Ideas Competition
Submission of Project Proposal
Partner companyProject title
Project country
Ideas competition / Quarter / Year
Public partner / DEG - Deutsche Investitions- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft mbH
Development Programmes and Business Support
P.O. Box 10 09 61
50449 Cologne
Phone: +49 221 4986 1476 (
Fax: +49 221 4986 1472
Deadline for submission / 31.03., 30.06., 30.09. and 31.12.
Submit by email to /
Please note:
When compiling the project proposal, please do not exceed the given space limits and follow the key questions in your description.
Provide information as accurate as possible to simplify the assessment of your project proposal.
The document - Assessment criteria on the DEG website provides additional information regarding the assessment criteria.
Should you apply as part of a consortium/work group, please fill in the above data for each partner and name the main contact person.
Proposals can be submitted in English or German.
There is no statutory entitlement to funding from this programme.
Please send the proposal as signed PDF document and as Word document to the above-mentioned email address.
1General Information
1.1Company information
Company nameAddress
Phone number
Fax number
Legal status
Commercial registry no
German shareholder / ☐Yes☐No
European shareholder with company shares > 25% / ☐Yes☐No
Contact person/position
Phone number
Email address
1.2Financial data and number of staff
2015 / 2016 / 2017Annual turnover in euros
Profit for the year in euros
Operating cash flow in euros
Equity in euros
Total assets in euros
Number of staff in salaried position in the company
1.3Short description of the company (max. ½ page)
- Please provide a short company profile.
- Please describe the company’s general foreign business expertise, especially in emerging markets and developing countries.
1.4Corporate structure
- Please outline the corporate structure of the company including affiliated companies and shareholders (legal entities and natural persons – if necessary include an organigram).
1.5Background information
- Please list all projects/project proposals that were submitted to the implementing organisations DEG, GIZ or sequa within the scope of the programme (including by affiliated companies) and include project country, project title, year and status of the project (no follow up, ongoing, completed, cancelled).
- If applicable, please indicate who supported the project development (e.g. consulting company, AWE, IHK, etc.) with contact person and contact details.
2Project concept
2.1General information
Project titleProject country
Project region
Project period / from: MM/YYYY / to: MM/YYYY
Planned total costs
2.2Background and relevance (max. ½ page)
- Please describe the current situation in your sector in the project country.
- Please indicate the central problem that the project is trying to address.
- Please describe the challenges you are facing in realising your business objectives in the project country.
2.3Business model in the project country (max. ½ page)
- Please explain how your company is already operating in the project country (subsidiary, joint venture, business relationships, other types of cooperation, etc.).
- Please describe the products and services your company wants to offer in / source from the project country.
- Please describe your company’s long-term commercial interest the project country.
2.4Short description of the project
Project objective:
Please formulate the overall project objective.
Project summary:
- Please provide a short project summary (max. 10 lines).
Project measures:
Please describethe specific work packages necessary to reach the project objective and include the respective target groups.
Please explain which measures will ensure the long-term success of the project.
Project management:
Please explain how the project management is organised.
Please list all partners that are involved in the project (name, place, field of activity) and indicate their tasks and contributions to the project. In case of a large number of partners a chart might be helpful.
Previous preparatory measures and relationship to existing projects:
Please describe the preparatory steps you have already undertaken to date (e.g. preliminary talks, research, surveys, written agreements, etc.).
Please describe similar projects that your company or other organisations (e.g. KfW, GIZ, UN) have already implemented in this area and explain the relationship between the projects (who are you already in contact with?).
2.5Benefits for the company
- Please indicate the commercial benefits that you are expecting from implementing the project (turnover, number of contracts, improved working conditions, suppliers, etc.) for your company and your partners.
- Please explain why co-financing from is necessary. What would your commitment in the project country look like without funding?
2.6Development impact
- Please explain the expected positive effects of the project on the target country (transfer of technology and knowledge, improvement of environmental and social standards, improvement of the legal and economic framework, positive environmental effects, etc.).
- Please indicate the target groups of the project and describe how these groups benefit from the project (if possible, please quantify).
- Please explain how the long-term projectsuccess will be ensured beyondproject completion.
2.7Risk analysis
Please describe risks (outside influences) and weaknesses (challenges within the project) that may jeopardize the successful implementation of the project. Please indicate possible countermeasures.
2.8Preliminarycost plan
If possible, please provide a rough outline of costs according to the current state of planning.
Total Costsin EUR
1 / Material Costs: / €
2 / Cost of External Experts: / €
3 / Company Personnel Costs: / €
4 / Other Costs: / €
Total costs excluding statutory value-added tax / €
We hereby declare that the information above is complete and correct. We are aware that measures required by statute are not eligible for support. We therefore confirm that our project activities will go beyond the statutory requirements on our company.
Date, signature3Additional data
In order to promote the programme, we appreciate your feedback on how you first heard about Please tick all that apply. The feedback will be evaluated anonymously. Thank you for your participation.
How did you / your company find out about
☐Internet search:
☐Banner advertisement:
☐ brochures, flyers, success stories
☐Press articles:
☐Trade fair:
Personal contacts and advisory services
☐Contact partner at DEG, GIZ or sequa: ☐in Germany ☐abroad
☐Chamber of Commerce and Industry, sector and/ or regional trade association
☐Agency for Business and Development(Agentur für Wirtschaft und Entwicklung)
☐Business Consultancy/Consultant
☐Other: please insert
Further information
☐I wish to receive further information about the programme.
(Filled out by DEG)
Bewertung am:
Bewertung durch: – Development partnerships with the private sector – Project proposal; as of: May 20181/7