Town of Putney
P. O. Box 233
Putney, Vermont 05346
Putney Selectboard
Monday, November 17, 2003
The Putney Selectboard convened the meeting at 5:00 P.M., Monday, November 17, 2003.
Selectboard Members Present: Dave Hannum, John Nopper, and Regina Rockefeller
Selectboard Members Absent: None
Others Present: Steve Anderson, Anita Coomes, Laurel Ellis, Derek Gladding, Tom Goddard, Sam Griffis Larry Hyde, Mary King, Mac Jones Faith Martin, Beth Muskat, Lyssa Papazian, Tim Severance, Robert Stromberg, Fern Tavalin, Barbara Taylor and Jacquie Walker
1. Approve Selectboard Minutes of 11/07/03 and 11/3/03
Regina Rockefeller made the motion, which was seconded, to accept the Selectboard Minutes of 11/7/03 as written. The vote in favor was unanimous; the motion carried.
Regina Rockefeller made the motion, which was seconded, to accept the Selectboard Minutes of 11/3/03 as written. The vote in favor was unanimous; the motion carried.
2. Presentation of Fire Planning Committee Report, Robert Stromberg
Robert Stromberg presented to the Selectboard a list of 11 recommendations prepared by the Putney Fire Planning Committee with regards to the existing firehouse. He highlighted some of the areas that the committee felt needed their attention. David Hannum thanked the committee for its concrete recommendations.
Beth Muskat urged the Selectboard to reconsider moving the Town Offices to a new facility. She recommended that a survey of the existing Town Hall be done, prioritizing any repairs/structural problems located. Beth also suggested that the Town apply for a $250 matching grant with the Preservation Trust of Vermont. Pip Bannister could do the assessment.
Regina Rockefeller made a motion, which was seconded, that The Town of Putney with the help of the Putney Historical Society apply to the Preservation Trust of Vermont for a $250 matching grant to assess the physical needs of the Town Hall building. The vote in favor was unanimous; the motion carried.
John Nopper said he was pleased with the committee’s process and the fact they wished to continue working on the project. Regina Rockefeller suggested a new charge to the committee. Dave Hannum said the charge was nicely stated in #10 of the Committee recommendations. The charge is quote “The Fire Planning Committee be continued and charged with the responsibilities for working with the Staff of the Town on final design and costs for a new facility, establishing, in conjunction with Staff of the Town, future costs for operation, maintenance, upkeep, loan payments, and capital expenditures. In addition the Committee shall be actively involved with the promotion of the anticipated bond issue.”
John Nopper made a motion, which was seconded, as stated in #10 of the Committee recommendations to charge the Putney Fire Planning Committee. The vote in favor was unanimous; the motion carried.
Further discussion continued with regard to the budget amount and use of funds for the Committee. David Hannum asked the Committee to provide the Selectboard with a budget for the $25,000 remaining of the $40,000 originally approved by the voters for engineering & architectural fees to design and provide cost estimates for a new Putney Fire, Safety, & EMS Dept. facility. Robert Stromberg felt they could have something by next week.
Beth Muskat again requested that the Selectboard upgrade the existing Town Hall building.
John Nopper expressed his concerns with the current capital budget planned for the Town Hall. He felt the historic preservation survey was a good thing but also felt it necessary to be open and look for other uses for the building. He is greatly concerned where property taxes are going.
3. General discussion with Faith Martin regarding Lister position & Library property
Faith Martin submitted a new letter of resignation to be effective as of 11/17/03.
Sam Griffis came before the Board to offer his interest, along with Faith Martin and Mary King, for the old library building. They felt it would make a good professional building and will be following up tonight’s meeting with a letter of intent. He wanted the Selectboard to be aware of their interest and keep them in the loop of information.
Discussion continued on the process the library will take in vacating the premises once the new building is completed. John Nopper said that there is an opportunity for them in a competitive way since this will be a public matter.
4. Review Fire Department 2004-5 budget request
Tom Goddard indicted his intention to keep the budget as level funded as possible this year. In some areas, however, this was not realistic (e.g. Mutual Aid dues). Regina Rockefeller asked if there were any grants out there that would help. Tom said there is only one grant open at present but it won’t create much change. Discussion continued on State grants and possible new regulations. Tom Goddard said that he would apply for as many grants as possible. This will help indirectly and he also noted that the Association funds have reduced Town expenditures tremendously.
Discussion continued surrounding the preparation of a Fire Chief job description providing role, duties and expectations.
Reviewing and discussing the Fire Department’s Capital Expenditures continued.
5. Selectboard road trip to view delinquent tax sale properties
The Selectboard will leave the Putney Town Hall on Thursday, November 20, 2003, at 2:00 PM to survey the properties up for tax sale on December 6, 2003.
Regina Rockefeller asked that the amount of back taxes on each property be available.
6. Town Manager Report
Library: Larry Hyde reported on his meeting with Hep Caldwell on the new Library funding. They have raised a total of $628,750 ($580,543 cash; $48,207 pledges). With a projected cost of $800,000 and a verbal commitment of $150,000 for the existing building, it still leaves a shortfall of about $21,250. Larry recommends that the Selectboard wait to begin construction pending the remaining fundraising. Regina Rockefeller asked the Library Construction Committee to present to the Selectboard with a cost breakdown and description and provide explanations of the pledges and other revenue sources.
Water System: Larry reported that the bids for the well drilling have gone out and are due by 12/8/03. He is still waiting for an answer from Putney Meadows. There are currently 247.5 ERUS and they would add an additional 13 or 14 to the total.
Waste Water Treatment Facility Upgrade: Larry Hyde reported that the cost estimates are over the original $755,000 approved by voters by $97,088. He will be eliminating the electrical work at the pump stations, paving at the plant, new fencing, some work at the control building, and maybe the new roof on the drying beds. One of the pumps at Landmark needed to be rebuilt at a cost of $4100. The repair was less expensive than purchasing a new one for between $8,000 and $9,500.
Hi-Low Biddy Bridge: Larry reported meeting with the engineer & State Coordinator and everything is in the works to begin in the spring of 2004.
Town Report: Elizabeth Stead was the only bidder for the work on the Town Report. Barbara Taylor will be the office contact person and requests have already gone out to committees and social service agencies.
Audit: An initial meeting with the auditor has been set for 11/19/03 with Anita and I.
Test Borings at Moore Pit: Larry reported his discussion with Paul Normandeau, Dummerston Selectboard member regarding Putney’s interest in doing some additional test borings at the Moore pit. The pit is up for sale by the heirs. Discussion continued on the gravel issue – crushing or outsourcing. Regina Rockefeller asked how it would operate with both towns owning it. Larry Hyde suggested it be placed on the agenda for the joint meeting coming up in December. More information on the cost of doing the borings would be needed before making any decision.
Windham Regional Planning: Larry Hyde presented the resignation of Art Westing from the Windham Regional Planning Commission effective 3/1/04.
7. Coming Events
Thanksgiving, Larry Hyde will be away from 11/26/03 to 11/30/03.
8. Review record of orders drawn for payment of Town expenses
Payroll Warrant W/E 11/07/03 $4892.28
Payroll Warrant W/E. 11/14/03 4,236.02
A/P Warrant #8 19,911.12
9. Status of 2002-2003 end of fiscal year budget closing
Disbursements for the 2002-2003 year were distributed for review.
10. Monthly budget reports
None Available
11. Other Business
Executive Session: Personnel
David Hannum asked the Selectboard to enter into an Executive Session to discuss a personnel issue. Larry Hyde was asked to join the executive session.
Regina Rockefeller made the motion, which was seconded, that the Selectboard enter into Executive Session under 1 VSA 313(a)(3) to discuss a personnel issue. The vote in favor was unanimous; the motion carried.
The Board entered into the Executive Session at 6:19 PM
The Board came out of Executive Session with no recommendations.
The meeting adjourned at 6:40 PM
file: sbminutes111703