"Continuing Labor’s Fight for Healthcare Justice:

The 2012 Elections and Beyond"?


Mark Dudzic: National Coordinator for the Labor Campaign for Single Payer Healthcare and Steering Committee member of Healthcare Now!

Ed Kinchley: Chief Steward, San Francisco General Hospital, Service Employees International Union 1021. SEIU 1021 has recently started a single payer union committee.

Pilar Schiavo: Californians for a Healthy California

Tuesday 6:30pm

April 10

518 Valencia

San Francisco

1 block from 16th St BART

Sponsored by Single Payer Now

For more information, call 415-695-7891 or email


Healthcare Yes! Insurance Companies No!

Let’s Take Healthcare off the Bargaining Table

Support SB 810 & HR 676

labor donated

posted March 30, 2012