The Coffee Bar is open - Monday to Saturday from 10am to 12 noon.
TUESDAY 12th September
10.00amToddler Group
WEDNESDAY 13th September
10.00amMidweek Prayers
2.00pmArt Group
THURSDAY 14th September
12.45pmChurch Lunch
FRIDAY 15th September
10.00amToddler Group
7.00pmRangers (fortnightly, check dates)
SATURDAY 16th September
9.30amJunior Belletones
SUNDAY 17thSeptember
10.30amRevd David Hookins
6.00pmRevd David Hookins (Holy Communion)
Sunday, 10thSeptember 2017
Welcome to worship
Prayer for 10 minutes, 10.15 - 10.25am in Room 1, to pray for those taking part in the service. Do come and join us when you can.
Large print hymn books and sheets are available.
Loop system for those with hearing aids.
Small children are welcome to join our supervised crèche in Room 1. Toys are available in the welcome area for parents who wish to play with their children whilst listening to the service.
The candle prior to worship is a sign that we should keep
a prayerful silence.
After morning service, please join us for refreshments in the Hall and visit the Fairtrade stall. The ‘Good News Book’ is available for use.
Bernard Townsend and family have brought in cakes to share with coffee after this morning’s service in celebration of his 80th Birthday.
Monday, 18th September, 7.30pm – Asylum Monologues
At Sarum College, Cavell Room.
The Salisbury branch of Amnesty International is presenting a performance by the theatre group Ice and Fire. It will consist of readings from the testimonies of refugees, human rights lawyers and home office workers, to show how the system of asylum seeking and acquiring refugee status works in reality.
Admission is free but donations will be gratefully received.
Wednesday, 20th September, 8pm to 9.15pm – Singing Rehearsal for Harvest Festival Service
Do you enjoy singing? An enthusiastic group is needed to help lead the singing at the 10:30am Harvest Festival Service on 24thSeptember. One rehearsal in the church. All ages and stages welcome. Under 18s must be accompanied. Speak to Jonathan Robinson or email for further details.
Sunday, 24th September, 10.30am – Harvest Festival
Our Harvest theme this year is Toilet Twinning.
“In my loo in Salisbury I have a toilet, running water and a door that locks. It is very comfortable! In Boboua, in the Central African Republic, I might not be so lucky! A hole in the ground? Snakes in the grass? Certainly no clean water! A remedy is Toilet Twinning”. (Len Parker)
Help us “Flush Away Poverty”
For £60 you can twin your toilet at home, or you may like to contribute towards twinning the SMC loos!
You are also invited to bring gifts for the Trussell Trust Food Bank
HARVEST LUNCH, 12.30pm - After the service we will have a BRING AND SHARE lunch. Please bring a plate of food to the kitchen before the service and join us in fellowship together.
Monday, 25th September – Compass Course
Compass is a short course that introduces the Christian faith to those who wish to explore its meaning. Like any compass, it relates to a particular map and the one intended is Christian discipleship in the Methodist Church. It looks not just to the foundation stones of Christian faith, but also to the experience of our Methodist heritage which has shaped our present understanding.
David Hookins will be leading the course starting on 25th September. If you are interested, please let him know as soon as possible.
Tuesday, 3rd October, 7pm for 7.15pm – Annual Open Meeting of The Listening Place
The speaker is Dr Moy Gill and everyone is warmly invited. See Newsletter for further details.
Saturday, 7th October – Social Scene Skittles
At Woodfalls Inn.
Tickets on sale from Coffee Bar or Sandra Gunstone (except 10th and 17th September) although they will still be in Coffee Bar on those dates. Cost £10 per adult and £2.50 under 18.
Monday, 9th October, 7pm for 7.30pm – A Street Cat Named Bob
At St Paul’s Church Centre, SP2 7QW.
The heart warming true story of a rough sleeper and his cat Bob.
For tickets (£5) or more information, please phone Graham on 01722 333873. All profits to Salisbury Trust for the Homeless.
Saturday, 14th October, 9.45am to 4pm – Effective Listening Practice course
At Bemerton Methodist Church.
The Listening Place is offering this at the bargain price of £5 per person! If you would like to improve your listening skills please do consider coming along. See Newsletter for further details or speak to Monica Gillings or Revd Cecil King.
Salisbury Street Pastorsare seeking more Street Pastors for our Saturday teams in Salisbury.
The training for new Pastors begins in mid-September. To find out more about this form of Christian outreach among the younger generations, please contact me, Gwen Leslie 01722 323898 or other Street Pastors in your congregation, for an informal chat.
We also welcome more Prayer Pastors, to be linked with our teams, but there is no formal training required for this equally valuable service.
07956 100936
Church Office Mon to Fri, 9.30am-Noon
01722 322755