Transnational Assignment 10-2

Nov 9, 2010

Transnational Assignment

For this assignment you will be looking at transnational corporations. The assignment will have three parts.

Part 1 – PowerPoint

For this assignment, you will be looking at a specific transnational corporation and making a PowerPoint on it. In this PowerPoint, you must have the following items:

Slide One: Title Slide – You name should appear on this slide

Slide Two: Background of the Transnational

·  Private or public

·  Date founded

·  Location

·  Owner (???) or Key People

Slide Three: What does it make?/What do they do?

Slide Four: History

·  It is not an epic, but a very brief history of the company

Slide Five: Why are they a transnational?

·  Evidence that makes the company fit the definition

Slide Six: Website

·  What is the website like?

·  Products that they sell?

·  Is it Global?

·  Give Examples

Slide Seven: Problems with the company?

·  Have they faced criticism in the world?

Slide Eight: Impact on the World

·  What is the impact of the TNC on the world?

Slide Nine: Written report attached – See Below

Marking Scheme

For all Slides: 10 marks

·  creativity /1

·  information /4

·  accuracy /2

·  follow the instructions /1

·  grammar and spelling /2

Total /80

Part 2 – 3 Paragraphs – Added as an attachment on the PowerPoint.

For this assignment, you will be writing a three-paragraph assignment on the transnational that you have been assigned. In your paragraphs, you must look at 3 of the following criteria:

·  Prosperity of the people that work for the company

·  equality of treatment and opportunity for employees

·  cultural and social vitality

·  environmental health

·  influence on the world stage

Basically, this is a 5-paragraph essay, with out the first and last paragraph. All that you are asked to do is get into the issues, and not to worry about the introduction and conclusion.

Marking Scheme to be attached

These assignments will be due on Wednesday November 17th.

Here is a list of transnational that you can choose from.

Transnational Assignment 10-2

Nov 9, 2010

1.  Asea Brown Boveri


3.  Accenture Ltd.

4.  Airbus

5.  Apple Inc.

6.  Citigroup

7.  BASF

8.  Billabong

9.  BP

10. Cadbury Schweppes

11. Chevron Corporation

12. Daimler AG

13. Embraer

14. Fiat

15. Google Inc.

16. HSBC

17. Johnson & Johnson

18. Krispy Kreme

19. LG Group

20. Nestlé

21. Parmalat

22. Petronas

23. Royal Dutch Shell

24. Schlumberger Limited

25. Telefónica

26. Virgin Group Ltd

27. Tesco

28. Carrefour

29. American Express

30. Federal Express

31. Proctor and Gamble

32. Mars, Incorporated

33. Gerdau

34. Pepsico

Transnational Assignment 10-2

Nov 9, 2010

You will be able to choose one of these at the digression of the teacher.