President / The President shall (a) be the chief executive officer of HTA and shall be responsible for the active management of the business of the corporation; (b) preside at all meetings of the Board and membership; (c) see that all orders and resolutions of the board are carried into effect; (d) sign and deliver in the name of the corporation any deeds, mortgages, bonds, contracts, or other instruments pertaining to the business of the corporation, except in cases in which the authority to sign and deliver is required by law to be exercised by another person or is expressly delegated by the Articles, Bylaws or the board to some other officer or agent of the corporation; (e) maintain records of and certify proceedings of the Board; (f) appoint committees as needed; (g) serve as ex-official member of all committees; and (g) perform such other duties as may from time to time be prescribed by the Board.
Vice President / The vice president shall have such power and perform such duties as may be specified by the president. The Vice President shall become familiar with the various standing committees and offices of HTA.andthe rules and regulations of HTA and the United States Tennis Association. If for any reason the President cannot fulfill his/her duties, the Vice President shall assume the duties and responsibilities of the President. The Vice President shall also perform other duties as may be assigned by the President or the Board.
Secretary / The Secretary shall perform all duties incident to the office of Secretary, subject to the control of the Board. The records to be established and maintained by the Secretary, include, but are not limited to meeting minutes, agendas, job descriptions, program membership, board membership status, and record of measures voted upon. The Secretary shall provide agendas to all board members prior to a scheduled meeting. Minutes of the meetings will be recorded and copies maintained by the Secretary. Copies of meeting minutes will be distributed to all Board members for approval and acceptance at the next regularly scheduled meeting. Upon completion of term of office, the Secretary shall deliver all books, papers, and reports as appropriate to the new incumbent.
Treasurer / The Treasurer shall have charge and custody of and be responsible for all funds of the corporation, receive and give receipts for monies due and payable to the corporation from any source whatsoever, and deposit all such monies in the name of the corporation in a financial institution insured by the Federal Insurance Deposit Corporation.The Treasure shall obtain and maintain insurance coverages. File IRS Form 990 and renew annual filing requirements to maintain tax exempt and charitable status. The Treasurer shall in general perform all duties incident to the office of Treasurer and other duties as may be assigned by the President. The Treasurer and/or President shall sign all checks for the corporation. The Treasurer shall provide a financial report at each regular meeting and at the annual meeting..The Treasurer is also responsible for the overall compilation of the annual budget. The Treasurer will cooperate with and provide documentation and records for the annual tax return and financial review as necessary.
Committee: / Committee Responsibilities: / Desired # of Members:Communications/Marketing /
- Select a committee chair to serve as the board representative;
- Develop and coordinate the association’s strategic marketing and media plan;
- Manage communication channels for players and parents
- Manage and develop content on HTA’s website (Sportngin);
- Create print for newsprint and
- Draft program brochures and handouts.
Instruction /
- Select a committee chair to serve as the board representative;
- Engage tennis instructors with the skills and leadership necessary to fulfill HTA’s mission;
- Ensure that all instructors have been certified via USTA’s Safe Play (NCIS) initiative and
- For youth instructors, develop a training plan and schedule.
Junior Programs /
- Select a committee chair to serve as the board representative;
- Design lessons, drills and clinics to meet the needs of recreational and competitive youth players;
- Organize and manage USTA Junior Team Tennis;
- Organize Play Days and
- Coordinate Wednesday Night Doubles.
Adult Programs /
- Select a committee chair to serve as the board representative
- Design lessons, drills and clinics to meet the needs of recreational and competitive adult tennis players;
- Organize singles and doubles leagues and
- Organize special events.
Rivertown Days Tennis Tournament /
- Select a committee chair to serve as the board representative;
- Develop and implement marketing strategies;
- Obtain and instruct volunteers;
- Find tournament sponsors;
- Develop media strategy;
- Obtain swag for player gift bags and.
- Seed and schedule matches.
Fundraising/Sponsorships /
- Select a committee chair to serve as the board representative;
- Identify eligible grants and navigate the application process;
- Identify multiple donation channels;
- Solicit sponsors when needed and
- Prepare ongoing donor communications for continued engagement.
Facilities /
- Select a committee chair to serve as the board representative
- Develop plans to ensure that Hastings courts are safe, well maintained and inviting and
- Serve as a liaison between HTA, the city and ISD 200 on facility needs.