Briefing ID #: 15459
ALL K-8 CENTER, MIDDLE AND HIGH SCHOOL PRINCIPALS/APs AND SCIENCE TEACHERS: Ongoing UF STEM TIPS New Teacher Professional Development for All 1st & 2nd Year Science Teachers
Category: Professional Development
Audience: / Principals/APs (Middle), Principals/APs (Senior High), All Teachers
Due Date: / n/a
Meeting Date: / n/a
Attachment(s): / WB_attachment_STEM-TIPS_PD_Science.pdf
To inform schools and 1st & 2nd year science teachers that the ongoing UF STEM TIPS new teacher support system is offering a five week professional development opportunity to assist in the development and retention of science instruction.
·The Department of Mathematics and Science is informing all principals, assistant principals, and 1st and 2nd year Science Teachers that the ongoing UF STEM TIPS New Teacher support system is offering a five week professional development opportunity to aid in the development and retention of science teachers in M-DCPS to support effective science instruction.
·Target Audience: 1st & 2nd Year Science Teachers – Grades 6 - 12
·Professional development logistics:
o Over the course of five weeks, professional development will be offered online and teachers will implement session content in the classroom.
o Sessions will be offered twice during the week and participants will select one day per week to attend (Tuesday or Thursday).
o Session duration: Two (2) hours per session.
o Participants are expected to attend a minimum of one session and a maximum of five sessions, and will be paid hourly for each different session title they attend and successfully complete the required follow-up, as indicated on the attached table.
o Participants will have access to an online community of practice, support and resources for new 1st & 2nd year teachers, facilitated online by instructional coaches for grades 6-12.
o Facilitated by UF mathematics and science content and practice specialists and highly-skilled subject and grade-specific coaches.
·Participants must register for themeeting at the M-DCPS Professional Development Registration System link provided, in order to receive STEM TIPS log-in information for the online session and hourly payment (see attached table).
· Meeting Session information (see attachment):
o Available Meeting Dates:
§ April 1/April 3 – Introduction to STEM TIPS
§ April 8/April 10- Using Edusmart and Instructional Focus Calendar’s for intervention, differentiated instruction, hooks and exit slips.
§ April 15/April 17 - Implementing Claim, Evidence Reasoning (CER) in the classroom
§ April 22/April 24 - Utilizing anchor charts effectively in the classroom
§ April 29/May 1 - Enhancing and enriching the science classroom experience through STEMresources
·Time: Tuesday: 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM or Thursday: 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
·Meeting Sessions are available for registration under the Find a Meeting section at the Professional Development Registration System
Moderator: Jennifer A. Diaz
·STEM TIPS Contact Information: Jennifer Diaz, Science Coach, .
Contact: / Dr. Ava D. Rosales, Executive Director ( 305-995-1939 )
Department: / Department of Mathematics and Science