Information for Candidates
For appointment to the ACT Governance Committee
About us
Associated Community Training (ACT) was established in 1988 and has since gained a reputation as one of the most innovative and professional training providers in Wales, delivering World Class Training.
ACT, who trained approximately 5500 apprentices last year have an overall 86% framework achievement rate for its apprenticeship programmes.
ACT now employs over 300 members of staff across Wales. Named in the prestigious Sunday Times Top 100 List of Best Small Companies to Work For, the company has three training centre’s in Cardiff, as well as centre’s in Caerphilly, Bridgend and Aberdare.
They offer a unique, ground-breaking range of accredited training and employment services, which has assisted them to consistently achieve the highest levels in both learner results and their personal development. From this, they have become one of the Welsh Government's leading skills training providers.
ACThas developed close relationships with many strategic customers. These employers value both highly trained staff and ACT’s ability to offer innovative solutions in-house or through their unique network of strategic partners.
Apprenticeship Statistics for ACT:
- ACT currently have over 4000 Apprentices following an Apprenticeship programme
- Last year, ACT supported 2700 Apprenticeship learners to complete their Apprenticeship
- ACT hold the largest Welsh Government contract worth in excess of £13m for the 2013/2014 contract year
- ACT have a completion rate of 86% for Apprenticeships for the 2013/2014 contract year (86% Apprenticeships & 86% Foundation Apprenticeships)
- Last year, ACT delivered training to approximately 5000 Apprenticeship learners
ACT Schools
ACT have set up centre’s to deliver highly engaging learning programmes for young people who are disengaged from pre16 education. Their approach is aimed at ensuring that Students undertaking work related training and development in the areas that the young people are interested in.
- In October 2015 we scooped up four awards at the prestigious Apprentcieship Awards Cymru 2015ceremony; Provider Award for Partnership Working award, Pre-Apprenticeship programme tutor Louisa Gregory, won Work-Based Learning Practitioner of the Year,two of the company’s learners were awarded with accolades. Cory Rowlands, 18, from Barry, who works as a salesman with family-run Cardiff Bed Store, collected the Traineeship Learner of the Year (Level One) award and Janet Bevan, 53, from Treorchy, who works for CwmTaf University Health Board, in Llantrisant, was named Higher Apprentice of the Year.
- In February 2015 we wererecognised by The Sunday Times as one of the Best 100 Companies in the UK to work for.ACT ranked 64thin the prestigious list which measures and acknowledges excellence in workplace engagement. It is widely acknowledged as the most searching and extensive research into employee engagement carried out in this country.
- ACT was awarded the Leadership and Management Wales Quality Award in 2014 for the delivery of its programmes. This accolade recognises training providers who offer a definitive standard of leadership and management development in Wales as well as demonstrating best practice and maintaining the highest standards. A rigorous audit is conducted which is then considered by a quality review board and therefore ACT are proud of this achievement in this area of the business.
- In November 2014 ACTwon the Provider Award for Social Responsiveness at the high profile Apprenticeship Awards Cymru 2014 ceremony, held at the Celtic Manor Resort, Newport. The company was also a finalist in the Apprenticeship Provider of the Year category.
- In 2014 ACThas been recognised by The Sunday Times as one of the Best 100 Companies in the UK for 2014.ACT ranked 35thin the prestigious list which measures and acknowledges excellence in workplace engagement. It is widely acknowledged as the most searching and extensive research into employee engagement carried out in this country.
- In June 2012, the ACT network (including 15 sub-contractors) was inspected by Estyn (Her Majesties Inspectorate for Wales) they found that almost 100% of learners would recommend ACT to others. ACT were judged as providing a good standard of training and had good prospects for improvement. They reported that “the learner remains the clear focus for all that the provider does”.
- In November 2007ACTachieved Investors in People “Profile” Award, in which we scored amongst the highest grades in the country for learning,development and people management strategies. We were then re-assessed in December 2010 and successfully achieved “gold” status.
- In 2010 & 2011ACTachieved ‘Star Status’ by the Best Companies Guide for the way we developed our staff. In 2012 we also achieved a place in the top 100 places to work for in the UK.
- In May 2011ACTwere awarded the largest ever contract in Wales by the Welsh Government. This was due to the excellent ratings we received in our Provider Performance Review, which the Welsh Government carries out on an annual basis.ACThave consequently secured a major agreement to train over 8,000 people a year and are set to double in size and create more than 100 new jobs.
- In June 2011ACTwere awarded the Green Dragon Environmental Standard Level 2 award. We were given the award in recognition of the improvementACThas made in reducing our environmental impact as a company. This was down to a lot of hard work from the Environmental Management Team, the ESDGC champions and every member of staff who has assisted us in implementing our ideas.
- In September 2011ACTachieved the Basic Skills Quality Standard by providing a high level of training to all of our learners, along with an opportunity toimprove their skills in Literacy and Numeracy.
Mission, Vision & Values
ACT's mission is to make a positive difference to people’s lives by providing outstanding learning opportunities. ACT encourages five core values.
- Being Positive and having a “can do” attitude
- Taking pride in exceeding people’s expectations
- Helping raise and realise people’s aspirations
- Having fun in providing a professional, safe and friendly service
- Showing a deep respect for individuals
The Governance Committee
The governance committee’s function is to challenge and support the work of the Directors of ACT to examine their use of public funds to consider whether the best possible outcomes for learners is being achieved. Their work will add value to the work of the company, and will build on existing ACT good practise and to consider ACT’s social responsibility and social enterprise ethos.
Responsibilities of the governance committee
1. Scrutinise and issue advice on ACT’s strategic plans and priority setting in spending public funds.
2. Review ACT polices and sub contractual arrangements as and when necessary and issue recommendations to the Directors.
3. Agree and monitor key performance indicators for ACT
Meetings of the governance committee
The Governance Committee will meet quarterly at the ACT offices.
Members of the governance committee
-All members will be independent
-Members will have an active knowledge of and/or interest in education and training matters.
-Time commitment is up to four days a year
Person specification
Successful candidates will have:
-Knowledge of and/or an active interest in education and training issues.
-An authoritative view on the issues facing ACT, such as the needs of business, the labour market trends, needs of learners.
-An understanding of Welsh Government policies and priorities in education, skills and economic development portfolio areas.
-The ability to be a confident but balanced commentator who is able to challenge and test proposals on advice which you will be required to give
-The ability to work constructively in a team or committee environment, with effective communications skills
Conflict of interest and code of conduct
The governors will be expected to follow and adhere to the following principles of public life and public appointment.
Governors should act solely in terms of the public interest. They should not do so in order to gain financial or other material benefits for themselves, their family, or their friends.
Governors should not place themselves under any financial or other obligation to outside individuals or organisations that might seek to influence them in the performance of their official duties.
In carrying out public business, awarding contracts, or recommending individuals for rewards and benefits, governors should make choices or recommendations on merit.
Governors have a duty to declare any private interests relating to their public duties and to take steps to resolve any conflicts arising in a way that protects the public interest.
How to apply
To apply please submit your CV along with the application form to
If you are invited for interview your reasonable travel expenses will be reimbursed. Please provide brief details. If you need to travel from outside the UK, please discuss arrangements in advance. If you have a disability please let us know if you require any assistance in attending for interview.
Terms and conditions
The following sets out the terms under which an appointment to the ACT Governance committee is made.
Period of Appointment
The appointment will last for three years, with the exception of the Learner representatives.
ACT, at its absolute discretion, terminate the appointment by notice in writing (?)
A member of the Governance Committee may resign at any time from office by giving notice to the Secretary to the Managing Director / Chair. (It is expected that reasonable notice of resignation should be given, preferably a period of at least three months.)
Time Commitment and Fees
The Governance Committee will meet quarterly. Suitable expenses will be paid. The chair will be entitled to an attendance allowance.
Confidentiality of Information
Members of the Governance Committee will be expected to show complete confidentiality in respect of information or materials supplied to them for the purposes of and in connection with their duties on the Governance Committee. Any papers or other materials must be returned to ACT at the end of a Member's term of appointment.