Annex 3 to ICCO Procurement Manual
Term / Definition and descriptionAward Notice / Publication of the winning bid after an open tender procedure, at least at the website of the organization. It shall specify the type of product, service or works purchased, the amount of the contract and the successful tenderer.
Coercive practice / Coercive practice is impairing or harming, or threatening to impair or harm, directly or indirectly, any participant in the tender process to influence improperly its activities.
Collusive practice / Collusive practice is an undisclosed arrangement between two or more tenderers or candidates designed to artificially alter the results of the tender procedure to obtain a financial or other benefit;
Contract / A legally binding document between a buyer (the Contracting Authority) and a seller (the Contractor or Consultant) of goods and/or services and/or civil works.
Contracting Authority / The buyer as party in a contract. In this manual used for ICCO headquarters, ICCO’s Regional Office or ICCO’s Implementing Partner
Contract Notice / This is the publication by which a procurement procedure is launched. The
Contract notice shall specify the rules governing the submission and
presentation of bids (e.g. deadline, obligatory forms to use), the exclusion,
selection and award criteria and set out the Technical Specifications or Terms
of Reference. In order to keep publication costs reasonable it is sufficient that
the Contract Notice contain a brief reference to the above-mention
specifications and provides details on where or how to obtain more
Contract Notice may also be called procurement notice or tender notice.
Contractor / The seller as party in a contract.
Corrupt practice / Corrupt practice is defined as is the offering, giving, receiving or soliciting, directly or indirectly, of anything of value to influence improperly the activities of the Contracting Authority;
Country of Origin / Origin means the place where the Supplies are mined, grown or produced or the place from which the related services are supplied. Supplies are produced when, through manufacturing, processing or substantial and major assembly of components, a commercially recognized product results that is different in basic characteristics or in purpose of utility from its components.
Derogation / Request to a donor for waiving a certain rule. The derogation should be justified and timely requested to give the donor time to respond. An implementing Partner may ask for a derogation to ICCO. When the funds for the action are provided by an Institutional Donor, ICCO will ask for a derogation to this donor.
Framework Contract / This is sometimes also called a long term agreement (LTA) and is a contract concluded between a Contracting Authority and one or several economic
operators for the purpose of laying down the essential terms governing a series of specific contracts to be awarded during a given period, in particular as regards the duration, subject, prices, conditions of performance and the
quantities envisaged. Specific contracts based on Framework Contracts shall
be awarded in accordance with the terms of the Framework Contract, after
having consulted in writing all Contractors originally part of the Framework
Contract. The award of Framework Contracts must comply with the
Mandatory Principles and must not prevent, restrict or distort competition. The
terms of a Framework Contract may not exceed five years.
Fraudulent practice / Fraudulent practice is any act or omission, including a misrepresentation, that knowingly or recklessly misleads, or attempts to mislead, the Contracting Authority to obtain a financial or other benefit or to avoid an obligation;
Humanitarian Procurement Centre (HPC) / Not for profit organization specialized in the technical and commercial management of supplies and services related to humanitarian aid and recognized as such by ECHO. It can provide Technical Assistance in procurement or supply pre-established stocks, purchasing or logistics capacity. The use of HPCs to provide assistance, procurement services or supplies pre-established stocks, purchasing or logistics capacity permits the Contracting Authority to apply the single quote procedure.
Hybrid contracts / A contract covering both works and services shall be considered a service contract whenever the value of the services in question exceeds that of the works included in the contract. The same principle shall apply to define the procurement procedure to be followed in other hybrid contracts.
Implementing partner / Is the organization who implements the project, funded by ICCO
Import clearance agent / Is a person/company who offers a service which is custom clearance of goods. Most local shipping companies have this service as part of their portfolio
INCOTERMS / INCOTERMS are standard trade definitions most commonly used in international sales contracts. Devised and published by the International Chamber of Commerce.
Invitation to Tender / Same as tender documents
Monitoring agency (food aid) / An agency which is responsible for verifying and certifying the quality, quantity, packing and marking of the goods to be delivered in respect of each supply, issuing the certificate of conformity or the certificate of delivery, and generally coordinating all stages of the supply operation.
Procurement / Procurement is a way of purchasing in a transparent and cost effective manner.
Procurement Notice / Publication to launch an open tender; same as contract notice
Property Contracts / These cover the rental of land, existing buildings or other real estate.
Restricted tender / This method requires prequalification of suppliers. Tender procedures are restricted whenever, after publication of a “Prequalification notice for restricted tenders”, all potential bidders may ask to participate in the procurement process, but only those candidates satisfying the selection criteria and invited simultaneously by the Procurement Committee may submit a tender.
Service contract / Service contracts cover all intellectual and non-intellectual services other than those covered by supply contracts, works contracts and property contracts. Service contracts equally comprise study and technical assistance contracts.Service contracts include study contracts and technical assistance contracts.
Study contract / A study contract is a contract which includes studies for the identification and preparation of projects, feasibility studies, technical studies and audits.
Shipper / One who sends goods from one place to another by vessel (sea transport)
Supplycontract / Supply contracts cover the purchase, operational leasing, rental or hire purchase, with or without option to buy, of products. The delivery of products may in addition include siting, installation and maintenance.
Technical Assistance Contract / A technical assistance contract is a contract where the contractor is called on to play an advisory role, to manage or supervise a project or to provide the consultants specified in the contract.
Specifications / These are the technical requirements for the characteristics to be met by
supplies in Supply and Works Contracts that must be referred to in the
Contract Notice and explained in more detail in the tender documents.
Tender / Used for a) the procurement method that uses publication of the selling opportunity to attract as many suppliers as possible; and b) The offer made by the tenderer in responds to a tender
Tender Documents / These provide detailed information on what the procurement procedure hopes
to obtain and the procedures to be followed. It should include all the elements
contained in the Contract Notice but in more detail. They may be provided to
all potential tenderers upon request or else posted in their entirety online. They include the terms of the future contract.
Also called Invitation to Tender.
Tenderer / The supplier of goods and/or services and/or civil works, who submits a tender
Tender Evaluation Report / Systematic reportof the evaluation of tenders by the evaluation committee using the exclusion and award criteria to select a winning bid.
Tender Notice / Publication to launch an open tender; same as contract notice
Terms of Reference / These are requirements for a Service Contract which accurately define the
characteristics of the service required with regard to the purpose for which it is intended and sets out conformity assessment procedures prescribed by a
Contracting Authority. Reference to these should be included in the Contract
Works contract / Works contracts cover either the execution, or both the execution and design, of works or the realization, by whatever means, of a work corresponding to the requirements specified by the contracting authority. A 'works' means the outcome of building or civil engineering works taken as a whole that is sufficient in itself to fulfil an economic or technical function.