Minutes of UKHCA Executive Committee &Pre Durga Puja Meeting 22nd July 2018 held at Broadwater Farm West Malling Kent ME19 6HT
- Apologies:
Suman Das, Ayan Roy, Sunil Roy, Sanjoy Basu, Krishna Dutta, Chandrangshu Guha, Sonali Guha, Roshmi Kumar, Apurba Barua, Sisir Ghosh, Debashish Sarkar, Ashish Sau & Pieu Chawdhury
- Minutes of Meeting:
President’s Opening Remarks:
The President Dr Jagadish Sarkar convened the meeting with opening remarks welcoming friends, families, Executive Committee members and Antarikmembers to the pre Durga Puja pre meeting and thanked Mallika Bhadhuri for her hospitality.
Dr Bimal Bhaduri(BB), Secretary welcomed everyone and thanked them for their attendance and engagement with the Committee. Those who were unable to attend were reminded to attend next time acknowledging that this is a holiday season which limits availability.
Volunteer List: Everybody was asked to provide their names and dates as Volunteers for durgapuja from 14th Sunday Sashthi through to 18th October Thursday Dashami. So far the list looks like this : Anami Bose 14th&15th Pieu 14th , Roshmi 16th , Bithi&Deb 17th&18th Millie&Bobby, Nabarun &Dipti 17th, Paramita 14th to 18thDebkumar 17th, Sumona& Sanjay Chatterjee , Jaidip, Partho 14th &17th, Rama 15th , Basudeb Dhar 14th, Basudeb Saha 14th , Arindam Chaudhury 14th & 18th Jaydip Bagchi 14th&15thParitosh Sarkar , Manjula Roy , Mahua Das , Gita Haldar , Hashi sarkar , Jaidip Sarkar , MinuMukherji, Indranil Banerjee, Jaidip Das , Soumya Chakrabarty Debashis Saha & Arunima Saha 17th October , Debanjan Mukherji 15th , Tanuj Banerjee 18th , Saibal Hazra .
Tim , please note the above and start the spread sheet accordingly please .
- Minutes of Previous Meeting: AGM and Executive Committee meeting on 13th May
- BB ran through the key points in the minutes. The last meeting was held on 13th May at St Andrews Church Hall. It was well attended. New members of the Executive Committee were welcomed at the meeting. They were as follows:
Sumona Chatterjee, Tanuj Banerjee, Paromita Pandit, Debashish Sarkar, Debanjan Mukherjee
He added that following Dr Ashish Sau’sstep down as Assistant Secretary Sumona Chatterjee and Shipra Roy had been appointed as Joint Assistant Secretary. He clarified that although previously the role of the assistant secretary was to take over the Secretary role in due course that is not necessarily the expectation. The main duty in this instance is taking minutes of the meeting. Executive Committee members are also deemed pillars of the Committee in finance, sponsorship and assistance in decision making.
The UKHCA family membership is a modest £25 per year. The nominal contribution enables us to be HMRC compliant. Most members are making payments by Standing Order. If anyone does not know how to set up a standing order please contact Bimal Bhadhuri, Ayan Roy, Suman Das or Debashish. A database of all members is being compiled—action Ayan & Tim & Debanjan
BB welcomed Antarik members who have have joined the meeting and the UKHCA puja. There is another group who are believed to be going ahead with a puja at Crofton Hall on Thursday, Friday, Saturday. BB said that puja needs a critical mass to carry it out for five days as it is a huge undertaking. Furthermore securing the hall is a challenge. They would be very welcome to join our puja should they wished to do so in future years .
He welcomed and introduced the Antarik members to our executive committee Committee members as follows:
Jaideep Das, Mahua Das, Shirsherundu Mukherjee, Minu Mukherjee, Soumya Chakrabarty, Sunetra Chakraborty, Debashish Saha, Arunima Saha
- Minutes of the friendly meeting between UKHCA and Antarik held on Sunday 17th June
BB said that a meeting was held with Antarik members and minutes will be shared with UKHCA members. BB confirmed that some of the proposals put forwarded by Antarik members were accepted but some pertaining to changing name and branding were not as UKHCA has been in existence over 30 years and has its own identity. Dr Tapan Halder stated that this is a transition year and that the proposal in full will not be possible this year but we are keen to work together and understand what Antarik is bringing to UKHCA for consideration in future. Shirshendu Mukherjee said that they have been established for 5 years but have not yet done a durgapuja. SM went on to say that a proposal has been provided. SM clarified that the minutes would include the proposals.
The objective of the meeting was to share Antarik’s ideas in terms of how they would participate and provide input. A meeting was organised to have a transparent discussion and clarifying points.
Points of discussions included but were not limited by the following ideas:
Ideas included Anandamela, sponsorship, organising a day during puja.
-Some Antarikmembers felt that they were not engaged sufficiently. BB clarified that most of the plans for this year had been already finalised. An hours on Nabami were offered was offered for Aantarik to showcase a cultural programme .
Ways of working
-BB said that a watsapp group would be jointly set up for transparency and SM said he would close the Antarik group only watsapp.
-Antarikraised that their name was not acknowledged in the branding that has already been communicated and that Antarik collaboration within the banners were provided. The reason for this was for sponsorship if was UKHCA only mentioned it would cause confusion for other Antarik members.
-Antarikhave discussed the proposal internally and this was agreed apart from the mention on Antarik on the branding etc.
-Antarik clarified that there were ‘no merger’ expectations between Antarik and UKHCA. Antarik will continue to exist as an independent entity doing their own events they have hosted over the years such as Saraswatipuja, holi etc. However if we visited and participated in eachothers events that would be warmly welcomed and give us the opportunity to be part ofa larger family.
In summary SM thanked eight Antarik members who have joined UKHCA as paid members. The intention was to do a joint puja. For the collaboration Antarik had considered few venues. However they had not had the opportunity to discuss them in detail.
Basudev said that he was happy with the proposal but expressed some concerns that this is a proposal to set up a subcommittee which would hurt the sentiments of the founder members. If next year there is another group who wish to join us it will become untenable. This would alienate our founder members. Therefore the proposal of a subgroup would cause chaos and confusion and will be subject to criticism. Basudeb said that he would not recommend accepting the proposal.
SM said that the responses to his concerns will be provided. SM questioned why core members are not present today. He has denied that a subgroup is created.
BB interjected on Basudeb and SM. BB said that he would not condone groupism. Antarik is welcome to join but the puja is UKHCAs. This is a trial period. There may be some misunderstanding and felt confident that we can iron the issues and work together. He acknowledged that Antarik need some recognition.
Tapan Halder said that expectations should be clarified as there is strength in numbers. SM said using Antarik name would be an opportunity which is 40 plus families’ full commitment and engagement. Debanjan said that acknowledging Antarik in segregated responsibilities will cause division. BB acknowledged that there is a need for give and take. HH said that this is not about Antarik or UKHCA. This is a Shakti puja and changing the name has legal connotations. Kalyani Banerjee said we should continue as is this year.
BB concluded the discussions confirming that the name change in the communication material would not be accepted.
Action: SM to share with BB the minutes of the meeting.
- Plans for Anandamela
BB said that Anandamela is an occasion to raise funds. SM informed that this is organised to raise funds for Durga Puja. One possibility is that it is held in September and Subham Ganguly (singer) can attend. SM said one of the plans was to organise Anadamela seven days in advance of Durga Puja on 6th/7th October to maximise footfall.
7th October is preferable as it is easier for families at Swanley Hall which would enable people attending to familiarise themselves with the venue. Suggestions included
Anandahar: food stalls, Anandashringer: Clothes, Jewellery, Andabazaar, Anandabihar. Debanjan suggested that the detailed plan is worked up outside the meeting by a smaller group. BB asked Sumona when the puja meeting is held on that day. It was proposed that the puja meeting is held before or after Anandmela.
- Contribution and Donations for Durga Puja:
For Executive Committee members the suggested minimum is £150/per family.
Sponsorship for a day duringpujo was discussed as £500 per family to increase funding and to avoid several families sharing and sponsoring one day. The Executive Committee members debated whether that would exclude who would have otherwise sponsored but were unable to spend the entire £500 and whether it reflected the inclusive spirit of the pujo. This needs further discussion in the next meeting .
BB informed that Hall sponsorship costs have gone up. There is also the Sponsorship for sweets, flowers and cultural programme .
The sponsors for Pujadays are as follows:
Sasthi: Pieu Chaudhuri and Sumona Chatterjee
Saptami: Tapan Halder and Jaba Halder
Asthami: Alo Ray and MoushumiDas
Nabami: Ashish Sau and Mita Sau
Dashami: Jagadish Sarkarand Shipra Roy
- Duty Rota
This will be circulated with minutes.
Action: Members were asked to confirm names, email addresses and dates.
Volunteers were reminded that they will be responsible for the whole day.
Lunch and dinner will be available everyday. Sunday lunch will delayed as the hall is available from the mid day .
- Cultural Programme
Tanuj informedthat the cultural programme is being sponsored by Pieu Chaudhuri on Sasthi. Anami will be anchoringSandyman will be performing.
Sasthi: Chandrima Basu is organising a natak. Practicality will be discussed later .
Asthami – There will be no programme as per our policy
Nabami: First hour is being organised by Minu and Bithi will be performing with professional singers.
Dashami: Considering bringing Shanchari Bose and Rimpa Siva. They are professional artists. At this stage we are looking at collaboration with other pujas to share costs. BB said that we were planning to bring Crosswinds but it is unaffordable. 2019 is also being planned for Lakshichhara Band from Kolkata and Sanjay Chatterjee is taking the leading role .
- Corporate Sponsorship
Debanjan updated that small businesses will be sponsoring on the day and will have a captive audience. Stalls are £100/stall/per day fixed price.
Action: Those who want to set up a stall please get in touch with Debanjan.
- Brochure:
Arorupa is assisting with the brochureand Ayan is the editor. Everyone was asked to share photos of pujo with Tim. Debanjan reminded the members that due to GDPR all pictures etc will require consent.
Action: Consent will be taken by exception at the entrance with those wishing not to publish their pictures on social media or brochure to declare so at the time of entrance. Action : Debanjan
All members were asked to share drawings, prose, articles, poems, crosswords, quiz or any other contributions for the brochure.
Action: Debanjan will send an email to all UK members asking for contributions.
- Decoration and Hall arrangements
Krishna Barua is responsible for decorations.
This year the Ma Durga background is professionally already made and no additional decorations are required.
- Cooking
Menu will be decided by the Secretary and not the sponsor. Cooking will be done by UKHCA cooks in the professional kitchen.
- Shopping
Shopping will be done by BB, Tanuj, Ayan, Jaideep, Debottom
- UKHCA Trip
Debkumar asked for ideas for the trip to establish a majority view.
Action: Debkumar will write with three proposals for views and comments.
- Any other business
-The President suggested that the Hall Hire money circa £4000 is to be funded through donations.
-Dr Hirak Halder said the new deity should have two visible feet as it is important for the pujo.
- Dates of meetings :
- 2nd September. Dr Jagadish Sarkar is the host at St Andrews Church Hall. Start time is likely to be 5pm onwards.
- Pre Kali KalipujaMeeting – 28th October at Saibalda
- Saraswati Puja – Saturday 9th February 2019Aantarik will actively participate.
Antariksaid that they will also do Saraswatipujaas they have done in the past but will ensure it is not on the same day which was appreciated.
The President officially closed the meeting.