PSSC Meeting Minutes

Monday April 7, 2014 6:30-8:30pm Bessborough Literacy Centre

In Attendance: Nick Mattatall-Principal, Kevin Williams-Vice-Principal, Janice McNally-Chair, Lynn Murphy-Kaulbeck, Janel Willigar, Heather Hastings, Manju Varma, Joanna Lirette, Martha McWilliam, Kelley DiSaverio, Dale Hughes, Sue Roy Elias

1 - Approval of Agenda, Minutes from Feb 24 meeting by Kelley, seconded by Lynn

2 - Kelley is our official H&S representative. Welcome to Dale and Sue, new members

3,4 - Recap discussion on Gregg Ingersoll’s visit:

No completed boundary review will be done this year, and no changes will be implemented this fall. Mr. Ingersoll will be looking for parent feedback before changes are implemented. Martha will be following up with him regarding Bessborough’s request to have K-2 students who will be enrolled in the G3 FI program to be considered inbound students.

5 - Provincial Assessments and Math Screener results

Discussed G7 Literacy Provincial Assessment. This tool allows each student to be scored on various reading and writing traits, allowing educators to pinpoint specific areas of weakness. 78% of our students passed, indicating they are reading at appropriate or above. No Bessborough students were exempt.

Review of the K-8 year-to-date Math screener results. Compared Bessborough to the District. Screener C is slated for the end of May.

6 - Review of the School Improvement Plan

The SIP is made up of two Literacy goals (reading, writing) and two Numeracy goals (place value, mental math).

Literacy Goals discussed:

The progress required to remain at Appropriate Achievement (AA) is dependent on grade level; K requires one level increase, G3 required 3 levels. Students read leveled books until “P”, at which time they should be able to read and understand 95% of written text. This usually occurs in Grade 5, and for those who don’t reach this milestone, interventions are put into place. At the middle school level, provincial assessments are used by the district and in-house as a tool to identify areas of weakness. English middle school educators will look at specific traits and work with students in smaller groups.

For writing, annual provincial testing in grades 2, 4, and 7 and they are assessed according to their grade level. Bessborough’s Goals and Achievements currently change from year to year to remain attainable.

Numeracy Goals discussed:

Ideally, each math screener, which measures mastery of a skill, should improve by 25-33% as new material is taught throughout the year. All students are screened, with the exception of those on an Individual Education Plan (IEP). Students who are flagged for potential intervention may qualify for extra resources.

General comments on the SIP:

The SIP is a working document, and teachers are supposed to update the SIP weekly on the portal. It was requested that the PSSC review the SIP a few weeks after reports cards are issued (3x per year).

It was also suggested that the SIP could be broken down by classroom to see what percentage of students at various achievement levels are meeting goals, by subject. This will help in assessing the school mission “to challenge and inspire students to realize their maximum potential”. The current SIP is under the district’s format, although there are possible changes coming for next year, with the possibility of inclusion of Science and Wellness.

The SIP will be adapted some more to ensure that all goals are student achievement oriented and have measurable outcomes.

7 - New School/Community Center Sub-Committee Update

Janice, Manju and Aisling Chiasson met with Charles Leger and Dawn Arnold, two City of Moncton councilors who were both very encouraging regarding a new school/community center concept. A fact sheet was developed by the sub committee and forwarded to a senior planner at the city, Sebastian Arcand who made comments and suggestions as well. He was interested in the project as it meets City of Moncton development goals. There is a meeting scheduled for April 28 with area MLA Sue Stultz with the objective to gather support toward a new school/community center.

8 - Home and School Report

No updates as Kelley wasn’t present at their last meeting. Kelley to forward approved Home and School minutes to PSSC members each month.

9 - DEC meeting Tuesday April 15

Janel and Martha will attend and report on any items of interest at the next meeting.

10 - Principal Review

All schools undergo a school review process; Bessborough’s is this year. There is a parent forum on Wednesday April 23. PSSC members nominated Lynn and Joanna to attend. Results of the school review process will be requested when they become available.

11 - All permission forms to publish board members’ email addresses are signed

In response to the G3 immersion results (Provincial Assessements), it was agreed that the PSSC would request a formal evaluation of the program and an immediate response to address concerns with low success rates. This effort will be spearheaded by Lynn and Dale will assist.

12 - Next meeting slated for Monday, May 12, 2014, 6:30-8:15pm

Motion to close - Kelley, seconded by Manju.

Item / Action / Responsible / When
Request that Hillcrest k-2 students enrolling in GR3 Immersion be considered inbound students at Bessborough next year / Follow up with Greg Ingersoll (letter/email), obtain his response. / Martha / Next meeting (May 12)
Update School Improvement Plan / Incorporate changes discussed / Nick / Next meeting (May 12)
Provide Math Screener C results / Compare results with previous screeners and assess strengths/areas for improvement / Nick / June meeting
Meet with Sue Stultz / Report on result of meeting, to gain support for new school/community center / Manju / Next Meeting (May 12)
Report on April 15 DEC meeting / Relay items of interest to Bessborough PSSC / Janel / Next meeting (May 12)