Date of Birth: 07 March 1944
Nationality: Indian (by birth)
POSITION NIL (Retired in 2009 as PROFESSOR)
Residential Address: 41, Shiv Shakti Nagar - B, Jagatpura Road,
JAIPUR 302017 (India)
Tel: (+91-141) 2751345; 9818633683; 9414044283
Office Address: Centre for Inland Waters in South Asia
National Institute of Ecology
41, Shiv Shakti Nagar - B, Jagatpura Road,
JAIPUR 302017 (India)
Email: ;
M.Sc. Botany (Agra) 1964; Ph.D. Botany - Ecology (BHU) 1968
Teaching: BSc, MSc, MPhil and PhD courses: 43 years
Visiting Professor, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Switzerland; 1984
Research (incl. Master’s and PhD): 46 years; Supervised 17 Ph.D. students
Conducted several research projects funded by Indian and overseas agencies
Research and Review papers, -200; Authored /Edited books -36; Other articles - about 100
Ecology, Restoration and Management of Lakes, Rivers, Wetlands
Catchment (watershed) management, Biodiversity, Environmental Pollution
1. Science Academy Medal for Young Scientists, 1974 (First recipient)
from the Indian National Science Academy, New Delhi
2. Akhil Bhartiya Vaniki Sahitya Puraskar 1980 (All India Prize for Forestry Literature in Hindi)
(Award from FRI and Colleges, Dehradun for Best book on Forestry in Hindi)
3. Gold Medal of Vigyan Academy, Allahabad for best science book in Hindi
4. Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship for Post-Doctoral work in Germany at the
Max Planck Institute of Limnology, PLÖN; 1982-83 and three re-invitations
5. International Fellow Award, 1997 by Society of Wetland Scientists, USA
(only recipient from any developing country except China)
6. Naumann-Thienemann Medal 2004, by International Association of Limnology
First ever award outside Europe & North America
7. Fellow, Inland Fisheries Society of India, 2005
All countries of Europe (24 countries), Most of former Soviet Union, Egypt, Morocco, Kenya, South Africa,
Most of Asia (16 countries). USA, Canada, Brazil, Australia and New Zealand
1. Honorary Theme Editor on Limnology of Rivers and Lakes of Asia –in the Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems, published by UNESCO-EOLSS Joint Committee, France
2. Executive Vice President (Developing Countries), International Association of Limnology (SIL) 2010-13
3. Chairman, SIL Wetland Working Group (1983- )
4. Member, Wetland Working Group of INTECOL 1980-
5. Vice President, National Institute of Ecology (India) 2009-
6. Member, Board of Directors, International Society for River Science, 2006-
7. Coordinator, Centre for inland Waters in South Asia
International Organisations
1. Member, UNESCO Expert Panel, MAB Project 5 "Impact of Human Activities on Freshwaters" (London, 1972)
2. Member, Scientific Advisory Committee, SCOPE-UNEP Project on Wetlands (1981-1985)
3. Advisor, International Organisation of Human Ecology (1986-88)
4. Member, Project Evaluation Panel, Challenge Programme, CGIAR, 2003
5. Lead Author, Chapter 4 of AR4-Working Group II, of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 2004-2007
6. Chairman, SIL Committee on Limnology in Developing Countries (1987-2007)
7. Member, SIL Committees on Conservation (1987-2004); Tonolli Fund (1987- 2007) & Futures (2004-06)
Planning Commission, New Delhi
1. Member, Steering Committee for 10th Plan Programme on Tribal Development, 2001-02
2. Member, Working Group on Environment, 10th Plan Programme of Ministry of Environment & Forests, 2001-02
3. Member, SubGroup on Biodiversity and Traditional knowledge (for 11 Plan), 2007
4. Member, Working Group on Rivers and Lake Conservation (for 11 Plan), 2007
Ministry of Environment & Forests, New Delhi
1. Coordinator, WWF-India and Govt. of India's Training Workshop on Wetland Management,
Bharatpur, February 1995; supported by Ramsar Bureau
2. Member, SubCommittee on River Regulation Zone, NRCD, 2002
3. Member, Steering Committee, National River Conservation Plan, (Govt of India Gazette 11 Dec 2003)
4. Member, Working Group on Minimum Flow, Water Quality Assessment Authority 2003-07
5. Member, Standing Group-I, Water Quality Monitoring Committee (WQAA), May 2004--
6. Member, Ecosystem Research Committee, 2003-06
7. Member, Expert Group, National Lake Conservation Plan, 2003- 2007
8. Member, Preparatory Committee, 12th World Lakes Conference, 2005;
9. Member, International Scientific Committee 12th World Lakes Conference, 2006-07
10 Member, Committee on Regulatory Framework for Wetlands, 2006
11. Member, Expert Appraisal Committee for EIA Projects in Mining, Ministry of Environment & Forests, Govt of India, New Delhi 2007-09 – resigned 2007
Ministry of Water Resources
1. Member, Hydrological Information System Management Group- Data Use and Data Dissemination (HISMG-DD), 2007-10
Government of Punjab
1. Member, Punjab State Committee for Biodiversity, 1995-97 (Governor's Nominee)
2. Member, Steering Committee on Conservation & Management of Harike, Kanjli and Ropar Wetlands, 2000-2003, 2003-2006 (Committee constituted by the Governor of Punjab)
Government of J&K
1. Member, Monitoring and Coordination Committee for Conservation of Dal-Nigeen Lakes, Govt of J&K; resigned 2008
Government of Himachal Pradesh
1. Member, Expert Committee appointed by the Himachal Pradesh High Court in the Civil Writ Petition by NHPC & PSEB versus the Govt of Himachal Pradesh in the matter related to Environment Flow in rivers
2. Member, Himachal Pradesh State Council on Climate Change (chaired by the Chief Minister), 2010-
ICAR, New Delhi
1. Member, Research Advisory Committee of Central Inland Capture Fisheries Research Institute, Barrackpore. 1995-97
2. Member, Quinquennial Review Team for Central Inland Fisheries Research Inst., Barrackpore, 2003
3. Chairman, Research Advisory Committee, Natl Res. Center on Coldwater Fisheries, Bhimtal, 2004-07
4. Member, Research Advisory Committee, Central Institute of Fisheries Education, Mumbai (deemed Univ.), 2005-07
5. Chairman, Quinquennial Review Team for the National Research Center on Coldwater Fisheries, Bhimtal (ICAR), 2008
1. Reviewer, Mid-Term review of HCP Project “For a Living Ganga” - 2009
2. Reviewer, Project on Impact of Climate Change on Freshwater Ecosystems in the Himalaya, 2010
1. Member, Board of Studies and/or Faculty Selection Committees of
Kurukshetra University; Agra University; Osmania University, Pondicherry University,
Assam University, Banaras Hindu University, TERI university, GB Pant Univ. Agricultural Sci. &
Technology,Delhi University, School of Planning & Architecture, New Delhi
2. Examiner for Ph.D. thesis, University of Natal, South Africa
3. Evaluator for Faculty promotion, Griffith University, Australia
4. Evaluator for Faculty promotion, Institute of Advanced Studies, Kandy, Sri Lanka
Editorial Positions in Scientific Journals
1. Editor, International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences (1974- )
2. Member, Editorial Board of
Hydrobiologia (Kluwer Academic Publ., Netherlands) (1988 - )
Wetlands Ecology and Management (SPB Academic, Netherlands) (1990 - )
River Research and Application (formerly Regulated Rivers: Research & Management)(John Wiley, U.K.) (1991 - )
TheScientificWorld Journal - Freshwater Systems Domain ( (2000- )- electronic journal
Freshwater Reviews (Freshwater Biology Association, UK) (2007- )
Journal of the Inland Fisheries Society of India (2011-)
Earlier: Member, Editorial Boards of: Vegetatio (now: Plant Ecology); Japanese Journal of Ecology; Japanese Journal of Limnology; Journal of the Inland Fisheries Society of India