HL7 Government Projects SIG
May 2005 Working Group Meeting
Noordwijkerhout, the Netherlands
Tuesday, May 3, 2005
1345 – 1700, Q3-4
/ Presenter / Topic13:45 – 13:55 pm / Steve Wagner, Co-Chair / Introductions, review of Meeting Minutes
13:55 – 14:00 / John Quinn, HL7 / Co-Chair Elections
14:00 – 14:30 / Nancy Orvis, U.S. Military Health System
Bernd Blobel, HL7 Germany representative / Status on European-United States coalition activities on EHRs between national civilian and military EHR standards;
German efforts/priorities on EHR Standards
14:30-1445 / Mike Davis, Security TC, / Status of Role-Based Access Control, Security Standards and Gov’t efforts
1445-1500 / Jennifer Puyenbroek / HL7 NLM Contract Announcements
1500-1530 / Afternoon Break
1530-1700 / Q4 / Draft list of action items and agenda for September, 2005 meeting
HL7 Government Projects SIG
May 2005 Working Group Meeting
Noordwijkerhout, the Netherlands
Tuesday, May 3, 2005
1345 – 1700, Q3-4
Qtr 3 – Joint with Security TC
Attendance List
Nancy Orvis DoD Military Health
Glen Marshall
Bernd BlobelFhG, HL7
Ted KleinKCI/
Tuesday, May 03, 2005
Quarter 3
Co-Chair Elections were held by John Quinn, HL7. Nancy Orvis of the U.S. Department of Defense (Health Affairs) was elected as co-chair of the Government Projects SIG to Replace Marco Johnson at the beginning of the session.
Those present introduced themselves.
Status on European-United States coalition activities on EHRs between national civilian and military EHR standardsGerman Efforts/Priorities on EHR Standards – Bernd Blobel gave a presentation. Many similarities were noted between the German/European efforts and those in the US.
Future Actions: Possible status update and showing of the German Health Card (Gesundheitkart) at the September HL7 meeting.
Role Based Access Control update: -Mike Davis gave an update on the RBAC effort that VHA, DoD, HIS and others are participating in. Some of the target dates related to the RBAC effort are:
May 2005 – Public discussion draft ready on Permission catalog
August 2005 – public comment on ballot ready for September 2005 meeting
Jan 2006 – DSTU ballot planned for release
The task force is finalizing the Workflow Roadmap V1/12 (licensed health care providers and clinical bedside steps). They are:
- Adding definitions for licensed healthcare ancillary provider steps
- Identified 49 specific healthcare licenses
- Beginning to produce Roadmap V2.0 will include non-licensed healthcare personnel steps (Sep 2005)
- Defining healthcare permissions and objects and may suggest enhancements to HL7 models
Permission definitions will be worked through MnM by HL7 Security TC
Regular audio conference calls will be held: participants to be invited via HL7 Security TC listserve.
Ted Klein asked a vocabulary related question concerning the relation of ASTM 1986 provider listing and HIPAA provider taxonomy. Mike Davis indicated that there is a mapping between the two and that ASTM used the HIPAA taxonomy as a discussion starter.
Action: DoD – get Oracle RITPO representative from Charlie Meade.
Quarter 4 – no meeting held.