Father Tolton Catholic High School
Work study Application for 2016-2017
A large portion of our tuition assistance is dedicated to our summer work study program. Work study is available during the summer months for interested students. Each student will be able to earn a work study grant toward part of his or her tuitionbill by working approximately 4 days per week (Monday-Thursday), 8 hours per day, from 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. (with ½ hour lunch and other breaks). The pay is applied directly to tuition, without deductions. The rate is $8.00 per hour with adjustments for experience. The program is open to a limited number of students. Awards are made based on financial need and will be prioritized on a first come first serve basis.
The tentative summer work schedule is broken into two four-week sessions. Session one runs Monday, June 5 through Thursday, June 29; session two runs Monday, July 10 through August 3, 2017. Students may be awarded a 4 week or 8 week plan (either or both sessions). Students working the full 8 weeks could be credited with just over $2,000 towards their tuition.
Guidelines for admittance to the summer work program include:
- Complete this application and return to the school by May 26, 2017
- Complete on-line FACTS Financial Needs Assessment
- The student must fulfill the time requirements and performance standards to remain in the program
- The student must show diligence in work, willingness to concentrate on the task assigned, and acceptance of a variety of jobs
- The student must be able to work without constant supervision
Please print. (Use blue or black ink if completing by hand)
Student's Name (Last, First, MI) / High School Graduation YearStreet Address / City / State / Zip
Home Phone / School attended in 8th grade
Mother's Name (Last, First, MI) / Cell Phone
Father's Name (Last, First, MI) / Cell Phone
Primary Email / Secondary Email
Emergency Contact Name / Emergency Contact Relationship / Emergency Contact Phone
Father's Employer / Father's Occupation / Estimated Income
Mother's Employer / Mother's Occupation / Estimated Income
Student's Employer / Student's Job / Estimated Income
Why do you wish to work in the TCHS Summer Work Program?
Work experience of student that would be helpful to TCHS:
Describe any family or financial situations that the school should be aware of:
Please list any sports, vacations or other activities that would keep you for working this summer:
Does the student have any physical limitation? If yes, please explain:
We view our work study program as a valuable experience for our students. Students will receive expectations at the beginning of the summer regarding attendance, behavior, respect and safety issues. Students and parents receiving this grant will receive additional information with their award notice.
Student SignatureParent Signature
Applications for tuition assistance or work study will not be considered unless the application is complete. The on-line FACTS Grant & Aid Application must also be completed for work study consideration to be made. Please contact Rose Lloyd at the school (573) 445-7700 if you have any questions.
Please mail or return this completed form, by Friday, May 26, 2017 to:
Father Tolton Catholic High School
Attn: Financial Aid
3351 E. Gans Road
Columbia, MO 65201