Maryland CUPA-HR Chapter Meeting

401 Rosemont Avenue, Whitaker Campus Commons, Frederick, MD 21701

March 25, 2016

10:00am – 4:00pm


9:15 – 10:00RegistrationVisit with Sponsors

10:00 – 10:10Welcome/Kristi Yowell, MD Chapter President

10:10 – 10:15Welcome & Housekeeping/Carol Wuenschel, Executive Director for HR, Hood College

10:15 – 10:20Sponsor Introductions/Don Harris, Senior Vice President, VALIC

10:20 – 11:30HealthCare Costs and Trends/Randy J. Hart, Senior Vice President, CBIZ

Mr. Hart will present on Trends in Health Benefits, including topics such as health care costs trends, cost containment strategies, funding options, private exchanges, wellbeing strategies, education and communications, voluntary benefits, and compliance. The presentation will draw upon Randy's experience with higher education clients.

11:30 – 11:45Break & Visit with Sponsors

11:45 – 12:35Networking Lunch & Visit with Sponsors (lunch will be provided)

12:35 – 1:45Creating a Culture of Engagement and Other Trends in Higher Education /Helene Wiswall Perdue, Organizational Development Consultant, ModernThink LLC

If you’re wondering about what’s really going on in higher education employee engagement, you won’t want to miss the March MD CUPA-HR meeting. Helene Perdue, OD Consultant at ModernThink, will present data gleaned from the Great Colleges To Work For annual survey. Helene will speak to how the trends reflected in the data are manifested on participating college and university campuses. She will provide real-world advice on how participants have utilized the survey data to address current trends. She will also provide insight into how the engagement experience, or lack thereof, of certain groups of employees on campuses is affecting institutions’ abilities to recruit and retain talented individuals. Attendees will be encouraged to share best practices whether they’ve participated in the program or not. Now in its ninth year, the Great Colleges To Work For program, sponsored by The Chronicle of Higher Education and ModernThink, has become one of the largest and most prestigious recognition programs in the country, and provides unparalleled bench-marking in workplace quality metrics and best practices. Topics touched on during the presentation will include:

  • Making data-based decisions that affect key constituents
  • Creating conditions that enable employees to perform at their very best
  • Recruiting and retaining employee talent
  • Infusing an “Employer of Choice” mentality throughout the workforce
  • Creating a culture of change and challenging established practices

1:45 – 2:00Break & Visit with Sponsors

2:00 – 4:00Chapter Business Meeting