M. Pharm.,(Ph.D)
AssistantProfessorof Pharmacology
______Corresponding Address:
Shri Siddheswar colony south, plot no.65, Near Itagi petrol pump, Athani Road, VIJAYAPURA-586102
Karnataka, India. Mobile: +91- 9880213934
To play an important role and be associated with in an Organization that would provide a challenging work atmosphere and an opportunity to learn, grow and contribute to its growth to the best of my knowledge and skills.
Academic Qualifications
Degree/Dip. / Institution / University / YearPhD
Pharmaceutical Sciences (Pharmacology) Registered / Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad-500 085, Telangana. / JNTUHyderabad 2009
M. Pharm
(Pharmacology) / H.S.K. College of Pharmacy, Bagalkot, Karnataka. / Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnataka. / 2007
B. Pharm / National college of Pharmacy,
SHIMOGA-577201 / Kuvempu university, shimoga. / 1998
Pre-university course / KCP Science and arts college. BIJPUR / Board of pre-university Education, Karnataka. / 1992
SSC / LES school BIJPUR / Board of Secondary Education, , Karnataka / 1989
Professional and Research Work Experience: 9.5Years Plus
Designation / Institution/University Served / Duration of ServiceAssistant Professor / KLE University’s college of Pharmacy,BELAGAVI / From To
16thAug-2016 – Till date
Assistant Professor / BLDEA’s college of Pharmacy, VIJAYAPURA / From To
Jan2014 – Aug-206
Senior -Lecturer / BLDEA’s college of Pharmacy, VIJAYAPURA / 13 Months
(Jan /2013- Feb/2014)
Lecturer / BLDEA’s college of Pharmacy, VIJAYAPURA / 5Year 7 Months
(July/2007 - Dec/2013)
Pharmacist-Demonstrator in Pharmacology Deptt. / Al-Ameen Medical college and Hospital, VIJAYAPURA / Feb-2000-Aug 2006
M.Pharm / Approved by Rajiv Gandhi university of Health Science, Bangalore University as P G teacher since June 2015. / Rajiv Gandhi university of Health Science, BangaloreM. Pharm / Approved by KLE University’s college of Pharmacy, Belagavi as P G teacher since Jan 2017 / KLE University’s college of Pharmacy, Belagavi
Strong communication skills with presenting research findings at lab meetings, seminars and conferences.
Ability to successfully complete projects under aggressive timelines: producing research papers, grant proposals and conference abstracts.
Effective management abilities mentoring and training undergraduate students, graduate students.
Strategic planning experience managing high-level research projects with highly ordered vision.
Subjects Handled
UG Level (Pharm.D & B.Pharm)
Pharmacology- I, II
Pharmacotherapeutics- II
Human Anatomy and Physiology
Pharmacology and Toxicology
P.G Level (M.Pharm)
Advanced Pharmacology & Toxicology
Pharmacological Screening Methods & Clinical Evaluation
Research Skills
Handling of various experimental animals (Mice, Rat, Guinea pig and Rabbit).
Administration of drugs by various routes.
Blood sampling techniques (Mice, Rat, Guinea pig and Rabbit)
Expertise in Langendorf Isolated heart model (In-vitro coronary artery ligation)
Experiments on intact animals and Isolated Preparations.
Pyloric Ligation
CNS System Experiments
CRC studies by various 2-point, 3-point & 4-Point Bioassay Models.
ED50 and LD50 Studies for the evaluation of toxicity(Acute, Sub-Acute & Chronic Toxicity Studies)
Bio-Assays of Various Tissues like (Rat Ileum, Jejunum and Rectus Abdominis Muscle of Frogs)
Experimental design and application of suitable statistical methods.
Biochemical Estimations.
Research Areas / Expertise’s
In-vitro and In-vivoAphrodisiac Activity, Anti-Obesity Activity, Nephro and CVS Complications)
Toxicological Studies (Toxicity Studies on Animal Models)
Pharmacokinetic (ADME) Studies.
CNS Pharmacology.
Endocrinology (Liver Disorders’ and Gastroenterology systems).
Pharmacological Screening of Medicinal Plants for Various Animal Models
Excellent in in-vitro and in-vivo assay skills.
Research Articles Published in Referred / Peer Reviewed Journals
- Prakash R Biradar et al.Design and Evalution of Gastro retentive Drug Delivery System Of AntiUlcer Drug”Journal of Food and Pharmaceutical Sciences,Vol (2),2015:1-5.
EXTRACT OF WITHANIA SOMNIFERA” Journal of Advance Scientific Research, 2015, 6(1):27-30.
- Prakash R Biradar et al.“Evalution of Acute Oral Toxicity and Phytoconstitutents of Methanolic
Extract of Mucuna pruriens”Journal of Pharmaceutical science and Research,Vol7(1),2015,33-36.
- Prakash R Biradar et al. “Obstacles and Preventions of Drug Related Problems - A Review “Indian Journal of Pharmacy Practice: Vol 6, Apr-Jun.2013.
- Prakash R Biradar et al. “Simvastatin loaded composite polyspheres of gellan gum and carrageenan:in vitro and in vivo evaluation.” Internatiional Journal of Biologicl Macromolecules. Vol 57 (203) pp 238-244.
- Prakash R Biradar et al. “ANTIANAPHYLACTIC AND MAST CELL STABILIZATION ACTIVITY OF CYNODON DACTYLON” International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical sciences:Vol 2(2), 2010.pp 69-73.
- Prakash R Biradar et al.“PHARMACOLOGICAL EVALUTION OF ANTIALLERGIC ACTIVITY OF CYNODON DACTYLON” Journal of Herbal medicine and Toxicology:4 (2)79-85,2010.
- Prakash R Biradar et al.“EVALUVATION OF LOCAL ANTI-INLAMMATORY POTENTIAL OF FICUS GLOMERATA ROXB LATEX IN MICE”Research Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics:1(1);2009pp16-17.
- Prakash R Biradar et al.”INHIBITION OF OBSESSIVE AND COMPULSIVE BEHAVIOUR BY HIBICUS ROSA SINENSIS IN MICE” Advance pharmacology and Toxicology:Vol 9(2) 2008,pp137-139.
Chairperson at International/National Conferences
- As a chairperson for the scientific sessionin the 8th National conference on P4 orgnanised by ACPI-KSPOR Belagavi local chapter and Manipal university in association with KLEU’s college of Pharmacy, held on 24th-25th March-2017 at JNMC Belagavi.
Scientific Abstracts (presented in International/National Conferences)
Invited Oral Presentation:
- Research paper entitled “Effects of Chloroform and Methanolic extracts of strychnosPotatorum Linn on stress induced sexul Behaviour in male Rats”. Presented Oral Presentation in National seminar on Current trends in preclinical and clinical validation of traditional medicines held at Bagalkot, Karnataka, on 18-19th August 2007.
Abstracts/Poster Presentations: National and International Level
- Poster presentation at 68thIndian pharmaceutical congress title on““Effects of strychnosPotatorum Linn on stress induced sexual Behaviour in male Rats” held at Andhra university college of Pharmaceutical science, Andhra university(AP) visahkappatnum (AP) on 16th-18 thDec-2016.
2. Poster Presentation 16th State Conference of Karnataka Chapter of Anatomistsponsored on“ Effect of
methanolic extract of Withania somnifera on hematological parameters of male albino rats”held on
23-24/9/2014 SDM College of Medical Science, Dharwad. Karnataka state.
3. Poster presentation at ICMR Sponsored on National seminar title on“PHYTOCHEMICAL
of Pharmacy, VIJAYAPURA, Karnataka state held on30th & 31th July 2010.
4. Poster presentation at ICMR Sponsored on National seminar title on““Effects of Chloroform and
Methanolic extracts of strychnosPotatorum Linn on stress induced sexul Behaviour in male Rats”
at BLDEA’College of Pharmacy, VIJAYAPURA, Karnataka state held on30th &
31th July 2010.
5. Poster presentation atICMR Sponsored on National seminar title on“PHYTOCHEMICAL
presentation at BLDEA’s College of Pharmacy, VIJAYAPURA, Karnataka state held on30th & 31th
July 2010.
6. Poster presentation at ICMR Sponsored on National seminar title on “COMPARATIVE STUDY ON
BLDEA’s College of Pharmacy,VIJAYAPURA, Karnataka state held on30th & 31th July 2010.
7. “Anti-Depressant activity of various extract of Carissa Carandas in Mice” (Poster Presentation)at
Workshop on Biomedical Research Publication & Presentation By Using advanced
SoftwarTechnologyheld on 9th to 11th Feb.2007 sponsored by ICMR and CSIR at H.S.K. College of
pharmacy at Bagalkot, Karnataka.
Conferences/Seminars/Workshops/Symposia Attended
Attended the 8th National conference on P4 orgnanised by ACPI-KSPOR Belagavi local chapter and Manipal university in association with KLEU’s college of Pharmacy, held on 24th-25th March-2017 at JNMC Belagavi.
Attended the Pharmacology CME 2017 on“DIABETES MELLITUS-A HOLISTIC APPROCH”held on 13thApril-2017 at J N Medical college,Belagavi.
Attended the “68th Indian pharmaceutical congress” heldAndhra university college of Pharmaceutical science, Andhra university(AP) visahkappatnum (AP) on 16th-18 thDec-2016.
Attended the National seminar on “Non Invasive diagnostic procedure in cardiovascularphysiology-Recent advances” sponsored by Indian association of physiological society held at JNMC centenary hall conducted by deprtment of physiology JNMC, Belagavi on 27/08/2016.
Attended the UDEHP workshop on “Basic Life skills for teachers” conducted by Department of Public Health JNMC, Belagavi held on 16th-17 th sept.2016.
Participation andcompletion of the “Short course in Eductionl Methodology”conducted by RGUHS-APTI held t Bengaluru, Feb-2016-April-2016.
Participation of conference sponsored by Karnataka Science and Technology Academy (KSTA),Bengaluru Department of DST Govt. of Karnataka “Science and Technology for food and Nutrition” held at BLDE University,Vijaypur,on 20-21th Feb-2015.
Participatedone day workshop on “EXPERIMENTAL TECHNIQUE IN PRECLINICAL STUDIES” held at Pharmacology Research Lab at PES college of Pharmacy, Bangalore on 10th of March 2015.
Participated andWas a member of Publicity committee in a First Annual convention of APTI of Karnataka state branch KAAPTICON-2015 held at BLDEA’s College of Pharmacy, VIJAYAPURA,karnataka.
Attended the INDO-AUSTRLIA SYMPOSIUM ON GERIATRICS PHARMACY PRACTICE on 20-21th Jan 2014at KLE’s University College of Pharmacy, Belgaum , Karnataka.
Attended the one day workshop on Good Clinicl Prctice (GCP) held on 30th sept.2013at BLDEA’s College of Pharmacy, BIJAPUR, Karnataka.
Participated and was a member of committee in a National Seminar sponsored by RGUHS on “Applications of Nanotechnology in Health care” 30th june 2012 held at BLDEA’s College of Pharmacy, BIJAPUR, Karnataka.
Participated and was a member of a Transportation committee in a National Seminar on “Advances in Drug Design and Drug Delivery for pulmonary diseases” held on30-31stJuly 2010 sponsored by ICMR at BLDEA’s college of Pharmacy, Bijapur, Karnataka.
Attended NationalSeminar on“Role of Traditional Medicines & Natural products in Management of Neurodegenerative Disorders”held on June 22-23thJuly 2008 sponsored by ICMR at Soniya college of Pharmacy, Dharwad, Karnataka.
Attended National Workshop on Biomedical Research Publication & Presentation by Using Advanced software Technology held on 9th to 11th Feb.2007 sponsored by ICMR and CSIR at H.S.K. College of pharmacy at Bagalkot, Karnataka.
Participated inNational Seminar on “Currenttrends in preclinical and clinical validation of traditional medicines”, 18-19th Aug 2007, sponsored by ICMR, NEW DELHI, Bagalkot, Karnataka
Participated in National Seminar on“Emerging trends in ethno pharmacology”, 12-13th Nov 2005, sponsored by ICMR and CSIR, NEW DELHI, Bagalkot,Karnataka
Attended 52nd Indian Pharmaceutical congress: December 2006.Hyderabad.
Participated andWas a member of a Transportation committee in a National Seminar on 'Emerging Trends in Ethnopharmacology' held on 12-13th November 2005 sponsored by ICMR and CSIR at
H.S.K. College of pharmacy at Bagalkot, Karnataka.
Attended National Seminar on “Recent advances in food biotechnology held on 21st - 22nd Oct.
2005. Sponsored by DepartmentBiotechnology and Ministry of science and technology, New
Delhi organized by departmentBiotechnology at Bvv’s Eingneering College at Bagalkot,
And also attended many scientific and research seminars, presented Scientific and ResearchPapers
orally and poster presentation in national seminars sponsored by IPC, ICMR CSIR and RGUHS etc.
Professional Memberships
I. Life member of the Indian Pharmacological Society (IPS)Reg.No LB-188
II. Registered Pharmacist fromKSPC . Reg. No. 26274
III. Member in Institutional Animal Ethics Committee (IAEC)
Examiner for the below mentioned Universities and Diploma Board
- Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore.
- JSS University, Mysore.
- Shivaji University, Kolhapur.
- Sholapur University, Sholapur
- Karnataka state Diploma Board of Pharmacy, Bangalore.
Dr.N.V.Kalyne M.Pharm., Ph.D.,
Prof & Principal, BLDEA’s College of Pharmacy,VIJAYAPURA-586102
Karnataka state, India
(Mobile): +91-9448947496.
Dr.I.S. Muchandi M.Pharm., Ph.D
Prof & Principal, HSKCollege of Pharmacy, Bagalkot,
Karnataka state, India
(Mobile): +91-9448960238
Dr. H. R. Joshi M.Pharm., Ph.D.,
Prof & Principal, Sharadha Vilas College of Pharmacy, Mysore,
Karnataka state, India
(Mobile): +91-9663373701
Dr. H. R. Chitme M.Pharm., Ph.D
Prof. oman Medical college
Prof. R. Y. Patil,
Director, Board of College & University Development,
Solapur University, Solapur
Maharashtra state
(Prakash R Biradar)