemployed 3, industrial materials 3, low moral credit 4, failed collaborations 5. We notice once again the lack of opinion in 2, which shows that computing entered data is not done by those endowed with native intelligence, which are not implied in political management. We can also notice the lack of opinion in 6, where the failed efforts of strategic structuring are not considered a waste of resources. For secondary resources we notice that only the recycling of old things 3 is far from assuring a corresponding circle of feedback. This shows that:

1. the domestic secondary resources, as well as the industrial ones are not a resource

2. the intelligence prepared outside the country does not enter recycling strategies.

3. the economic infrastructures, which are morally outlived, are not considered as potential resources

4. the local Diaspora is not considered a secondary resource

5. the internal specialist are not seen as a secondary resource for the system of decision

6. the local or international strategic experience is not considered as a secondary resource

From the analysis of this first point, we can see the model of an isolated society, not stimulated to using its own resources, governed according to the Mafia model by an unable political class. Still, the conclusions are only partial, because there is no similar analysis on the other five points. So, for II qualities-defects we can have

qualities / defects
complementary qualities / complementary defects

For III infrastructure we can see

incorporated intelligence / incorporated foolness
incorporated inability / incorporated ability

For IV contacts to the exterior we can have

dynamical changes / paralysis
isolation / catastrophic contacts

For V external experience we can have

success / failure
failure on local conditions / local positive experience

For VI strategies we have

adequacy / inadequacy
inadaptability / adaptability

In the structure of the questionnaire two distinct dimensions are included, assuring an image seen from four different points of view. These dimensions depend on the particular structure of the point.

So, for I we have the dimensions of efficient exploitation and of protection, each of them having two states (a, b), respectively (c, d), we shall have the combinations: (a, c), (a, d), (b, c), (b, d), characterizing the four components of the questionnaire: a) efficient exploitation, b) inefficient exploitation, c) efficient protection, d) inefficient protection. So

(a, c) efficient exploitation + efficient protection = richness

(a, d) efficient exploitation + inefficient protection= poorness

(b, c) inefficient exploitation + efficient protection = secondary resources

(b, d) inefficient exploitation + inefficient protection = waste of resources

For II we have similar dimensions, but on the selection and data computing point, getting them similarly for the other points. Following such procedure on the answers of the questionnaires, other types of data can be correlated.



I4 I2 I6 V4 V2 V6 III4 III2 III6

I1 I5 I3 V1 V5 V3 III1 III5 III3

So new types of informational feedback circuits arise, where, for instance, entrance data from the circuits on the points are joined in a large circuit. With the help of these circuits, conclusions can be drawn on the causal components because of which a social system is working badly. I2- II2 – III2 – IV – V2- VI2 can show that the native intelligence of a nation I2 are not only insufficiently regarded as strategic riches, but are also kept from reaching II2, data computing, through a policy of encouraging emigration. If still some of them reach II2, they will not be allowed to enter III2, which supposes the analysis in the infrastructure of fields of application, using a corrupt promotional system. And if some still have entered II2, they are kept from expressing their own views or products in IV2, through a system of barriers of discouragement.

Such an analysis, hypothetical for the time, could become real and clear if we identify the following components:

1. lack of some components of the feedback circuits on the points

2. the vectors of communication between points insufficiently formed or inadequate

3. the pre-existence of wrong information on some points

4. the dimensions of natural analysis are not polarized or badly polarized

5. not understanding causal factors

Though such a system of analysis could be difficult for the large public, the results of the analysis on a political domain with an adequate degree of professional competence can be a very valuable factor of opinion. Another gain of applying this system of analysis is given by the coherence of politic, strategic and tactic measures, which can point at increasing the national level of efficiency. So, a measure aiming at the formation of a specific informational component (e.g. the implication of very intelligent people in decisions on various levels), can allow the creation of sustainable national strategies. In the same way, strengthening some work vectors (e.g. the selection and the instruction of intelligence in order to form decisional factors), can allow the identification of adequate working strategies, which lead to the crystallization of national life and, at the same time, to increasing the strength of a people.

From the point of view of international politics imposed by globalization, such an analysis allows the identification of the best social - economic measures, with regard to the local, national and cultural specific characteristics. The analysis can be done on samples of population coming from different social media with various degrees of schooling. Filling in the forms of analysis will reflect the way the population perceives local reality and can be considered as a basis for the correlation of data in interconnected feedback systems. The results can be read and judged on a quadrate matrix for two dimensions of analysis, in our case: exploitation – protection, which corresponds to the political system.

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6
I / I1
II / II4

The system can be extended to other dimensions, for example for the economic field, having protection + competence, for the ecological field, exploitation + competence, etc.

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October 2000