Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on Thursday 1stDecember 2016 in Fernhurst Village Hall

The Chairman opened proceedings by welcoming members to the 2016 AGM.

1.Apologies for absence received from: Ian & Judy Goodall; Wendy Manser; Angela & Gerry Parrott and Annie Barnsdale.

2. Adoption of the Minutes of the AGM held on 3rd December 2015: The minutes, having been circulated with the notice of the AGM, were taken as read. The Chairman asked that the minutes be adopted, proposed by Frances Carver and seconded by Angela Cottam and this was passed unanimously.

3. Chairman’s Report: Lesley Buckley had circulated copies of her report prior to and at the AGM and invited questions from the floor about the content:there were no questions. The report forms part of these minutes.

4. Election of Officers: Lesley Buckley said that Anne Tonkin, the President, will stand for one more year.Gill Taylor will then become president.

Lesley Buckley, the Chairman and Bob Pennington,the Secretary, were standing down and Louise Buchanan and Hilary Hayward would take over from them. Louise was proposed by Anne Tonkin and seconded by Gill Kellett; Hilary proposed by Louise Buchanan and seconded by Lesley Buckley and approved unanimously.

5. Committee Elections:

Angela Cottam; Frances Carver and Hilary Adair were standing down from the committee and the following were proposed:

Christine Smalley proposed by Louise Buchanan and seconded by John Buchanan; Penny Sydenham proposed by Louise Buchanan and seconded by Rosemary Walker; Fiona Davies proposed by Noel Tonkin and seconded by Penny Sydenham. All were agreed unanimously.

6. Treasurer’s Report: Noel Tonkin distributed copies of the annual accounts and balance sheet. He said that the Society had made a small profit of £182 after taking account of the purchase of a new Marquee and adonationof £100 to Bloodwise, Judith Turner’s chosen charity. The stall at the Revels cleared £600and Noel proposed a donation of £100 to the Fernhurst Lunch Club and £80 to Cystic Fibrosis, the retiring Chairman’s chosen charity.

In conclusion he proposed that the accounts be adopted, the motion wasseconded by Gill Taylorand approved unanimously.

7. Election of Auditor: Noel Tonkin said thatImke Sanderson was willing to review the accounts once more. This was proposed by Noel, seconded by John Sweet and unanimously approved.

8. Any Other Business:

Anne Tonkin made a presentation to Lesley Buckley to thank her for three years of Chairmanship.

Hilary Hayward talked about the Asian Hornet which had arrived in the UK from China and eats all pollinating insects. A simple plastic water trap could be baited with protein and put in gardens to trap the hornets before they produced huge quantities of offspring.

The Chairman informed everyone that the next AGM would take place on Thursday 7th December 2017.

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 19.58 pm.

There then followed a talk on Winter Wonderlandby John Negus.