Application Form

For use of Washingborough Community Centre

Applicant Details:




Contact Tel No: ______Email:

Hire Details:


Function Start Time:______

Function End Time:______

Additional preparation time: ______Additional tidy time: ______

Estimated number of Attendees ______

Facilities Required (please tick):

Main Hall:Small Hall:Bar Area: Kitchen:  Licensed Bar[1]:  Cleaning Service[2]: 

I apply for use of the facilities described above and, in the event of this application being granted, I agree to accept the Booking Notes overleaf and the attached Conditions of Hire, a copy of which I have retained.

Applicants Signature: ______

Booking Notes

  1. A 10% reduction will be given to village organisations for 10 or more bookings in a 12 month period provided advance rental for a quarter is paid.
  1. Where an outside organisation wishes to hire the Main Hall each week for a year (excluding Friday and Saturdays) then the 10% discount will apply.
  1. A non-refundable cancellation deposit of 25% of the full amount of the hire charge is payable at the time of booking (this may be waived in extenuating circumstances). Full payment is required prior to the commencement of the function.
  1. A refundable deposit of £75 is required for any damage to the building, decor or equipment. The Parish Council also reserve the right to withhold, from this deposit a reasonable sum to cover excess cleaning of the Centre if necessary. If the cost of making good the Centre exceeds the deposit sum, an invoice will be charged to the hirer accordingly. If none of these matters occur, the deposit will be refunded to the hirer within one month of the function.
  1. If the function is arranged by more than one person or family, the Parish Clerk, acting as Booking Secretary, must be informed of the names and addresses of the joint hirers.
  1. There is a limit on the amount of waste the Community Centre may generate. In order to maintain an equal system for all users, the provision of refuse bags will be restricted to:

JUMBLE SALES – two sacks will be supplied in addition to the lined bins in the kitchen.

PARTY FUNCTIONS WITH FOOD – three sacks will be supplied in addition to the lined bins in the kitchen.


  1. If the need arises for a caravan to be sited on the car park overnight in conjunction with a booking of the Community Centre, PERMISSION MUST BE FIRST SOUGHT FROM THE PARISH COUNCILgiving details of the reasons for such use.

These notes may be altered, varied, amended or added to by the

Management Committee at its discretion.

Conditions of Hire

  1. All applications for the hiring of the Centre, all communications relating to hiring and booking should be made to:

Parish Clerk, Civic Office, Fen Road, Washingborough, Lincoln. LN4 1AB

Tel: 05122 790109 Email:

Payments should be made payable to: Washingborough Parish Council

  1. The use of the premises must be restricted to the use and accommodation specified on the letting permit. The sub-letting of the premises is prohibited.
  1. The hirer(s) shall be responsible for any articles placed in the cloakroom and shall indemnify the Management Committee against any claim arising from the loss or damage to any articles deposited therein during their use of the Centre.
  1. The hirer(s) shall be responsible for the decent and orderly conduct of whatever function is promoted by them and shall undertake to make good any damage to the structure of the building and any loss or damage to the furniture and/or equipment of the building caused during occupancy. The attachment of notices, garlands etc., is only permitted at the discretion of the Management Committee.
  1. The Management Committee reserves the right to:
  2. free admission for not more than two accredited representatives to any engagement of the Community Centre (but such admission precludes the participation in any activity for which the Centre has been hired);
  3. to waive or alter the whole or any part of the schedules of charges for any reason it might deem sufficient;
  4. to refuse any application for the hire of the Centre for any reason it might deem sufficient.
  1. The hirer(s) are responsible for ensuring the terms of licences granted by the local authority are adhered to, particularly with reference to:
  2. Capacity - The current allowed capacities are:Main HallSmall Hall

For dancing17080

Seated (with chairs locked together)28580

  1. Fire Exits - All approaches to, and ways from, the exit doors must be kept free from obstruction.
  1. Smoking is NOT PERMITTED in any part of the building OR ENTRANCES.
  1. The wearing of footwear likely to cause damage to floors is not permitted. Persons found wearing such footwear will be barred from the premises.
  1. Motor vehicles must not be taken onto the playing field except with prior approval.
  1. Equipment brought into the building must be removed within 24 hours and, in any case, must not be left in such a position as to interfere with a subsequent booking. Electrical equipment used in the building shall be so wired that the electrical circuits are adequately protected from damage.
  1. The premises will not be let to any person under the age of 21 years.
  1. Where tickets are sold at the door for any function, admission will not be permitted after 11.00pm.
  1. The hirer(s) shall be responsible for ensuring that no unauthorised person gains access to the building and, for this purpose, a representative of the hirer(s) will act as “doorman” until such time that the bar is closed.
  1. Entry times - Important notice to all hirers
  2. Hirer(s) will be allowed 1 hours’ preparation time preceding and 1 hours’ tidy time after an event free of charge but any time over this will be charged at the normal hourly rate.
  3. The Caretaker and/or Parish Clerk must be notified at least 24 hours beforehand of all entry times.
  1. Permission to bring any intoxicants into the building must be first sought through the Parish Clerk.
  1. It is the responsibility of the hirer to ensure that all crockery, cutlery and glassware that is used, is washed, dried and put away in the appropriate cupboards. A charge will be made if the hirer fails to do this.
  1. Corkage Charges

Anyone bringing alcoholic drinks into the building for toasts, etc will be charged a corkage fee per bottle, box, etc. Charges will be levied by the Parish Clerk and may vary from time to time.

  1. Hirers are reminded that alcohol may only be consumed within the building[3].
  1. All Hirers must comply with all the relevant legislation involving children and vulnerable adults.
  1. NO abuse or misuse of drugs will be allowed in the Community Centre.

Conditions may be altered, varied, amended or added to by the

Management Committee at its discretion.

[1]Licensed Bar – There is an additional charge for this service. Please refer to the current hire charges tariff.

Please complete the Bar Hire form and return to Mobile Bars (address on form) or the Civic Office (address above).

Mobile Bars is the authorised agent to supply alcohol on these premises. No other person(s) shall dispense alcohol without the express consent of the Management Committee and the Designated Premises Supervisor/Bar Officer.

[2]Cleaning Service– It is a requirement of the booking conditions that the building is left in a clean and tidy condition after use. This service can be provided at an additional cost subject to the notes overleaf and the Conditions of Hire being adhered to. Please note: this service does not include the duties of the caterer (eg washing up of crockery, cutlery, serving or cooking equipment, etc).

[3]The North Kesteven District Council (Alcohol Consumption in Public Places) (Heighington and Washingborough, Lincolnshire) Designated Public Places Order 2007 prohibits the consumption of alcohol on the playing field and play area.