Elmont Memorial High School Mme. Gibson 2015-2016 Le français
Class Requirements
Materials required for each class
· French/English dictionary (pocket sized not mini it is too small)
· A large binder that includes loose leaf paper and sections for class work and homework
· Pens (blue or black) for classwork and homework
· Colored pens, pencils or markers for creative projects
· A larger binder to be kept at home for all work that has been removed from the classroom binder
· Several packages of index cards (3x5 or 4x6) and a means of securing them
· A mini stapler
Your grade is determined by the following:
· 70% Tests and quizzes (announced and unannounced)
· 15% Classwork/Participation (both written and oral)
· 15% Homework
· Some type of homework will be given daily and tracked on the BRAVO sheet.
· Homework must have and appropriate heading and include the date in French.
· Unless otherwise indicated, homework assignments are due the day after they have been assigned. Late homework will NOT be accepted, unless accompanied by a parental note.
· An absence does not excuse a missing homework assignment. Students who are absent are expected to contact a classmate to obtain their homework and present it to me upon their return to school.
· All students are required to actively take part in class discussions and activities.
· All students are expected to behave in a respectful manner towards me and their fellow students.
· Consuming any type of food or beverage (including gum) is not allowed in class unless medically required.
· All students are expected to behave appropriately. Inappropriate behavior will result in negative consequences.
· All students will be expected to arrive to class on time. Students who arrive late will be expected to provide documentation for their lateness.
Keep for future reference.
Classroom Requirement Contract
(sign and submit)
I have read the class requirements and I understand what is expected of me to achieve academic success.
I have received the informational BRAVO SHEET and understand how this important sheet is used to determine my grade.
I understand that by signing this document with my parent/guardian I will do my best to earn the best grade I can.
I promise to put in the time required on my own to do my best including asking for help from my teacher when I don’t understand something and/or attending Extra Help Sessions if a concept is unclear. **THIS DOES NOT MEAN WAITING FOR AND UPCOMING EXAM TO ACKNOWLEDGE THAT A CONCEPT WAS UNCLEAR.
I understand that I (as a student) am the one who is responsible for my grade, and that I will get out what I put in.
(PRINT NAME) (Student Signature) (Date)
(PRINT NAME) (Parent Signature) (Date)
This is a BRAVO SHEET. It is the document that is used to record the homework and class work that is done by your child. The document also serves as a means of communication with you in regards to your child’s progress. It is collected and tabulated weekly. *** In an effort to further improve communication please send an e-mail with your child’s first and last name in the subject to me at
· In the beginning of the week each student is given a blank BRAVO SHEET.
· The column on the left (up and down) represents a day of the week (lundi, mardi, mercredi, jeudi, and vendredi) and homework (devoir). The rows represent class work.
· At the end of each week a parental signature is required as a part of a student’s homework.
· When a student has completely done his/her homework for the day that student will receive a stamp on that day in the homework (devoir) section. If they have not completed or partially his/her homework the student will NOT receive a stamp for that day which is the equivalent of no credit for that day’s assignment. Each student should have a goal of earning 5 homework (devoir) stamps per week.
· Each time a student participates effectively in class they receive a stamp for their participation. If a student does not participate in class they do not receive a stamp. Each student should have a goal of earning at least 3 Bravo stamps per class which sums to a total of 15 Bravo class work/participation stamps per week.
· One sheet is given and collected each week. The student is responsible for keeping this sheet with them and bringing it when they arrive to each class. If they lose it I will give them another however they are charged 3 Bravo stamps for losing it, in addition to losing the Bravo stamps they may have had on the lost sheet. If it happens to be found the student may choose which Bravo sheet they will turn in but only ONE will be collected per week.
· The sheet MUST be turned in so that the student may receive credit for the week’s work. If no sheet is turned in it is recorded as a 0 in both homework and participation for the week. Late Bravo sheets may be turned in during the same marking period as long as they have the appropriate date.
· The BRAVO SHEET helps you to monitor your child’s progress on a weekly basis.
· If you notice that your child is not earning many stamps it is your opportunity to identify the problem and discuss it with him/her.
· It allows your child to better understand their role in controlling what grade they get in the class.
Homework (devoir) stamps: 5= 100%, 4=80%, 3=60%, 2=40%, 1=20%, 0=0%
Class work (bravo) stamps: 15+=100%+, 15=100%, 14=93%, 13=87%, 12=80%, 11=73%, 10=67%, 9=60%, 8=53%, 7=47%, 6=40%, 5=33%, 4=27%, 3=20%, 2=13%, 1=7%, 0=0%
Nom ______Mon but: ______
Semaine ______
Les Devoirs et la participation en classe
DevoirLundi / / / / /
Mardi / / / / /
Mercredi / / / / /
Jeudi / / / / /
Vendredi / / / / /
Devoir total ______Bravo total ______Signature ______