April 2015
School of Nursing
CaliforniaStateUniversity, Fresno
Nursing prerequisite courses at selected community colleges
effective 2015-2016catalog
Check web site for transfer information on these and all California colleges.
College ofPorterville
SequoiasCollegeFresno CCReedley CollMerced CCModesto JCSJ Delta CCWest Hills CC
EIGHT Prerequisite
(Fresno State courses in parentheses)
1)Intro. Gen Chem w/labChem 20Chem P106Chem 3AChem 3AChem 2AChem 143Chem 3AChem 2A*
(Fresno State Chem 3A)
2)Human Anatomy w/labBio 30Anat P110Bio 20Bio 20Biol 16Anat 125Bio 31BIO 32*
(Bio 64)
3)Human Physiology w/labBio 31Phyl P101Bio 22Bio 22Biol 18Physo 101Bio 32Call Office*
(Bio 65)
4)Microbiology w/labBio 40Micro P106Bio 31Bio 31Biol20Micro 101Bio 22 or 23BIO 38*
(Bio 20)
5)English CompositionEngl 1Engl P101AEngl 1AEngl 1AEngl 1AEngl 101Engl 1AEngl 1A
(Engl 1=Engl 10 or Engl 5B)
6)Fund. Public Comm. (Comm 3)Comm 1Spch P101Comm 1Comm 1Comm 1SpCom 100Com St 1ACom 1
or Persuasion (Comm 7)Comm 7noneComm 4Comm 4noneSpCom 110nonenone
or Group Discussion(Comm 8)Comm8Spch P102Comm 2 or 8Comm 2 or 8Comm 4SpCom 106Com St 8Com 4
7)Gen. Ed. Critical Thinking
Soc 3. For Fresno CC students Soc 1B, Crim 13, Engl 2, 3,3A,Phil 2, 6,PolSci 13 or Comm 25 are all approved G. E. Critical Thinking courses.
8)Gen. Ed. Math Math 21Math P122Math 11Stat 7 orMath 11Math 10Math 134Math 12Math 25
Math 11 or PH 92. For Fresno CC students Math 11 or 42.
These courses are not required prior to entry into the nursing program, but may be taken at community college.
Nutrition & Health (Nutr 53)Nutr 18Biol P118FN 35 or 40FN 35 or 40Nutr 10FdNutr 219FCS 5Nutr 1
Intro. Psychology (Psych 10)Psy 1Psyc P101APsych 2Psych 2Psych1APsych 101Psych 1Psych 1
Lifespan Development (CFS 38)CFS 80Psyc P126CD 38or Psy 38CD 38 or Psy 38FCSc 9Psych 141FCS 19orHS 19Psych 3
Philosophy of Ethics(Phil 20 or 120)Phil 5Phil P110Phil 1CPhil 1CnonePhilo 111Philo 40Phil 3
Fall 2013: Critical Thinking About Society - Soc 3 at Fresno Sate.
Catalog years Prior to Fall 2013:
Cultural Anthropology (Anth 2)Anth 10Anth P102Anth 2Anth 2Anth 2Anthr 102Anth 1none
or Prin. of Sociology(Soc 1)Soc 1Soci P101Soc 1ASoc 1ASoc 1Soc 101Soc 1ASoc 1
or Social Problems(Soc 2)Soc 2Soci P102Soc 1BnoneSoc 2Soc 102Soc 1BSoc 2
Please visit our website at:
Policy Notes: Students are NO longer allowed to repeat any course they have earned a “C” or better in. Addtionally, note that
Pre-Nursing majors must take the TEAS (Test of Essential and Academic Skills, ) prior to last day of into the admission cycle. Nursing program. Students are given three chances to earn the required 75% score. *We do NOT accept any on-line science classes. Please meet regularly with the Pre-Nursing Advisor in McLane Hall, room 194. Walk-in hours are available.