Tourist Scrapbook Project


Grab your suitcase and book your plane reservation because you are

about to embark on a virtual journey to a far away country.

While visiting your designation you will collect a variety of items that will remind you of your trip. You will arrange these mementos in a creative way. When you return home, you will get to tell your class all about your journey in a brief presentation. You will also write a letter to someone back home describing things you have experienced on your trip.

Are you packed? The plane’s about to board. Let’s go!

After you have chosen your destination: ______


You will may need to begin to gather and collect the following materials:

* Large, sturdy poster board OR large box with a lid OR binder for scrap booking

* scraps of materials to decorate your display, box, or book

* composition paper

* copies of real photos or pictures of your chosen country

* any relevant materials from travel agencies, trips you or someone you know has gone

on, the Internet, magazines, books

* computer or library research on your country

* paint, glitter, art supplies to enhance your project (optional)

* real life items obtained from a tourist sight (i.e. EPCOT @ Disney World) (optional)

I will provide the following materials:

* colored pencils, markers, crayons

* scissors, glue sticks, construction paper

* limited computer time and library research time in school

Your letter home is to include the following:

  • Correct format for writing a friendly letter. Write a rough draft first and have it proofread for errors
  • An envelope with the receiver’s address on the front and your address in the left hand corner
  • A “stamp” that you created affixed to your envelope
  • The letter content is to include some of the things you saw and did while on your trip. Be creative. What would you love to tell someone about? What kinds of foods did you sample? What were the people like? Did you see something for the first time?

Some ideas for objects to include in your project are, but are not limited to:

  • Ticket stubs, postcards, brochures, maps, coins, photos, receipts
  • A brief description must accompany each object explaining its significance (these can be typed or neatly handwritten)

Reminders for completing YOUR final project:

  • The way you construct your final display is to be decided by you. This will depend on the types of items you will collect or make as well as the amount of objects you gather on your trip. Choose either a large, sturdy poster board OR large box with a lid OR binder for scrap booking.
  • Remember, you are responsible for trying to obtain the items listed in the materials section at the beginning of these requirements.
  • Don’t wait until the last minute to begin gathering and/or purchasing any necessary materials.
  • I am asking that you make this project entail as little expense as possible. Ask your family to help you look around at home for appropriate items that could be used.
  • You can even find cool items at a “second hand” store or the Dollar Store if you really need to.
  • The majority of the items could be made using homemade materials and a computer.
  • You will have the activity periods to work on this project; however, you may need to do some work outside of school.


Have an exciting trip. See you when you return!