Viewing Service Plan(s)
Once you have opened a Service Plan from the Service plans Inbox or the Search service plans screen, the Service plandetail screen related to that client displays. This help document explains the information in the Service plan detail screen and the actions that can be performed on a Service Plan.
The Service plan detail screen displays:
The below table provides a summary of the three main sections of this client’s Service plan detail screen:
Item / DescriptionClient details /
The Client details section displays the client’s personal particulars against a blue background. e.g. full name and salutation, DVA file number, DOB, age, address and telephone number.
Users can click the Notify of change link to launch a form to capture changes to the client’s circumstances. The form can be completed and then printed so that it can be faxed to the VHC Assessment Agency.
For more information, see Notifying the VHC Assessment Agency of a change of circumstances.
Notifications /
The Notifications section shows a list of Notifications of change that have been saved to the portal. These notifications can be viewed and printed from the Notifications section. The form can then be faxed to the relevant VHC Assessment Agency to advise them of the changes to the client’s circumstances.
For more information, see Viewing an existing Notify of change form and Printing an existing Notify of change form.
Service plans / The section displays the client’s Service Plan(s).
Yellow Service Plan background.
There are three colours designated to visually represent the status of a Service Plan:
The yellow background denotes that the Service Plan has not yet been actioned. Service Plans yet to be actioned are displayed at the top of the screen and in descending order by most recent.
The statuses for unactioned plans are:
- New
This could be a new Service Plan for an existing client or a new client. - Modified
This is a modified version of an existing plan. - Deleted
The VHC Assessment Agency has deleted the Service Plan. Once you have actioned a Service Plan with this status it will be removed from the portal. Before actioning the Service Plan ensure you have checked whether you have delivered any of the services related to this Service Plan.
The blue background denotes the Service Plan has been actioned and is currently Active.
Grey Service Plan background.
The grey background denotes the Service Plan is Inactive.
Service Plan actions
Depending on the status of the Service Plan, the user can perform the following functions from the Service plans detail screen:
- Complete, view and print a Notify of change form that can be faxed to the relevant VHCAssessment Agency to advise them of the changes to the client’s circumstances.
- Mark a Service Plan with a Status of New, Modified or Deleted as ‘Actioned’.
- View all plan periods for each Service Plan.
- Open or generate a PDF version of the Service Plan.
- Record a claim against a Service Plan.
- Upload a tax invoice.
- Record returned hours for periods where the service was not delivered.
These actions are covered on the following pages.
Notifying the VHC Assessment Agency of a change of circumstances
The Notify of change link is used to display a Notify of change form in a popup window. This enables the VHC Service Provider to notify the VHC Assessment Agency of changes to the client’s circumstances. The completed form can be saved and printed, then faxed to the relevant VHCAssessment Agency to advise them of the changes to the client’s circumstances.
Creating a Notify of change form
To create the Notify of change form:
- From the Client details section of the Service plans detail screen:
Client details section of the Service plans detail screen:
- Click the Notify of change link.
The Notify of change form popup window displays:
- If the request is urgent, in the Is the change urgent? field, select the Yes radio button. If the request is not urgent, leave the default No radio button as selected.
- In the Select services affected field, select the checkbox(es) to the left of the affected services.
- If necessary change the last service provided date.
/ The name of the VHC Assessment Agency associated with the client’s active Service Plan(s) is pre-populated in the Notify field.
- In the Contact (Assessment Agency) field, type the name of the contact within the VHC Assessment Agency responsible for actioning the change.
- The Phone (Assessment Agency) field will default to the phone number stored for the VHC Assessment Agency. Users can overtype the field to enter an alternate VHCAssessment Agency contact telephone number for this request.
- The Fax (Assessment Agency) field will default to the fax number stored for the VHCAssessment Agency. Overtype the field to enter an alternate VHC Assessment Agency fax number for this request.
- From the From: dropdown list, select the name of the VHC Service Provider submitting the notification on behalf of the client.
/ The dropdown list will be populated with the VHC Service Provider names to which the user has access, and that are associated to the services the client has in any active, new or modified Service Plan(s).
- In the Contact (for Organisation/service provider) field, enter the name of the contact person from the VHC Service Provider.
- In the Phone (for Organisation/service provider) field, enter an appropriate telephone number for the contact from the VHC Service Provider.
- In the Fax (for Organisation/service provider) field, enter an appropriate fax number for the contact from the VHC Service Provider.
- From the Reason dropdown list, select the reasonfor the notification of the client’s change of circumstances (e.g. the services are no longer required, the client is on holidays, the client is staying with family).
- From the Action required: dropdown list, select the action required by the VHCAssessment Agency (e.g. cancel the plan(s), put services on hold, call client for review of services).
- In the Hold services from and To fields, enter the dates the services will be affected.
/ This field will only be visible when Put services(s) on hold has been selected from the Action required field.
- The user can enter optional comments (up to 1000 characters) about the notification of the change to the client’s circumstance in the Comments field.
- Click the Save and print button to create the Notify of change form. The system automatically generates the printable version of the Notify of change form (see below).
Click the Cancel link to close the Notify of change popup without saving any change of circumstance information entered for the client.
Printable Notify of change form
- Click the Print button to print the Notify of change form (or click the Cancel link to close the Notify of change popup to return to the Service plans detail screen).
The user’s operating system will then display a print dialog box that can be used to print the form.
/ Each user will have their own printing configuration.Printing an existing Notify of change form
Once a Notify of change formhas been submitted within the portal, it can be launched and printed from the Notifications section of the Service plans detail screenand then faxed to the relevant VHC Assessment Agency to advise of the client’s change of circumstance.
/ Due to security requirements, the Notify of change form must be printed and faxed (not emailed) to the VHC Assessment Agency.To print the submitted Notify of change information:
- From the Notifications section of the Service plans detail screen, click the Print form link associated with the relevant Notify of change record.
The user’s operating system will then display a print dialog box that can be used to print the form.
/ Each user will have their own printing configuration.Viewing an existing Notify of change form
Once a Notify of change formhas been submitted within the portal, it can be viewed from the Notifications section of the Service Plan Detail screen.
To view a submitted Notify of change form:
- From Notifications section of the Service plans detail screen, click the View details link associated with the relevant Notify of change record.
Mark service plan as Actioned
When viewing a Service Plan, if the status of the Service Plan is new, modified or deleted, it displays with a yellow background. New and modified Service Plans appear in the Service plans Inbox.
Once the appropriate services have been rostered, these Service Plans should be marked as ‘Actioned’.
/ Only users with the Portal Manager or Service Plans Officer roles can mark a service plan as ‘Actioned’. Users with the Claims Officer and Read Only roles have ‘View Only’ access to Service Plans./ Marking a Service Plan as ‘Actioned’ from the Service Plans detail screen does not fulfil the delivery of services to a client.
A Service Plan can be marked as Actioned when it has the status of:
- New
This could be a new Service Plan for an existing client or a new client. - Modified
This is a modified version of an existing Service Plan. - Deleted
The VHC Assessment Agency has deleted the Service Plan.
The status of the Service Plan changes to Active and it will no longer appear in the Inbox. It can, however, be located via the search facility.
To mark a Service Plan as actioned from the Service plans detail screen:
- Click the Mark as Actioned link associated with the relevant Service Plan.
/ If a VHC Assessment Agency has deleted a Service Plan the VHC Service Provider will receive notification through the portal that the Service Plan has a ‘Deleted’ status. Marking it as ‘Actioned’ will remove the entire service plan from the VHC Provider Portal. Ensure any administrative tasks and communications with all necessary parties have been completed.
When the user marks the Service Plan(s) as ‘Actioned’:
- the actioned date is the system date
- the name of the user who marked it as actioned is recorded.
View all plan periods
Users can view all the periods related to a Service Plan. This enables the user to see which periods:
- have claims entered against them
- have returned/re-credited hours
- are active
To view the Showing all plan periods screen:
- From Service details area within the Service plans detail screen:
Service details area
- Click the View all periods link.
The Showing all plan periods popup displays.
The table below provides a summary of the Showing all plan periods detail screen:
Item / DescriptionPlan details / The Service Plan details are displayed against a blue background and display:
- Plan number
- Start and end date and
- Service type e.g. Domestic assistance
Period start / The start date of the period.
Hours / The hours specified on the Service Plan to be delivered in this period.
The minimum duration is 15 minutes. This will display as 0.25.
Claimed / The number of hours that have been claimed by the VHC Service Provider.
Returned /
Re-credited / The number of hours returned/re-credited to the VHC Assessment Agency.
Remaining / The number of hours remaining that the VHC Service Provider can claim against.
Copayment / Copayments are a financial contribution the client contributes toward the cost of providing the services.
Status / The status of the hours. The statuses for plan periods are:
- Active
- Re-credited
- Returned
Reason / The reason why the hours have been returned to the VHC Assessment Agency by the VHC Service Provider.
- Click Close to close the Showing all plan periods popup.
Opening a PDF version
The PDF version of the Service Plan can be opened from within the Service Plan Detail screen.
From within the Service plans detail screen:
- Click the Open PDF link associated with the service plan.
- The PDF version of the Service Plan will be launched in a new window.
/ Users can save the PDF file to any drive they have available to them in their organisation.
Recording returned hours
If a service was not delivered for a certain period, the hours that were allocated for that period will be automatically returned to the relevant VHC Assessment Agency sixty (60) days after they were due to be delivered.
Users can proactively record returned hours to the VHC Assessment Agency before the end of the sixty (60) days if they know they will not be delivering the service during that period.
From within the Service plans detail screen:
- Click the Record returned hours link associated with the service plan.
The Returned hours screen displays:
- Select each relevant Period start by clicking the associated checkbox.
- Record the reason in the Reason dropdown menu (e.g. Services no longer required, Client staying with family, No workers available)
/ If Other is selected as the Reason for Returned hours, the reason must be entered.
- Click Submit to advise the VHC Assessment Agency of the returned hours, or Click Cancel to clear the data and return to the Service Plan Detail screen.
Record claim against a Service Plan
Refer to the Claim items screen Help.
Upload tax invoice
Refer to the Claim items screen Help.
System messages
/ If a system error occurs that is not covered by a specific business rule, the following message will display:An error occurred while performing this action. Please try again. If this problem persists please contact the DVA VHC team on 1300 550 466 (Option 1) or .