List of Puppets and Suggested Stories

All available at ARTS Center

Puppet / Story / Author / Gr
Alligator / A Frog in the bog / Wilson, Karma / 3-5
Armadillo / Armadillo Ray / Beifuss, John / 3-3
Armadillo / Armadillo rodeo / Brett, Jan / 3-5
Armadillo / Armadillo Tattletale / Ketteman, Helen / 3-5
Bat / Bats at the Library / Lies, Brian / 3-5
Bear / Bear Snores On / Wilson, Karma / K-2
Bear / Time to Sleep / Fleming, Denise / K-2
Bear / Don't Wake up the Bear / Murray, Marjorie Dennis / K-2
Beaver / Turtle’s race with Beaver / Bruchac, Joseph / 3-5
Beaver / Little Beaver and the Echo / MacDonald, Amy / K-2
Cat / Hip Cat / London, Jonathan / 3-5
Cat / Meow: cat stories from around the world / Yolen, Jan / 3-5
Cat / Bad Kitty / Bruel, Nick / K-2
Cat / Cookie's Week / Ward, Cindy / K-2
Cat / Three samurai cats: a story from Japan / Kimmel, Eric A. / 3-5
Chameleon / The Mixed Up Chameleon / Carle, Eric / K-2
Cow / Prancing, dancing Lily / Arnold, Marsha Diane / 3-5
Cow / Click, clack moo, cows that type / Cronin, Doreen / K-2
Cow / How to Speak Moo! / Fajerman, Deborah / K-2
Coyote/wolf / Coyote: a trickster tale from the Am Southwest / McDermott, Gerald / 3-5
Coyote/wolf / Borreguita and the coyote: a tale from Mexico / Aardema, Verna / 3-5
Coyote/wolf / Coyote and the sky: sun, moon, and stars began / Garcia, Emmett Shkeme / 3-5
Coyote/wolf / Yo, Hungry wolf!: a nursery rap / Vozar, David / 3-5
Coyote/wolf / The Three pigs / various / K-2
Coyote/wolf / The girl who loved coyotes: Stories of the southwest / Bryer, Diana, ill. / 3-5
Crocodile / The elephant's child / Kipling, Rudyard / K-2
Dog / Oh Where, Oh Where has my little dog gone? / Trapani, Iza / K-2
Dog / Pedro, his perro, and the alphabet sombrero / Reed, Lynn Rowe / 3-5
Dog / Please, Puppy, Please! / Lee, Spike / K-2
Dog / Good boy, Fergus / Shannon, David / K-2
Donkey / The Bremen town musicians / Gross, Ruth Belov / 3-5
Donkey / Buster Mesquite's cowboy band / Hillerman, Tony / 3-5
Dragon / Puff the Magic Dragon / Yarrow, Peter / K-2
Dragon / Behold the Dragons! / Gibbons, Gail / 3-5
Dragon / Dragon Dancing / Schaefer, Carole Lexa / K-2
Eagle / The eagle's song: a tale from the Pacific Northwest / Rodanas, Kristina / 3-5
Eagle / The girl who loved coyotes: Stories of the southwest / Bryer, Diana, ill. / 3-5
Eagle / Brother eagle, sister sky: from Chief Seattle / Jeffers, Susan, Ill. / 3-5
Elephant / The elephant's child / Kipling, Rudyard / K-2
Frog / The frog who wanted to be a singer / Goss, Linda / 3-5
Frog / Jump, Frog, Jump / Kalan, Robert / K-2
Frog / A Frog in the bog / Wilson, Karma / 3-5
Frog / Down by the Cool of the Pool / Mitton, tony / K-2
Goat / Clay boy / Ginsburg, Mirra / 3-5
Goat / Three Billy Goats Gruff / various / K-2
Goat / The goat in the rug / Blood, Charles / 3-5
Horse / Tenggren's golden tales from the Arabian nights / Soifer and Shapiro / 3-5
Lion / The Lion and the Mouse / Aesop / K-2
Monkey / Hush!: a Thai lullaby / Ho, Minfong / 3-5
Monkey / Caps for Sale / Slobodkina, Esphyr / K-2
Monkey / Tiger soup: an Anansi story from Jamaica / Temple, Francis / 3-5
Mouse / The Lion and the Mouse / Aesop / K-2
Mouse / Mouse Paint / Walsh, Ellen Stoll / K-2
Mouse / Town Mouse, Country Mouse / Brett, Jan / K-2
Old man/woman / Clay boy / Ginsburg, Mirra / 3-5
Owl / Owl Moon / Yolen, Jane / 3-5
Owl / Owls / Markel, Sandra / 3-5
Penguin / Antarctic antics: a book of penguin poems / Sierra, Judy / 3-5
Pig / When Pigasso met Mootisse / Laden, Nina / 3-5
Pig / Yo, Hungry wolf!: a nursery rap / Vozar, David / 3-5
Pig / The Three pigs / various / K-2
Porcupine / Oh my darling, porcupine: silly sing-along songs / Lansky, Bruce / K-2
Rabbit / Don't Wake up the Bear / Murray, Marjorie Dennis / K-2
Rabbit / How Jackrabbit Got his Very Long Ears / Irbinskas, Heather / 3-5
Rabbit / Zomo the Rabbit / McDermott, Gerald / 3-5
Rabbit / Coyote and the sky: sun, moon, and stars began / Garcia, Emmett Shkeme / 3-5
Raccoon / Who took the cookies from the cookie jar? / Lass and Sturgess / K-2
Rat / Three samurai cats: a story from Japan / Kimmel, Eric A. / 3-5
Raven / Bear Snores On / Wilson, Karma / K-2
Raven / Clem, the Story of a Raven / Dewey, Jennifer / 3-5
Raven / Raven : a trickster tale from the Pacific Northwest / McDermott, Gerald / 3-5
Sheep / Borreguita and the coyote: a tale from Mexico / Aardema, Verna / 3-5
Sheep / Pete, the Sheep Sheep / French, Jackie / K-2
Sheep / Mary Had a Little Lamb / Trapani, Iza / K-2
Sheep / Sheep in a Jeep / Apple, Margot / K-2
Squirrel / Coyote and the sky: how sun, moon, and stars began / Garcia, Emmett Shkeme / 3-5
Squirrel / Nuts to You / Ehlert, Lois / K-2
Turkey / The Turkey Ball / Steinberg, David / K-2
Turkey / Albuquerque turkey / Ford, B.G. / K-2
Turkey / 'Twas the night before Thanksgiving / Pilkey, Dav / K-2
Turtle / Old Turtle / Wood, Douglas / K-2
Turtle / Turtle’s race with Beaver / Bruchac, Joseph / 3-5
Turtle / Coyote & little turtle / Talashoema, Hershel / 3-5
Turtle / Yertle the Turtle / Seuss, Dr. / K-2
Turtle / Jabuti': A Trickster Tale From the Amazon / McDermott, Gerald / 3-5

Suggestions for using puppets with stories:

Narrator animates puppet/s and someone else turns pages

Narrator just reads while others handle puppets, pantomiming story.


Easy puppet stage: tilt a table onto its side, drape a sheet, or construct stage from PVC and cloth.

NO Puppet stage: Actors interact with the puppet, but puppeteers are in plain sight. They “fade” into the

background as audience is allowed "suspension of disbelief."