Test #2 covers all of units 2 and 3 Go over and REVIEWevery page in your packet from pages 42 to 100. You can skip pages 43, 55, 56, 65, 70, 76, 77, 83, 94 and 97. There are no pages 57, 58 and 59 (Thanks Print Shop!)
Unit 2 Focus Areas
1. What some pre-Martin Luther issues with the Catholic Church? (p.44)
2. Why did Luther become angry with the Catholic Church?
3. Review the life of Luther on page 45.
4. What was the Peasants’ War?
5. How did Luther, (perhaps unintentionally) change Christianity? (p. 47)
6. Know all about Calvin and the others….Anabaptists
7. Why was Henry VIII’s “reformation” different?
8. Why did Henry VIII marry so many times? (Go over the wives on p. 52)
9. What was the Counter-Reformation? (elements of the Counter-Reformation)
10. Why Caravaggio’s art so violent?
11. Witches Why?
12. Review the very well-made Reformation review on page 57.
13. Who were the Habsburgs? Charles V and Phillip II
14. Elizabeth I and the Spanish Armada
15. War of the Three Henrys (pages 56,60 and 61)
16. Politiques and Cardinal Richelieu
17. Become an expert on the 30 Years War (pages 63 and 64)
18. Age of Discovery (important stuff….it’s the reason why you live in PV)…pages 67, 68, 69
Unit 3 Summary
I. France (Family: Bourbon)
Henry IV (Henry the Great)
- Ended wars of religion (Edict of Nantes)
- “Paris is worth a Mass”
- His minister, Sully, improved tax collection
- Made taxes more fair (taxed rich not poor)
- “A chicken in every pot”
- Avoided wars with neighbors
Louis XIII and Cardinal Richelieu
- Made France the strongest country
in Europe after the 30 Years War
- United France under one religion (Catholicism)
- Gained control over the nobility
Louis XIV (The Sun King)
- Survived the civil wars (Fronde) to become the
most powerful leader in Europe
- Perfected tax collection (The Estate system, the taille,
gabelle and the capitation)
- Perfected the divine right theory argument with church
assistance from Bishop Bossuet
- Expelled most Huguenots through Revocation of the
Edict of Nantes
- Through Minister Colbert, perfected mercantilism
- “Captive Nobility”: The royal court at Versailles
- Used many small wars to expand France
- However, lost the War of Spanish Succession
and slowly bankrupt France
II. Austria (Family: Hapsburg)
Leopold I
- Made Austria a powerful rival to France after
defeating the Ottomans (Turks….Height of Ottoman
power came in 1685 when the Turks put a siege on Vienna)
- The Schoenborn Palace was created to rival Versailles
III. Russia
Ivan the Terrible
- First czar (tsar) of Russia: “Russian Caesar”
- Used terror to get Russia out of the Mongol Yoke
and to gain control over the Russian nobility: The Boyars
Peter the Great (Romanov)
- Westernized Russia by force (western clothing, language and no more noble beards)
- Western expertise (military, economic and urban planning)
- Forced Boyars to serve Russia: (mandatory military/administrative)
- Defeated the Swedes in the Great Northern War
- Built the modern city of St. Petersburg, Russia