What’s a portion? – Teachers’ notes
In this activity, pupils have to accurately show how much of a given fruit or vegetable counts as a 5 A DAY portion. If they can correctly show a portion of fresh, dried and juiced 5 A DAY, they win a prize. Firstly, pupils are shown a selection of fruit and vegetables, e.g. a bunch of grapes, and are asked to show how much they would consider to be a portion. The portion is weighed to see how it compares to an actual portion (for an adult). If the pupils’ portion weighs 80g, they can go on to the next stage where they choose what they consider to be a portion of dried fruit. If the portion weighs 30g they can go on to the final stage where the task is done again with fruit juice. If the pupils’ portion measures 150ml they are awarded a prize at the celebration assembly, e.g. a plastic fruit bowl.
- weighing scales;
- measuring jug;
- 4 x paper bowls;
- 2 x jugs;
- a spoon;
- a big bunch of grapes;
- a bag of raisins;
- a carton of 100% orange juice.
- Divide your stall (table) into three sections to reflect each stage of the activity.
- Put the equipment you will need for stage one in section one. This will include; a bowl of grapes, a bowl for pupils to put their portions in and weighing scales.
- Put the equipment you will need for stage two in section two. This will include; a bowl of raisins, a spoon, a bowl for pupils to put their portions in and weighing scales.
- If you only have one set of weighing scales you could put them in between sections one and two.
- Put the equipment you will need for stage three in section three. This will include; a jug of orange juice, a jug for pupils to measure their portion and a measuring jug.
- To start the activity, ask a pupil to put an adult portion of grapes into the empty bowl.
- Weigh their portion using the weighing scales and if it is 80g they can go onto stage two. If there portion is not 80g, they cannot continue on to the next stages. (Invite another pupil to start the activity.)
- For stage two, ask the pupil to spoon an adult portion of raisinsinto the empty bowl.
- Weigh their portion using the weighing scales and if it is 30g, they can go on to stage three. (If it is not, invite another pupil to start the activity.).
- For stage three, ask the pupil to pour a portion of orange juice into the empty jug.
- Pour their portion into the measuring jug and if it is 150ml they have won. They can be awarded a certificate and a fruit and vegetable themed prize at the celebration assembly.
Ways to adapt this activity
- Use different fresh fruit e.g. cherry tomatoes, cucumber sticks.
- Use other dried fruits e.g. dates, apricots, sultanas.
- Use any other 100% fruit juice.
What’s a portion?
- There are 3 stages to this game.
- In stage 1, you will be asked to weigh out what you consider to be an adult portion of fresh fruit.
- If your portion weighs the equivalent of an adult portion, you can go on to stage two.
- In stage 2, you will repeat stage one using dried fruit.
- If your portion of dried fruit weighs the equivalent of an adult’s portion of dried fruit, then you will go on to stage three.
- In stage 3, you repeat the same task with fruit juice.
- If the portion you measure out is the equivalent of an adult’s portion of fruit juice, you win a prize at the celebration assembly!