Algebra II-Week 17-(5/3-5/7)Sarah Pylant
Objective: 2f, 2l Evaluate polynomial functions, find factors of polynomial functions, use the factor theorem, and use synthetic division. Find the number of positive and negative real zeroes and find possible rational roots.
Bell Ringer: What do you think a possible answer to x3+3x2+4x+6=0 would be?
Activity: Students will work the problems from the previous assignment on the board. Each problem will be discussed. Students will make necessary corrections on their papers. Students will work in small groups on the following assignment:
P.473: 9,11,13,17
P.479: 23,27
Closure: Teacher will begin introduction to sections 10-7 and 10-8.
Objective: 2f, 2j, 2l, 3a Evaluate polynomial functions, find factors of polynomial functions, use the factor theorem, and use synthetic division. Find the number of positive and negative real zeroes and find possible rational roots. Determine the inverse of a function and find compositions of functions.
Bell Ringer: (ACT Review) How many positive real zeroes will f(x)=2x3-7x2+5x=+2 have?
Activity: Students will work the problems from the previous assignment on the board. Each will be discussed, with students having the opportunity to make necessary corrections on their papers. Teacher will use guided notes to finish introduction to sections 10-7 and 10-8. Students will complete the notes and corresponding examples. Students will use remaining class time to work on the following assignment:
P.473: 12,16,18
P.479: 22
P.490: 17,21,23,25,27,29
P.494: 5,7,9,15,17,21,25(Explain #5; graph #21 and #25) *writing
Closure: Students will be instructed to complete unfinished problems from the above assignment as homework.
Objective: 2f, 2j, 2l, 3a Evaluate polynomial functions, find factors of polynomial functions, use the factor theorem, and use synthetic division. Find the number of positive and negative real zeroes and find possible rational roots. Determine the inverse of a function and find compositions of functions.
Bell Ringer: (ACT Review) What is the inverse of y=2x + 7?
Activity: Students will be asked to work problems from the previous assignment on the board. Each problem will be discussed; students will make necessary corrections on their papers. Students will work in small groups to complete the following assignment:
P.473: 10, 14
P.479: 26
P.490: 16,18,22,24,26,28
P.494: 4,6,8,14,16,22,26(Graph #22 and #26)
Closure: Students will complete “mini-tests” for this week.
Objective: 2f, 2j, 2l, 3a Participate in a review for Test 17.
Bell Ringer: (ACT Review) If f(x)=2x and g(x)=x+6, find f[g(x)].
Activity: Teacher will allow students to work in small groups on the following review assignment:
P.497: 7,11; P.499: 18,19,10. After about 45 minutes, teacher will begin assigning problems for students to work on the board. Each problem will be discussed. Students will compare their work with that on the board and make necessary corrections on their papers.Teacher will use guided notes to introduce sections 12-1 and 12-2. Student will complete the notes and corresponding examples.
Closure: Students will copy the test outline provided by the teacher. Students will be encouraged to ask questions that they may have concerning Test 17.
Objective: 1f, 1g, 2f, 2j, 2l, 3a Complete Test 17. Simplify expressions and solve equations involving real exponents, write exponential equations in logarithmic form and vice versa, and solve equations involving logarithmic functions.
Bell Ringer: Define “composition of a function;” provide graphic/symbol.
Activity: Teacher will administer Test 17. Students will be given the first 55 minutes of class to complete the test.
Closure: Students will work independently on the following problems:
P.549-500: Odds(13-17), Odds(25-39);
P.556-557: Odds(7-17), Odds)25-35.
These problems are on the back of the notes for sections 12-1 and 12-2.