Authoring User Specification
Version / Description / Author / Date0.1 / Create initial document. / Felipe Serrano / 10/18/2007
0.2 / Added sections for registration, content creation and tagging. / Felipe Serrano / 10/18/2007
0.2.5 / Converted the document to new documentation standard. / Felipe Serrano / 10/24/2007
0.3 / Updated screenshots to use the new theme and updated section on Text content creation. / Felipe Serrano / 10/25/2007
User Profile
Home Page Creation
Content Creation
Main Page
File Uploading
Editing Text
Content Tagging
General Tagging
Text Tagging
Image Tagging
Video Tagging
User Profile
A user must create a simple profile in order to interact with the more advanced features of the side including:
- Content Creation
- Content Purchasing
- Commenting other content
- Rating other content
- Constructing a personalized home page.
In order to access advanced content, a user must register with the site. To register select “Register” from the upper right hand corner and you will be directed to the registration page.
In the registration page you will be asked for your Name, E-mail Address, and a Password. If the e-mail address is already registered you will be prompted to try to create a different account.
Home Page Creation
Content Creation
A user must be registered to be given the option to create and upload new content. Registration is explained above.
Main Page
The user is given the choice to either upload a file or to create a new text file. If they choose “Upload File” they are taken to the file upload page (described below), and if they choose to “Write Text” they are taken to the text editor page (also described below).
File Uploading
To upload a file, choose a descriptive name for the content you are uploading, select the type of content you are uploading (choose from Text, Video or Image) and browse your system to select the file to upload. See below for the types of files that can be uploaded.
Content Type / File Types AllowedImage / JPG, PNG, JPEG, TIFF, BMP, GIF, SVG
Video / WMV, AVI, MOV
Text / TXT, HTML (no scripts allowed)
Table 1: Allowed file types for each kind of content.
When you are satisfied with your choices, click on the Upload button. Depending on the size of your file, uploading may take up to several minutes.
If the upload was a success, you will be directed to tag your newly uploaded content (described below).
Otherwise, an error message will be displayed. Please correct any errors and try again.
Editing Text
To create text you are given the option of editing plain text in a simple text editor, or to develop your document in a WYSIWYG (What you see is what you get) editor. The two editors are interchangeable and you can switch between both at any time during your editing without losing your content. For advanced users, you may edit the markup generated by the WYSIWYG editor in the simple editor.
You may also add previously uploaded content to the text document to be displayed in line with your text. This creates an easy way to integrate your images and videos into your documents. In order to do this, select the “Embed Content” option (see Figure 1below) from the editor and search for content that you would like to upload (see Figure below).
Figure 1: The “Embed Content” button in the WYSIWYG text editor.
Figure 2: The pop-up that allows you to search for content to embed
Content Tagging
After your content has been uploaded, you have the option of tagging your content in several ways depending on the type of content uploaded.
General Tagging
For all kinds of content, you have the option of adding “global” tags that identify your content’s subject matter. Shown above is the page where you can tag a video, with the content being previewed in the top pane, and the tagging interface below.
To add a tag simply input the tag name into the text box and click the “Add” button. Your added tag will be displayed below with the option to delete it by clicking the “Delete” button.
Once you are done modifying the tags for your new content, click on the “Update Tags” button to attach the tags to the content. NOTE: no tags will actually be added to the content until you click the “Update Tags” content.
Text Tagging
<Work in Progress>
Image Tagging
Work in Progress
Video Tagging
Work in Progress