Mason Women’s Lacrosse Booster Meeting
Tuesday, February 13, 2017 at 8:00 PM
Location: Sammy’s Craft Burgers and Beers
Welcome: Warren Wells welcomes Mike Kuehn,Missy Block, Ken Eccoffey, Elaine Elko, Scott Mueller, Chris Petrina, Debi Burke, Bonnie Carroll, Terri Grove, Jodi Eller, Halie Johnson, Madi Gilmoreand Jim Davis.
Old Business
- Motion to approve last month’s minutes by Brian Hoffman and second by Mike Kuehn.
- Super Bowl square fundraiser was a success.
- City Barbecue was a small success but after discussing, over half of those in attendance do not like City Barbecue, therefore we will take that restaurant off of the dine and donate schedule.
- Velocity continues to go well (week 5 of 9) and the W2W practices have 80-85% attendance.
Upcoming Events
- Schedule update is on the website. We now will have two more homes games. Sycamore will now be 4/19 and Thomas Worthington will now be 5/5. Now 10 home games and 8 away.
- Key tryout dates are 2/19-turf field 10:30 to Noon and 6-8 at the MPF, 2/20 W2W skills assessment 3-5, 2/21 6-8 turf field, 2/22 W2W practice 3-5(the boys youth have given us an extra ½ hour), team selections will be notified via blind email by noon on 2/22 and then Friday, practice from 6-8 pm.
- New uniforms will be here in early March.
- UC vs OSU women’s game team bonding event on Monday, February 26th. The girls will take a bus down and leave at 3 pm, eat at DiBellas, head to the game at 4:45 for the 5:00 game and then take buses back to the high school.
- Dollars for Lax round 2 will be moved to Saturday, March 17th due to the Ice Breaker Play Day being on March 10th. This second date was put on the calendar for those that did not participate in the first round back in the fall.
- We opted to go with a school sponsored theme of Hunger Games for After Prom for a cost of $400 we will get everything to decorate plus Servati’s pretzel and cheese dip. We will need 4 volunteers to decorate the room on Friday, April 20th and then volunteers to man the event. A Sign Up Genius will go out.
- Class Team Dinners will now be at the player homes instead of school to promote team bonding (Booster Board/Seniors, Juniors, Sophomores Freshman). Coach Hallie will plan some activities for the dinners. The dates are to be announced.
- It has been suggested that the Boosters create more of a presence on social media. Bonnie Caroll has graciously volunteered to set up the Facebook page and to help with promoting our fundraisers/events on social media.
- Invitations for the Comet Cup have gone out. We have fields and referees and we are lining up vendors. We will be providing live updates via twitter. More details to follow when they become available.
- The Booster Board meetings will have a new start time for the rest of the season to accommodate those parents that would like to attend but have to take/pick up their daughters from practice. 3/14 at 6:15, 4/11 at 6:15 and 5/9 at 6:15.
- MABA Update – there was no meeting last month.
- The small and x-small items in the Player Packs are delayed. Those should be in mid-March.
- The Spirit Wear website is up and running. The site will be available for orders until 3/23.
- Lacrosse sticks for the fence are being ordered.
- Coaches shirts have been approved and ordered.
- Next dine and donate will be February 27th at Chipotle from 5-9.
- We are looking into the Kohl’s volunteer program. They will supply 5 volunteers and will donate $500. We will try this out in concessions for our first home game on March 20th. Warren Wells and Missy Block will be the contacts for questions/information.
- We have decided NOT to have concessions open for our home scrimmages against Loveland on 3/13 and Lebanon on 3/15.
- Review and Discuss Financial Statement. Mike Kuehn/Treasurer breaks down the latest budget status.
- Goalkeeper helmet decals have been ordered for $40 per helmet, 20 purple bands have been purchased, and we are looking into getting the uniforms professionally washed at the end of the season and Coach Jim would like them washed at the beginning of the season as well. A new hand in procedure will be put into place this season.
- We need to start planning the budget for the spring break 2019 trip to Atlanta.
- We need to send out reminders to sign up your Kroger card and Amazon Smile to help raise money.
- We have a surplus in the budget so coaches and booster board need to think about how they would like to spend the money.
Coaches Corner – Coach Davis is in attendance.
- Current prospective roster stands at 39.
- Jim re-iterated the try out schedule starting on 2/19 and that practices will begin 2/22 from 6-8. Teams will be announced via blind email by noon on Thursday, February 22nd.
- Discussed the US vs OSU team bonding event.
- Velocity winter session is going well with 90% player participation. Special thanks to Keith Millard, Warren Wells and Trent Krugh for handling the sub boxes.
- The Ice-Breaker Play Day is an in season event and therefore is mandatory. If a player has a conflict, they are required to contact Coach Jim.
- There is a new strength trainer at Mason, Patrick O’Neal. The coaching staff will be working closely with him to develop a program specifically for the team. The coaching staff plans to use Patrick for the 2019 season, which will eliminate the need and expense of TeamBuildr and have a savings of $500.
- The Booster Board tab section on the website needs some updating.
- OHSAA Player/Parent/Team meeting is scheduled for 3/12 at 6:30 in the MHS auditorium.
- 2018 ESPY’s are Monday, May 14th.
- Ignition is going well and is down to the final essential session on 2/15. We will have a surplus earmarked for Ignition that can be credited back to specific players. The sessions were a success but some adjustments for next season have already been discussed.
Call to Close – There is a motion to close the meeting by Elaine Elko. Brian Hoffman seconds the motion. The meeting is adjourned at approximately 9:00 PM.