McDonald Forest 15 KM Hall of Fame and Fun! J

1996 - 2007

Thank You for the Support!

Runners who finish the 15KM XC Race five years will receive a “Five Year” mug.

Runners who finish the 15KM XC Race ten years will receive a “Ten Year” plate. Runners can NOT count years when they did not finish the 15KM Race, but finished the 50KM Ultramarathon towards the 15KM Hall of Fame and Fun.

The number in ( ) is the number of 15KM finishes.

The (*) are runners who entered the Hall of Fame in the past when a 50KM finish would count.


Meghan Arbogast Lee Fields * Ruth Johns *

Mary Barron Peter Idema * David Taylor (12)

David Bateham Jay Jamieson (12) Greg Wheeler *

Ed Cameron


Mark Adams Mark Franklin Kevin O’Brien (6)

Henry Alaman (6) Becky Garrett (8) David O’Kain (6)

Kelly Albers (7) Candis Giles (8) Margaret Pederson

Chris Anderson * Connie Graham (7) Thomas Pfleeger

Doris Aponte (7) Craig Graham (6) Pattie Post

Jim Archer (8) Jeannette Groesz Jill Poyer (7))

Brian Arbogast (6) William Groesz Cynthia Ratzman

Elke Asleson Larry Halford * Art Renda *

Leah Ball-Henrikson Vicki Harlos Barbara Ringstad (6)

Anna Bandick * Teague Hatfield Gabriela Rosales (6)

Rod Beckner (6) Jason Hawthorne (7) Kirk Rose

Melissa Berman (6) Mathue Henrikson Giovanna Rosenlicht (7)

Dennis Borden Mark Humphreys Mike Rosling

Jennifer Brennan Toni Hoyman (6) Jessica Rykken *

Philip Burkum (7) Mark Humphreys * Linda Samet

Carol Carnley Wanda Jeppson (9) Teresa Schut *

Colleen Carter-Cox (6) William Johnson (6) Rick Segal

Timothy Clarke (7) Sarah Kerr-Daley (6) Jeremy Smith

Jane Cleavenger (7) Scott Kruis Michele Smith

Shaun Cooper Randall Law (6) Craig Snider (6)

Andy Dale (6) Nick Lederer Sally Stafford (9)

Roger Daniels (6) Scott Leonard Cary Stephens (6)

Joanne DeMay (7) Jim Lofgren * Pamela Stewart

Jessica Dobek Lars Lofgren (6) Todd Temple (6)

Jane Dolan Suzi MacLeod (7) David Thomason (7)

Theo Dreher Jim Martin (7) Mike Tyler (6)

Nancy Dutton * Dylan Mason Mark Vomicil (9)

Joseph Elmore Jonathan Meier Lynn Ward *

Eb Engelmann Sean Meissner (6) Ellen Welcker

Richard Fischer Micheal Milbradt * Doug Williams *

Bill Fleck (6) John Morelock * Kerri Winters *

Heather Flynn Clint Morrison *

Anthony Franklin

15K Nine Year Finishers (Plates are waiting!)

Wanda Jeppson Sally Stafford Marc Vomocil

15K Four Year Finishers (Mugs are waiting!)

Jeff Brooks Joe Kregel Toby Scott

Kathy Cafazzo Sean Larson Mike Shaughnessy

Dian Cummings Anne Miller Mieke Stevens

Laura Duncan-Allen Ed Miller Peter Stocking

Jennifer Duringer Jenny Miller Dennis Sullivan

Matt Fehrenbacher Tani Mollahan Erik Tornianien

Andrew Formiller Colleen Moyer Rita VanDoren

Katharine Fricke James Nelson Rita Vinal

Sheila Halpin Jeff Nielsen John Wager

Sam Holmes Melanie Ocampo Zach Welcker

Bart Hunter Ken Osher Randy Wentross

Tim Kassler Jim Ridlington Steamboat Willie

Trisha Kluge Martha Rockey