Reigate & Banstead
Community Infrastructure Levy

Strategic Infrastructure Programme:
Project Application Form

The Strategic Infrastructure Programme (SIP)will set out how the Council will use money collected through the Community Infrastructure Levy to support growth.

The SIP will identify, for a period of up to five years, the specific projects which the Council will fund through CIL and the amount of funding which it is willing to contribute. In this way, it will provide a clear framework for the allocation of CIL.

Please complete the followingtemplate for each project which you wish to be considered for inclusion in the SIP. Please provide as much information as possible to enable the Council to assess and prioritise projects. Officers will contact the named project lead should any further information be required to assess the application.This project application form should be submitted by 25 November 2016. The Council intends to agree the 2017/18 to 2021/22 SIP in spring 2017.

Please note: Funding for any projects which are included on the SIP will only be released once the Council is satisfied that the provider is ready to deliver the project (this could include evidence that all necessary consents, approvals and other funding are in place and resources in place to progress works (e.g. contractors employed).Funding will also be subject to terms and conditions, including agreement that the funds are used exclusively for the approved project: monies will be reclaimed where they remain unspent after an agreed period or where they have been used for purposes other than the agreed project.

Further information and guidance on making applications, the process and criteria for assessing projects are available on the Council’s website at

Project Name:
Project Location:
Organisation Name:
Organisation Type (e.g. local authority, voluntary sector):
Project Lead/Contact:
Other Project Partners (if applicable):
Contact Information(include email and tel no.):
Project Description and Proposed Investment
  1. Does the project involve the provision, improvement, replacement, operation or maintenance of a type of infrastructure identified on the Council’s Regulation 123 list?
Applicants should specify, in their view, which of the infrastructure types on the Council’s Regulation 123 list the project falls within.
  1. Describe the background to and nature of the project, including details of the specific works proposed to be funded
Please provide a concise description of the project/scheme. This could include:
  • Background to the development of the project
  • Summary of aims of the project
  • Details of the works which any CIL will be used to fund
Applicants should include the site address and provide a plan/map indicating the location of the proposed works or any existing infrastructure included within the project
Project Outcomes, Benefits and Need for Intervention
  1. How would the project align with, support or enable growth or planned development in Reigate & Banstead?
Please explain (including evidence where available) how the project will support growth and development including (for e.g.):
  • Evidence of any specific development proposals, sites, growth or regeneration areas which would be enabled or unlocked by the project
  • Evidence to show how the project will ensure adequate infrastructure, facilities and services are available to support residents and businesses associated with new development
  1. How would the project support the delivery of a specific policy or objective in the Council’s Local Plan?
Please explain how the project links to any specific policies or objectives in the adopted Core Strategy or emerging Development Management Plan.
Applicants may also wish to identify any other links with the Council’s planning documents/strategies.
  1. How would the project support delivery of priorities and objectives in the Council’s Five Year Plan?
Please explain how the project links to any specific objectives in the Council’s Five Year Plan.
  1. What specific benefits would the project have for residents, communities and businesses in Reigate & Banstead?
Applicants should explain how residents, communities and businesses of Reigate & Banstead will benefit from the project. This could include environmental, social or economic benefits. Where possible, this should identify who will benefit (e.g. borough-wide; specific groups, associations or clubs; specific geographic area/neighbourhood) and the likely significance. Please explain if and how any specific equalities groups would be affected by the project.
  1. Please provide any other evidence that demonstrates the need for the project.
Applicants may wish to refer to evidence, reports or studies to demonstrate which support the need for the project. This could include the Council’s latest Infrastructure Delivery Plan.
Evidence of Support
  1. Does the project have the support of the relevant provider and/or necessary internal approvals? Please provide details and append any relevant documentation to the submission
Please provide confirmation and attach any evidence to demonstrate approval (such as meeting minutes, committee reports/decisions, board approvals, letters of support). If internal sign-off is still required, please indicate the timeframe/process for this.
  1. Please summarise any third party, public or business support for the project and/or any plans for further public consultation on the project.
Applicants should give details of any. This could include:
  • Petitions
  • Letters of support from local businesses, organisations or resident/community groups
  • Letters of support from county, borough, or parish councillors.
  • Findings from any public consultation which has been carried out.
If any further public consultation is planned/required prior to implementation of the project (e.g. to inform designs), please give details of when/how this will be carried out.
Costs and Funding
  1. What is the cost of the project and how has this been arrived at?
Please complete the table below with as much detail as possible, setting out the anticipated costs of the project and the elements which this is derived from. Please make clear if funding is being sought for revenue costs (e.g. on-going maintenance). Costs associated with preparing the CIL funding bid should not be included.
Source / Estimate cost (£)
E.g. Professional fees
  1. Please give details of all identified sources of funding for the project, including the amount of CIL funding being sought.
Please complete the table below setting out all potential sources of funding and explain the status of the funding (e.g. bid submitted, approved in principle, secured). Please also set out the risks to the project if any other funding applications were not successful. Evidence of the availability of funding should be provided where possible (e.g. letters confirming grants accepted etc.)
Source / Amount (£) / Status of funding / %
E.g. project lead organisation
  1. Please detail why CIL funding is needed and/or how CIL funding will add value to the project?
Applicants should clearly demonstrate the need for CIL funding to deliver the project. This could include explaining the impact of the availability (or otherwise) of CIL funding on:
  • The overall delivery of the project (i.e. the project would not proceed without CIL)
  • The timing of delivery (i.e. would CIL enable the project to be brought forward earlier)
  • The standard, specification or longevity of the project (i.e. CIL would enhance the quality of the project, increase the benefit to residents or enable the benefit to be sustained for longer).

  1. At what stage in the project is CIL funding required? Could the project proceed if CIL funding was only available part way through the project?
Please give details of the anticipated point at which CIL funding would be required in the life-cycle of the project, including the year it is likely to be required.
Deliverability and Timescales
  1. In which financial year is the project expected to commence?
Please note: only projects capable of commencing within the five year time period of the SIP will be eligible for funding. For projects involving physical works, the date of commencement of works on site should be provided.
  1. If known, in which financial year is the project expected to complete?

  1. Please set out key milestones and/or tasks for the project.
Task / Anticipated start date / Anticipated finish date
E.g. scheme design
Please note: if the project is identified on the SIP, a more detailed project plan may be required before funding is released for the project and once any outstanding feasibility, design or development work has been undertaken.
  1. What work has been carried out to date to assess the feasibility of the project?
Please provide details of any technical studies/assessments which have been carried out or any plans/proposals which have been drawn up for the project. Details of any constraints/issues identified through these studies and actions to resolve should be set out.
Applicants should include details of any outstanding feasibility or design work to be carried out prior to commencement. If projects are selected for funding, applicants may be required to provide evidence to confirm feasibility prior to funding being released.
  1. Is commencement of the project reliant on any planning, legal or other consents? Is the project reliant on any other projects being delivered before or after? Please provide details
Please provide details of any other consent required for the project and evidence of any progress made or any plans/timeframes for securing these consents.
Please provide details of any projects upon which this proposal relies, in particular their funding and delivery status. Applicants should make clear if any of these projects are outside of your control.
  1. Please outline any other risks to the successful delivery of the project.

  1. Please explain how delivery of the project will be managed and monitored
Please include details of any of arrangements for project management, responsibility for different tasks (including any support from other organisations) and proposals for monitoring and reporting of progress.
  1. Is there a plan and sufficient other resources (including financial and personnel) in place to maintain/sustain the project into the future? Please provide details
Please give details of how the project will be managed, maintained and sustained into the future including:
  • Details of the organisation/individual(s) who will be responsible
  • Information and evidence as to how any on-going revenue costs (e.g. maintenance) will be funded, where necessary, over its life-cycle.
Please make clear if CIL funding is being requested for revenue costs to support the project or if there would be any other on-going management expectations on Reigate & Banstead BC.
I certify that the information provided in this Application Form is complete and correct at the time of submission.
Please ensure that the person signing has authority to submit this business case on behalf of your organisation.