28 May 2012
In attendance: Wolfgang Mekle, Vice Provost, International Affairs, Tuebingen University; Jason Cushen, Manager, Student International Services, and Will Tregidga, Coordinator, International Marketing, Otago University; John Dixon, Vice-Provost (International), Barbara Yates, Manager International Projects and Initiatives, Jim Lee, Associate Dean (International), Faculty of Arts & Science, Laura Esford, Manager, International Programs Office, Faculty of Arts & Science, Sandra McCance, Executive Assistant to the Dean and International Officer, Faculty of Education and Bruce Stanley, Executive Director, Bader International Study Centre, Queen’s University; Kelly Smith, Director, International Centre, Milly Ingate, Associate Director, International Centre, Carolyn Wood, Study Abroad Coordinator, International Centre and Olivier Charpenay, Marketing Manager, Centre for English Language Teaching, UWA; Kate Sharples, International Partnerships Officer, Durham University.
Circulated in advance of the meeting: the draft Matariki Network Research Meeting Report and Matariki Network Research meeting minutes (16 May 2012, Durham).
Agenda Items:
- Common opportunities post the MNU Research Forum.
- Agenda items for the next MNU Executive meeting, at Queen’s University, 1-2 November 2012.
Key issues discussed:
a)Clarification regarding the two recommendations for the Executive was requested, particularly the possibility of an MoU on the collective use of infrastructure, staff exchange and student/teaching exchange. Concern was expressed that the Pro-Vice-Chancellors for Research were discussing exchange agreements without input from other relevant staff members.
b)UWA reported that all exchange agreements had now been implemented (for UWA with MNU partners), with the exception of Dartmouth.
c)More information regarding the selection of the seven major research themes was also requested (there was significant interest from members, for instance, in relation to Indigenous Studies which had not been selected).
d)Matariki activity to date includes: the Renewable Energy Workshop (Queen’s November 2010), the student experience forum (Durham September 2011), The Bioethics Workshop (Tuebingen October 2011, Durham July 2012), The Conflict Studies Network (Otago), the MNU Undergraduate Summer Research Project Scheme, in coming and outgoing visits of individuals (Professor Saul to Queen’s, Jan Flood to Durham) etc.
e)Tuebingen University have secured Baden-Wurttemberg Foundation funding to support academic mobility of doctoral students from MNU partners. Otago have an exchange scheme which provides students with additional funding if they go to another Matariki University.
f)However, information about these activities and opportunities is poorly promoted (there was a generalised lack of knowledge about the Student Experience Forum in Durham for example). The MNU website is inadequate and has very limited information on it.
g)The visibility of the Secretariat.
h)The sustainability of the networkand the need to create ongoing momentum. Institutionalising initiatives/forms of co-operation would be vital to ensure staff buy in.
i)An MNU Summer Programme was a short term opportunity discussed.
j)The original aim of the network was for similar, high quality Universities to work together to use their synergies to best advantage. It was intended as a co-marketing initiative, whereby member institutions would capitalize on MNU membership to become better known in each other’s countries. There was general feeling that this initiative would be more successful there was increased marketing of MNU activities.
k)The possibility of increasing membership and potentially mentoring institutions from developing countries.
l)The need for an overarching MOU with additional funding, recognising that this may not be the opportune time to ask for a strategic reserve. Without direct and demonstrable benefits for members, however, sustainability would be problematic and it would be difficult to engage staff to participate preferentially in MNU activities.
m)The pros and cons of other world wide networks, such as Universitas 21.
n)All membersare due to be represented at the MNU Board Meeting in November to discuss these issues.