Pastor: “Lanny” Lancaster

Ministers: The Whole Congregation

March 24 , 2013 Palm Sunday 10:45

Prelude and Lighting of the Candles

The Christian Greeting:

L. The Lord be with you! P: And also with you!

Introduction to Palm Sunday Service

Scripture Reading: Luke 19.28-40

Congregational Response

L: Hosanna to the Son of David!

P: Hosanna in the Highest!

L: Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!

P: Hosanna in the Highest!

Palm Sunday Procession: #213 Lift Up Your Heads, Ye Mighty Gates

Hymn of Praise: #424: Must Jesus Bear the Cross Alone

Stewardship Testimony

The Mission of Stony Hill United Methodist Church is to: FOLLOW JESUS, MAKE DISCIPLES, AND TRANSFORM THE WORLD.

Announcements and Passing of the Pew Pads

Psalm Reading p.764 Psalm 31 Joe Ingram – Pam Kiker

Children’s Story

Prayers of the People

Stewardship Scripture: 2CORINTHIANS 9.8: “And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.”

Worship with Our Tithes & Offerings:

*Doxology 95 Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow Ken

Choir Anthem Majesty

Scripture: Luke 22.66-23.25

Sermon: “Passion 3: Some Last Words”

*Hymn of Dedication: #504 The Old Rugged Cross

The altar is always open during the last hymn

*Choral Benediction Something Beautiful


* Stand as you are able______

Greeter: 10:45 Bernice Whitley, Nina Lowder Sound: Drinda Hathcock, Noah Lancaster

Ushers: 8:45 Jim Cranford, Guill Russell Projection: Dink Hathcock, Jasmine Benson

10:45 Jim Barfield, Jim Humphrey Piano: Patty McCormick

Counters: Kay Pope, Kathy Johnson Organ: Elaine Crawley Nursery: Pastor: Lanny

Acolytes: 8:45 Evan Hurley, Eli Smith Assisted by: Emily Booth, Toby Smith

10:45 Jasmine Benson, Casey Lemons Assisted by: Ophelia Riggins

Every Week at Stony Hill

Sunday 9:30 am Jesus and Java – Fellowship Hall

8:45 am Worship Service (traditional)

9:45 am Sunday School for all ages

10:45 am Worship Service (traditional)

5:00 pm Youth Group meets

Monday 7:15 pm Girl Scouts, Fellowship Hall

Wednesday 8:00 am Breakfast Bunch at Judy’s Restaurant

7:00 pm Choir

Thursday 6:30 pm Cub and Boy Scouts, Fellowship Hall


March: Canned Meat

Please check expiration dates on donated items. Thank you.

Visitors: We warmly welcome all visitors today to our church and community! Please fill out one of the visitor’s cards and place in the offering plate.

You are welcome and there is a place for you at Stony Hill!

Prayer Concerns

Our Nation, Tony Furr, Ruby Stoker, Bobby Johnson, Sylvia Burris, Family of Robbie Fesperman, Ellen Lancaster, Mary Cain, David Eash, Harold Holt family, Christine Smith, Shelly Eudy, Debbie Wood, Family of Roy Still, Brian Byrd, Family of Joe Byrd, Family of Seth Pope, Justin Dunn, Brenda Baker, Pat Mills, Bill Randle, Mike & Martha O’Neill, Sandy Horne, Doris Dufour, Laura McIntyre, Keith Auman, Carolyn Terry, Debra McKinney, Patty McCormick, Ezelle Maudin, Bob Wagoner,

Pastor Lanny, Janet and family

Shut-ins: Ron & Loretta Allred, Alberta Boggan, Leona Goodman, Jean Holt, Gene and Carolyn Helms, Ruby Murray, Kate Swaringen

*If you have a prayer concern that you would like added or deleted from the list, please call or email Pastor Lanny at the parsonage.

Jesus & Java Host for March

March 3 Tony & Frances Furr

10 Bobby & Kathy Johnson

17 Lee & Christine Smith

24 Lynne Terry & Pam Kiker



*Lay Speaking Training: Do you feel God calling you to be a lay speaker? Lay Speakers are church members that receive special training to deliver sermons in the church and lead worship services. Classes begin soon. If you are interested, please contact Pastor Lanny.

*Food Lion Cards: Did you know you could link your Food Lion “MVP” card to our church and Food Lion will donate to the church each time you buy a Food Lion product? It’s easy! Go to and register your card or call 1-800-614-6877. Enter our church’s code: 250993

*Did you know that you could set up an electronic payment or bank draft to manage your giving to the church? For more information, contact your bank.

*Supporting our Soldiers: Care packages are being assembled to be sent soon! Needed items: Beef Jerky and cookies.

*New Address: Ricky and Becky Stamper: 32520 Laton Rd. Albemarle, NC 28001 Phone: Becky: 704-490-2896 Ricky: 704-322-5951

*New Address: Edith and Gene Matheney: 201 E. Scarboro St. Mt. Gilead,

NC 27306

*Leona Goodman is at Bethany Woods Nursing Home

*The Pregnancy Resource Center is a Christian agency in our community that helps mothers who have experienced unplanned pregnancies. If you would like to donate to this worthy charity, please pick up a baby bottle at the front entrance to the church and return with your donation in it.

*Finance Committee Meeting: Monday, April 8 at 7pm


*Lay Speaking Training: Do you feel God calling you to be a lay speaker? Lay Speakers are church members that receive special training to deliver sermons in the church and lead worship services. Classes begin soon. If you are interested, please contact Pastor Lanny.

*Food Lion Cards: Did you know you could link your Food Lion “MVP” card to our church and Food Lion will donate to the church each time you buy a Food Lion product? It’s easy! Go to and register your card or call 1-800-614-6877. Enter our church’s code: 250993

*Did you know that you could set up an electronic payment or bank draft to manage your giving to the church? For more information, contact your bank.

*Supporting our Soldiers: Care packages are being assembled to be sent soon! Needed items: Beef Jerky and cookies.

*New Address: Ricky and Becky Stamper: 32520 Laton Rd. Albemarle, NC 28001 Phone: Becky: 704-490-2896 Ricky: 704-322-5951

*New Address: Edith and Gene Matheney: 201 E. Scarboro St. Mt. Gilead, NC 27306

*Leona Goodman is at Bethany Woods Nursing Home

*The Pregnancy Resource Center is a Christian agency in our community that helps mothers who have experienced unplanned pregnancies. If you would like to donate to this worthy charity, please pick up a baby bottle at the front entrance to the church and return with your donation in it.

*Finance Committee Meeting: Monday, April 8 at 7pm

*The Sunshine Group will meet Tuesday, March 26, 10:30 AM in the fellowship hall of Badin Baptist Church. The speaker will be a representative from Duke Energy.

Bring your favorite covered dishes, $1.00, a guest, and of course, yourself, for a time of good fellowship and wonderful food.

*Care Team Meeting moved to Tuesday, April 9 at 7pm. This is a group of church members who visit the sick, shut-ins, visitors, and grieving. Is God calling you to this great form of outreach? Come find out!

*Box Tops for Education: We are collecting box tops for Education for the schools in Stanly County. Let’s support this worthy cause and invest in our children’s education and the future of Stanly County!

Prayer Garden

It is our prayer that you have already visited the Prayer Garden.

If you have not visited please take the time to use it for your personalmeditation and prayers.The sound of the fountain is soothing and peaceful just to hear.

This is an on going project, and if you would like to make a donation in memory/honor of a loved one, it would be greatly appreciated.

A donation of $50.00 or more, their name will be placed in the garden.

Donations may be made to Stony Hill United Methodist Women, marked "Prayer Garden" and given to the treasurer, Kay Mills.

Sunday Schedule!

*8:45 am: Early Service with traditional music, preaching and monthly Communion.

*9:30 am: “Jesus and Java” Coffee fellowship time in the fellowship hall

*9:45 am: Sunday School for all ages

*10:45 am: Traditional worship service featuring the Stony Hill Choir, traditional music, preaching ,and monthly Communion.

*The “501”: Modern Praise and Worship Service once a month at various locations in Stanly County. Watch the bulletin for location each month.


*Holy Thursday: March 28: Fellowship Meal at 6:30pm,

Upper Room Communion at 8pm

*Good Friday: March 29: Fellowship Meal at 6:30pm, Passion Drama at 8pm

*Holy Saturday: March 30: Easter Egg Hunt at 2pm.

Flowers placed in cemetery at 1pm

*Easter Sunday: March 31: Community Sunrise Service at 7am,

followed by Breakfast, Worship in Sanctuary at 9am (no Sunday School). Bring fresh flowers for the Resurrection Cross.

*The Sunshine Group will meet Tuesday, March 26, 10:30 AM in the fellowship hall of Badin Baptist Church. The speaker will be a representative from Duke Energy.

Bring your favorite covered dishes, $1.00, a guest, and of course, yourself, for a time of good fellowship and wonderful food.

*Care Team Meeting moved to Tuesday, April 9 at 7pm. This is a group of church members who visit the sick, shut-ins, visitors, and grieving. Is God calling you to this great form of outreach? Come find out!

*Box Tops for Education: We are collecting box tops for Education for the schools in Stanly County. Let’s support this worthy cause and invest in our children’s education and the future of Stanly County!

Prayer Garden

It is our prayer that you have already visited the Prayer Garden.

If you have not visited please take the time to use it for your personalmeditation and prayers.The sound of the fountain is soothing and peaceful just to hear.

This is an on going project, and if you would like to make a donation in memory/honor of a loved one, it would be greatly appreciated.

A donation of $50.00 or more, their name will be placed in the garden.

Donations may be made to Stony Hill United Methodist Women, marked "Prayer Garden" and given to the treasurer, Kay Mills.

Sunday Schedule!

*8:45 am: Early Service with traditional music, preaching and monthly Communion.

*9:30 am: “Jesus and Java” Coffee fellowship time in the fellowship hall

*9:45 am: Sunday School for all ages

*10:45 am: Traditional worship service featuring the Stony Hill Choir, traditional music, preaching ,and monthly Communion.

*The “501”: Modern Praise and Worship Service once a month at various locations in Stanly County. Watch the bulletin for location each month.


*Holy Thursday: March 28: Fellowship Meal at 6:30pm,

Upper Room Communion at 8pm

*Good Friday: March 29: Fellowship Meal at 6:30pm, Passion Drama at 8pm

*Holy Saturday: March 30: Easter Egg Hunt at 2pm.

Flowers placed in cemetery at 1pm

*Easter Sunday: March 31: Community Sunrise Service at 7am,

followed by Breakfast, Worship in Sanctuary at 9am (no Sunday School). Bring fresh flowers for the Resurrection Cross.