Submitted by: Chinese Taipei
Seminar on Language Standards and Their AssessmentTaipei, Chinese Taipei
3-5 December 2007
Seminar on Standards for English
and Other Foreign Languages
in APEC Economies
Venue[unless otherwise noted]: MingChuanUniversity, Taipei Campus Sun Yat Sen Auditorium
Monday, December 3, 2007
18.00-20.00 Welcome Dinner [Ambassador Hotel 2F, Union Rooms 1-2-3]
Ministry of Education Director General of BICER
Dr. Chin-sheng Chang
MingChuanUniversity President, Dr. Chuan Lee
Tuesday, December 4
08.30-08.45Opening Ceremony
Deputy Minister of Education, Dr. Mu-lin Lu
MingChuanUniversity President, Dr. Chuan Lee
08.45-09.45 Research Presentation 1
The Common European Framework of Reference: a Developing Standard
Dr. Gary Buck, USA
09.45-10.45Research Presentation 2
One Ruler, Many Tests: A Primer on Test Equating
Dr. Mark Moulton, USA
10.45-11.00 Coffee/Tea Break
11.00-12.15Case Studies 1: Learning Standards in Practice
New Zealand: Dr. Rosanne Parsons
New Zealand’s Story: The Three-Step Approach to Setting Standards for Languages
Thailand: Dr. Arunee Wiriyachitra
English Learning Standards for ThaiUniversity Students: From Policy to Practice
Korea: Dr. Sunhee Choi
Standards for Language Teachers in Korea
12.15-12.30 MCU Language Labs 1 [E703]
12.30-13.30Lunch [MingChuanUniversity Food Service, 3F]
13.30-18.00Field Trip: Pedagogical Support for all Learners
[Wu-LingSenior High School]
Wednesday, December 5
08.30-09.30 Research Presentation 3
Standards in the Context of Teacher Accreditation
Dr. David Ingram, Australia
09.30-10.30Research Presentation 4
What Knowledge and Skills do Teachers of English in Hong Kong Need? Some Conceptual and Practical Issues in English Teacher Benchmark Assessment
Dr. Angel Lin, Hong Kong-China
10.30-10.45 Coffee/Tea Break
10.45-12.30 Case Studies 2: Teachers’ Accreditation in Practice
Indonesia: Ms. Asri Widiapsari
Let’s Do It Together: A Pilot Project of English Teacher Empowerment through e-Learning in Malang
Viet Nam: Mr. Nguyen Duc Toan
English and other language learning and teaching in Vietnam: status and the way forward
Thailand: Dr. Jirada Wudthayagorn
Development of the English Standardized Test for Thai Teachers
Chinese Taipei: Dr. Byron Gong
A Critical Study of Evaluation Standards for
English Programs at SoochowUniversity
12.30-13.45Lunch [MingChuanUniversity Food Service, 3F]
13.45-14.00 MCU Language Labs 2 [F613/4]
14.00-14.15APEC EDNET Knowledge Bank “wiki” presentation
Dr. Douglas Cochrane, USA
14:15-15:30Collaborative Group Discussions: Developing and Applying Standards
15.30-16.00 Coffee/Tea Break
16.00-17.00 Conclusions by Researchers
Dr. Angel Lin, Dr. David Ingram, Dr. Gary Buck, Dr. Mark Moulton
17:00-17:05Closing Remarks
Ministry of Education Cultural Counsellor Dr. Tony Lin
18.00-20.00 Farewell Dinner [Grand Formosa Regent 3F, Lan Ting]
Ministry of Education Cultural Counsellor Dr. Tony Lin
MingChuanUniversity President, Dr. Chuan Lee
Keynote Research Speakers
Dr. Gary Buck, currently Director of the Testing and Certification Division, of the ELI, at the University of Michigan, is an applied linguist with a strong assessment background. His career in second language education began with ten years of teaching experience in Japan. At the University of Lancaster, his Ph.D. research focused on the testing of second language listening comprehension; his subsequent book Assessing Listening Comprehension is the standard reference on this topic. Dr. Buckhas been active in research and direction of testing programs for the Educational Testing Service (ETS) and the Defense Language Institute. He has published extensively on assessment related issues, and been honored by TOEFL and ILTA for his contributions to the research literature in this area.
Dr. Mark Moulton is a psychometrics researcher at Educational Data Systems in the USA. A graduate of the "Chicago school" of Psychometrics, Dr. Moulton hasapplied Rasch models to fields as diverse as program evaluation, economic forecasting, audio perception, and educational testing. For four years, he has served as a principal designer and psychometrician for the California Reading First evaluation and is familiar with the issues surrounding the measurement of elementary school English Language acquisition. His special expertise is in the area of multidimensional IRT models, having applied his own multidimensional software, NOUS, to the problem of equating local assessments.
Dr. Angel M. Y. Lin is an Associate Professor in the Department of English and Communicationat the City University of Hong Kong. Dr. Lin has conducted research for SCOLAR (Standing Committee on Language Education and Research, Hong Kong SAR Government) on monitoring and evaluating Hong Kong’s Native English Teacher (NET) scheme and has designed and written English curriculum materials for newly arrived children (NAC) in primary schools in Hong Kong.She received her Ph.D. from the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto, Canada in 1996. Since then she has been on the cutting-edge of research in sociocultural theories of language communication and education, new media communication studies, critical discourse analysis and language planning in postcolonial contexts. She is the first Hong Kong scholar to work on developing inter-disciplinary approaches to second language education through drawing on cultural studies, multi-literacies theories, and language and identity research in developing innovative language teaching methodologies. She is the first Asia-based scholar elected as Member-at-Large of the Executive Committee of the American Association of Applied Linguistics (AAAL) and has served on the editorial boards of TESOL Quarterly, Linguistics and Education, Critical Inquiry in Language Studies, and Pedagogies and-International Journal of Bilingual Education & Bilingualism.
Professor David Ingram is an Honorary Professorial Fellow in the University of Melbourne and Director of a private language centre in Brisbane, Australia. He also co-directs his language testing organisation, ISLPR Language Services. Previously he taught in Primary and Secondary Schools 14 years, in teacher education (14 years), before founding threeuniversity language centres from 1986 to 2003 in GriffithUniversity, after which he became Executive Dean of Melbourne University Private’s School of Applied Language Studies and a Professorial Fellow, University of Melbourne. He has extensive experience in consultancies in second language education and has published extensively, especially in the areas of language policy, curriculum design, methodology, and language testing. He was one of the developers of the IELTS Test and was IELTS Chief Examiner (Australia) for 10 years. He is the co-author of the International Second Language Proficiency Ratings (ISLPR). In 2003, he was appointed a member of the Order of Australia for service to education through the development of language policy, through assessment procedures for evaluation of proficiency, and through research and teaching.