Have you ever considered getting more involved at Torrence Creek? Well, here is your chance. It is time for the 2014-2015 PTA Nominations, and we want you! We need dedicated volunteers willing to serve as PTAofficers and PTAcommittee chairs. Take a look at the descriptions outlined in this packet and consider lending your talents and interests to the TCE PTA.
If you are interested in one of these positions or know someone who is worthy of nomination, please complete the Nomination Form and return it to your child’s teacher by March 17. You do not have to be a current PTA member to nominate or to be nominated. If you are interested in chairing one of the committees, please fill out the Committee Form and return it to your child’s teacher by March 17. If you are interested in more than one office or committee, please indicate your order of preferenceby marking 1st, 2nd, and 3rd.
Please feel free to contact any one of us with questions or concerns.
Thank you,
PTA Nominating Committee
Rae Kaliszewski –
Lisa Dixon –
Tanya Feehan –
Carrie Rickard –
DeniseGrugle –
Officers are elected at the PTA General Meeting on April 3, 2014. Officers serve a minimum of one year, but can serve up to two years.
Leads the PTA; Presides over Executive Committee meetings, Board of Directors Meetings & General PTA meetings; Serves on the School Leadership Team (SLT); Works with the Principal and PTA Treasurer regarding allocation of money; Responds to information requests from parents & staff; Publicly represents Torrence Creek PTA; Works closely with Advocacy School Mates and Community Service committees; Maintains PTA Calendar;
Vice President ofFundraising
Coordinates efforts of Fundraising committees: Book Fair, Box Tops & Grocery Links, Fall Fundraiser, School Store, Spirit Wear, Restaurant Nights, Pretzel Days & Supply Packs
Vice President ofCommunications
Coordinates efforts of Communication committees: Interior Beautification, Webmaster, Publicity, Newsletter (e folder), Yearbook; Maintains TCE PTA Facebook Page
Vice President of School Support
Coordinates efforts of School Support committees: Exterior Beautification, Staff Appreciation, 5K & Fun Run, Curriculum Support
Vice President of Parent Involvement
Coordinates efforts of Parent Involvement committees: Room Parents, Volunteers, Welcoming
Vice President of Family Events
Coordinates efforts of Family Events committees: Family Fun Nights, Father/Daughter Dance, Mother/Son Event, Talent Show
Receives and disburses all monies as prescribed by the by-laws; Maintains accurate and detailed financial records to present to the PTA board and at general PTA meetings; Prepares an annual financial report, submits the financials for monthly audit, files tax return(s) as required, prepares budget; Collaborates closely with Curriculum Programs; Maintains Eagle Fund
Records, compiles & distributes minutes of all PTA Board meetings; Maintains all PTA organizational documents; Coordinates efforts of Membership committee
PTA Nomination Form
You do not have to be a current PTA member to nominate or to be nominated. If you are interested in more than one position, please indicate your order of preference by marking 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. All nominees will be contacted by our Nominating Committee.
Please return this form to your child’s teacher by March 17.
PTA Board Officer Name of Nominee Child/Grade Phone Number
____ President ______
____ VP-Fundraising ______
____ VP-Communication ______
____ VP-School Support ______
____ VP-Family Events ______
____ VP-Parent Involvement ______
____ Treasurer ______
____ Secretary ______