OLRA Board of Directors Meeting
Minutes for 27 August, 2008
7 pm, Old Lyme PGN Library
In attendance: Greg Hack, Jim Mayne Dick Conniff, Chris McCawley, John Parker, Liz Hook, John Laundon, Betsy Buch
Topic/Objective Attachments Comments/Action Items
1. Review of Agenda, Approval of minutes / / Minutes approved as drafted by majority vote2. Budget Update
-Treasurer’s Report
-purchase reqs/status
-repairs, maintenance / -Income and expenses reviewed, as well as “special funds” and a separate balance for Stotesbury expenses. -The Stotebury surplus will be carried forward to defray costs in future
-Accident fund discussed, board to consider other options to address this budget need at a future meeting
-repairs to Maas, Vespoli quad, and lt wt 4 to be funded
3. Fall Rowing
-Fall schedule, coaching
-Fees, structure
-HOCR planning / / -in addition to guaranteed boats for HOCR, 5 lottery boats proposed: a mens master double, womens master 4, girls 8, girls double and boys double
-Rachel H. and John L to coach fall program
4. Program Development
-Middle school program
-Recreational program
-Private lessons
-Boat inventory / / -Kate reports 21 interested in a fall MS program. Kate willing to coach on sat/sun am. Plan is to have 6x2 hour sessions, limit program to 16 rowers, $85/$95 per rower
-Rec program supported, emails to Jim M to coordinate timing (evenings or weekend am)
-Kate P. recommends adding a 4th “LTR” session on a annual basis
-Private lessons to be handled on individual basis
5. Fund Raising
-donations, publicity
-outreach/planning / -Subcomm to meet to plan forward: Melissa B, Greg H, Chris M, Anu K-H, Susan M.
6. Communications
-Roger’s Lake relations / / -Betsy reports low but steady freq of complaints (noise, traffic, not following traffic pattern, chase boat speeding) from lake residents
-propose to add signs to chase boats reminding of “good neighbor” behavior and lake rules, post a sign at boat launch warning about rowers on lake and traffic patterns
-plan to have reps from OLRA attend Rogers Lake Authority meeting (11 Sept) and vice versa
-add a “good neighbor” policy to the OLRA website