Practical English A3 SYLLABUS, Spring 2018
/ Practical EnglishA3,SPRING 2018Instructor:Richard McDonie / Course Number:
Office:Global Center 309 / Class Hours:
E-mail: / Office Hours:
Phone:010-8257-1415 / Class
Course Description and Objectives
Practical Englishis a course that is taken over the course of four semesters during astudent’sfreshmanand sophomore years. It is divided into four levels (A, B, C, D)based on studentproficiency. This course focuses on real-world communication skills and hopes to prepare students to use English in both academic and every-day settings. In addition to working with the text, students will develop presentation skills and be expected to create their own original persuasive presentation.
Required Materials
Touchstone 2(2nd edition) by McCarthy, McCarten, and Sandiford.
Participation / 25%Assignments
Presentation / 15%
Written Exam / 30%
Speaking Exam / 15%
If you miss more than four classes (i.e., class time equivalent to more 25% of the total course hours), you will receive an ‘F’ for the course. Being late three times will also equal one absence.
Your participation score is based on being in-class and interacting in English with other students and your instructor. You should be prepared, attentive, and willing to contribute.
Presentation & Assignments
Submission dates for assignments / presentation materials will be announced. Latesubmissions will be penalized.
There will be one written exam and one speaking exam. If you do not complete both exams, you will receive an ‘F’ forthe course. Specific details about the exams will be given in advance. Dates of the exams are available on the following page.
Class Schedule: Thursdays
Class / Dates / Class Content / Notes1 / 3.8 / Introduction / Unit 7 / Please be sure to have your textbook on the first day.
2 / 3.15 / Unit 7
3 / 3.22 / Unit 7
4 / 3.29 / Unit 7
5 / 4.5 / Unit 7
6 / 4.12 / Quiz 1 / Presentation prep / Unit 7
7 / 4.19 / Unit 8
8 / 4.26 / Unit 8 / Midterm Presentations*
9 / 5.3 / Unit 8
10 / 5.10 / Quiz 2 / Unit 8
11 / 5.17 / Unit 9
12 / 5.24 / Unit 9
13 / 5.31 / Unit 9
14 / 6.7 / Review/practice
15 / 6.14 / Quiz 3/ Speaking Exam* / (Unit 9
16 / 6.21 / Speaking Exam* / (Units 7 - 9)
*This schedule may change—please get in touch with a classmate or your instructor if you miss class.