Proposed code changes to 8th edition 780 CMR Appendix 115AA.
shown as amendments to the International Energy Conservation Code 2012(IECC 2012)
R401.1 Scope. Insert as follows:
This chapter applies to residential buildings.up to 5 stories, where each residential unit is primarily independently heated and cooled, and for which a RESNET(Residential Energy Services Network) certified Home Energy Rating Score (HERS) index may be calculated.
R401.2 Compliance. Modify as follows:
Projects shall comply with Sections identified as “mandatory” in the IECC2012 Chapter 4 [RE], including the modifications below:and with either sections identifiedas “prescriptive” or the performance approach in SectionR405.
R401.3Add a last sentence as follows:
The certificate shall list the HERS index rating of the dwelling or dwelling unit.
R401.4 to 401.7Add sections as follows:
R401.4New construction (Mandatory)
New residential buildings, shall document energy code compliance through one of three compliance pathways: R401.4.1 (HERS performance path) or R401.4.2 (Energy Star 3.1 path) or R401.4.3 (Passive House Planning Package)
R401.4.1 New construction (HERS performance path).
New residential buildings including townhouses, and multi-family units in buildings up to 5 stories in height, shall require a HERS (Home Energy Rating System) index rating as verified by a RESNET (Residential Energy Services Network) certified HERS rater.The HERS rater verified index shall meet the following criteria prior to any credit for renewable energy systems:
- For units equal to or greater than 3,000 sq ft in conditioned floor space, a HERS rating of 55 or less is required.
- For units less than 3,000 sq ft, in buildings with no more than 4 units, a HERS rating of 60 or less is required.
- For units less than 3,000 sq ft, in multi-family buildings with 5 or more units, a HERS rating of 65 or less is required.
Exception: Units less than 1,000 sq ft with no kitchen are exempt from HERS rating requirements and must comply with the prescriptive or performance paths and all mandatory requirements of the IECC2012 residential chapter 4.
R401.4.1.1 Mechanical ventilation.All units shall include mechanical ventilation in accordance with IMC 2009, chapter 4 and MA base amendments to IECC2012.
R401.4.1.2 Checklist.All units shall comply with all relevant portions of the Energy Star Qualified Homes Thermal Enclosure Checklist, which shall be a signed by the HERS rater and the builder and submitted to the building official.
Exception: In section 2.2 of the Checklist,Grade I or Grade II insulation installation is permitted.
R401.4.2New construction (Energy Star path)
New buildings or additions to an existing building, building system or portion thereof shall be certified to conform to the requirements of Energy Star Qualified Homes Version 3.1 for IECC climate zone 5.
R401.4.3New Construction (Passive House Planning Package)
Energy performance may be demonstrated with approved Passive House software: Passive House Planning Package (PHPP). Where the Specific Space Heat Demand as modeled in Passive House Planning Package (PHPP) by a Certified Passive House Consultant is less than or equal to 12 KBtu/sq ft/year.
R401.4.3.1 Documentation
For Passive House Planning Package (PHPP) verified compliance, a description of compliance features, and a statement that the estimated Specific Space Heat Demand and Specific Space Cooling Demand is “based on plans” will be required for issuance of a building permit. A copy of the final PHPP report indicating the finished building achieves a Certified Passive House Consultant-verified Specific Space Heat Demand, and Specific Space Cooling Demand of less than or equal to 12 KBtus/sq ft/year shall be submitted to the building official before the certificate of occupancy is issued.
R401.5 Prescriptive option for alterations, renovations or repairs.
Alterations, renovations or repairs that involve accessing the building envelope shall require the affected portion of the envelope to comply with 401.2. Envelope insulation shall meet or exceed IECC 2012 requirements (Chapter 4 [RE], Section R402) for climate zone 5, or fully fill existing cavities with insulating material which meets or exceeds an R value of R 3.5/inch.
New and replacement windows, skylights and doors shall meet or exceed the requirements of the most recent Energy Star standards.
New heating and cooling systems with new ducts shall be tested and meet or exceed the performance requirements ofIECC2012.
R401.6 Performance option for residential additions.
The new construction requirements of R401.4 may be followed in lieu of the prescriptive requirements of R401.5
R401.7 Performance option for alternations, renovations or repairs.
In all cases of alternations, renovations or repairs section R401.4 may be followed in lieuof the prescriptive requirements of R401.5. If section R401.4.1 is followed, the following HERS rating requirements apply:
- For units equal to or greater than 3,000 sq ft in conditioned floor space, a HERS rating of 70 or less is required.
- For units less than 3,000 sq ft, a HERS rating of 75 or less is required.
- Compliance with all relevant portions of the Energy Star Qualified Homes Thermal Enclosure Checklist.
•Exception: In section 2.2, RESNET Grade II insulation installation is permitted.
- All units will include mechanical ventilation in accordance with IMC 2009, chapter 4.
R403.1.3 Add subsection as follows:
R403.1.3 Sealed combustion (Mandatory).
All new or replacement mechanical systems used for heating shall be sealed combustion units.
R403.2 Replace the title “Ducts” with “Ducts (Mandatory)”.
R403.2.1 Replace the title “Insulation (Prescriptive)” with “Insulation (Mandatory)”. .
R405 Delete