(Revised Spring 2015)
What is an online class at Paradise Valley Community College? An online class means all course requirements, everything to complete the class, must be available online (such as tests and content material). We use Canvas as our Learning Management System.
Online classes require extensive infrastructure support and special skills and training for faculty who develop these classes. PVCC has some staff support but you will be responsible for the development and teaching of your course. The "student help" area also has limited staff support.
BEFORE SUBMITTING your application, you MUST have COMPLETED “Preparing to Teach Online” and “Course Design” workshops given by Carolyn Miller, PVCC Instructional Designer that include training in Canvas. If you took the workshops starting Aug. 2012, you will not need to complete Canvas Basic and Advanced training because the workshops were offered in Canvas.
A faculty member who wishes to create an online class should be able to answer the following questions.
1. What is the student niche created or served by the course you will offer and what is the target audience for the course? Is your course a high FTSE course? Does it meet AGEC requirements or other certificate/degree requirements?
2. Do you have the skills and experience to use the Canvas LMS (learning management system) technology for course creation and facilitation? If not, how long will it take to gain those skills?
3. Do you understand the differences between the delivery of traditional face-to-face course content and the delivery of faculty facilitated online delivery including assessment?
4. Does your online course meet and exceed the standards of “Quality Matters” designed to support online course quality? The self scoring rubric is located at: The idea is to build in quality at the beginning. Our instructional design team can help you with this.
Process for Developing and Delivering An Online Class
After reading the "Considerations for Developing Online Classes," faculty interested in developing online classes should complete the following steps:
You must have completed “Preparing to Teach” and the “Course Design” workshops with Carolyn Miller before submitting a proposal. To see the workshop schedule, visit:
1. Residential Faculty member meets with Division Chair to review the possibility of developing an online class, specifically relating it to the division's goals and PVCC's focus and priorities, and considerations for developing an online class.
2. Adjunct Faculty may develop an online class if their division chair approves and he or she has a residentail faculty mentor who has either developed or taught a course in online or hybrid format at PVCC.
3. After consulting with the Chair, the faculty member meets with Online Area Coordinator to:
a. review "Considerations for Developing an Online Class,"
b. answer questions about developing online classes,
c. discuss expectations,
d. review responsibilities of online faculty for course development and maintenance,
e. review application process, and
f. create time lines
The Online Learning Coordinator (Jim Patterson) may suggest that the faculty member consult with PVCC’s Instructional Design team regarding technology/instructional resources needed to support a class in the choices@pvc program.
4. Faculty member completes the Request for Approval to Create an Online Course. The faculty member will meet with the online learning coordinator to finalize the request form.
5. After the request form has been finalized and signatures obtained, the faculty member will submit 10 copies to the online coordinator (Jim Patterson) for distribution to the Choices Coordinating Team. PLEASE do not ask me to make copies for you. Only the current form will be accepted.
6. Once the request has been submitted to the Online Learning Coordinator, the process will continue as follows:
a. The application will be reviewed by the Online Area Coordinator Jim Patterson and the Choices Coordinating Team (CCT.) Their comments will be noted on the proposal before the proposal is forwarded to the Vice President of Academic Affairs if not at the meeting.
b. The Vice President of Academic Affairs will review the request package with the Online Learning Coordinator. This review may be done at the Choices meeting. The Online Learning Coordinator may contact the faculty member for additional input.
c. The Vice President of Academic Affairs will notify the Online Learning Coordinator and the faculty member of his/her decision.
d. The Online Learning Coordinator will notify the Choices Coordinating Team of the Vice President of Academic Affairs decision if it differs from Choices recommendation.
7. If college funds are paid for development of the online course, the course must be archived for use by other faculty. Only one online version of the course may be supported by college funds. Compensation may be given up to the amount of the credit hour of the course. So for a three unit course, up to three hours of credit could be available for development (depending on availability of funds).
Online Instruction Basic Guidelines For Adjunct Faculty
· The instructor will need a PVCC email address and have daily internet access.
· The instructor will have a residential faculty, with online experience, as a teaching assistant in the course for at least the first semester.
Basic Guidelines for all New Faculty
· The instructor needs to be computer literate as related to online instruction.
· The instructor should have participated in all sessions of the current Learning Management System (LMS) training within the last year prior to teaching online.
· The instructor should have taught the course previously in any other format.
· The instructor should have previously web enhanced the course.
· The instructor must use the Quality Matters rubric at as a guide in developing the online course. We belong to Quality Matters and the website is
Guidelines for the Proposed Course
1. If your proposed course isn’t a high FTSE course, one that doesn’t meet a Gen. Ed. Requirement or certificate/degree requirement, traditionally has low enrollment or doesn’t have an enrollment history, the instructor still must go through this application process. If the class is approved for development and “makes,” the developer will be paid, if development money is available after the course starts.
2. If your proposed course has traditionally low enrollment, the division chair must provide the enrollment history on the application form.
3. If your proposed course meets a Gen. Ed. Requirement and is one of several offered in online format from your division, you might be asked not to develop this particular course unless your proposal clearly explains how it fits a unique need.
4. Your course must meet the QM Rubric, be “archivable,” and able to be put into the LMS for future use.
5. In order for your course to be offered, you must meet all of the development timelines.
6. Any available development funds are tied to your development timeline after meeting with Carolyn Miller. Funds are paid half in the beginning and half after development and QM review and revisions are completed.
Guidelines for a Previously Developed Course
1. If you have developed this proposed course elsewhere, own the intellectual property rights and the copyright, want to teach it at PVCC, and the courses meets the QM rubric, you must go through this application process and the course must be put into the current PVCC LMS.
2. If you have developed this proposed course elsewhere, own the intellectual property rights and the copyright, want to teach it at PVCC, and the course DOES NOT meet the QM rubric, you must revise the course using the QM rubric. You also must go through this application process and the course must be “archivable,” and be put into the LMS for future use. You will be given reduced development funds, if development money is available.
Online resources
“Preparing to Teach” and “Course Design” workshops at
Jim Patterson, Online Learning Coordinator and Business/I.T. Faculty 602-787-6749 or
Carolyn Miller, Instructional Design and Course Design Support 602-787-7787
Sam Fraulino, Instructional Technology and LMS (Learning Management Systems) 602-787-7786
Linda Lawson, Technology Training Coordinator, 602-787-7784
Sheri Bakunowski, Center for Distance Learning 602-787-6754
Your Timeline For Development
1. After approval to develop, meet with Carolyn Miller to review process and create development timeline. Meeting should happen by last day of spring semester, but no later than May 25.
2. After development with Carolyn, timeline must be submitted to Sheri Bakunowski, Mary Lou Mosley, and Carolyn Miller. Timeline must be submitted by June 5.
3. If development funds are available, an online assignment for half of the total will be prepared in June to cover the time period until June 30.
4. Course to be offeredFallsemester must be completed and submitted to Carolyn Miller beforeJuly 31for QM review. Course to be offeredSpring semester must be completed and submitted to Carolyn Miller byOctober 1for QM review.
5. Courses that do not meet these timelines may be delayed for a semester or longer until they are complete.
6. Upon successful completion of course development, QM review, and edits, if development funds have been approved, Carolyn Miller will submit the request for the final half of the development funds.
7. After the first semester the course is taught, the faculty must contact Sam Fraulino to archive the course once edits are completed.
Request for Approval to Create a 100% Online Course
(Form Revised Spring 2015)
Faculty member(s):
Faculty Email(s):
Department /Division:
Course number and title:
Credit Hours:
Proposed start date of course development:
Proposed start date of course delivery:
If Adjunct, name of Fulltime Faculty Partner:
*Course Approval by Division Chair Signature/Date: ______
1. Please list the dates when you completed these workshops with Carolyn Miller; list the Canvas dates if you completed the other workshops before Aug. 2012 and Blackboard was the LMS:
a. “Preparing to Teach”______
b. “Course Design” ______
c. Canvas Basics ______
d. Canvas Advanced______
(Carolyn Miller/Date)
2. Why do you want to offer this course online? What is the target audience?
3. How will this course enhance or add to the online choices for students? How will it help them complete a certificate or degree?
4. What evidence or data do you have that there is a need for this online course and that students will take it?
5. How does this course address the college strategic planning goals and planning priorities in addition to 1.4 Alternative Delivery?
6. Describe any additional support you will need while developing this course. Who will provide this support?
7. Other special information or considerations?
8. If I am compensated for development of the online materials, I agree the material will be archived and owned by PVCC
(your signature and date)
2 / Is the proposed course a General Education class? / If YES – list which one / NO
3 / Does the proposed course meet a degree or certificate requirement? / If YES – list which one / NO
4 / Have you taught the proposed course face-to-face?
If you have you taught the proposed course face-to-face, indicate your status at the time: T.A., Adjunct or Full time Faculty Member / YES – When & Where, Status / NO
5 / Have you taught the proposed course in a distance format?
If yes, indicate which format: Hybrid, Flex, GIL, or Online / YES – When & Where, Format / NO
6 / Has the proposed course already been developed online or hybrid at PVCC?
If yes, development money won’t be paid. / YES – which format? / NO
7 / Have you ever developed hybrid or online courses at PVCC?
If yes, indicate which format(s):
Hybrid or Online / YES – list which one(s) & when / NO
8 / Have you ever taught hybrid or online courses at PVCC?
If yes, indicate which format(s):
Hybrid or Online / YES – list which one(s) & when / NO
Technology/Instructional Resources to Support an Online Class in the choices @ PVC Program
1. Explain if you will be developing all of your own course materials, or using textbook web resources, OER (Open Educational Resources), an online course site, or other?
2. Describe any technology tools that will be used to deliver the course and communicate with the students that are not part of Canvas.
3. What additional software (and version,) if any, will students be required to use?
4. Are there components of the course that students must have to meet course requirements such as a camera, scanner, Skype, etc?
1 Spring 2015