MJHS Choir Handbook


Welcome to the McAdams Junior High School Choir. We are excited to have such a

wonderful, talented group of young singers. You have chosen to be a part of an organization that can offer you many opportunities for growth and provide experiences in music that you will remember for a lifetime.

This handbook is designed to introduce you to the many facets of the MJHS Choir and to answer as many questions as possible. In an active program like this one, your cooperation helps insure a successful experience for all. We acknowledge that parent and community involvement and support for our program will be our greatest asset.

MJHS Choir Mission Statement:

The MJHS Choir program is devoted to the cultivation of the art of choral music in the lives of its students and in the broader community; to teach techniques of musical expression; providing a sequential developmental music curriculum which allows each student an opportunity to build musical skills and understanding through a wide variety of quality musical experiences.

Choir Membership:

We are dedicated to developing musical knowledge and experience using a wide variety of styles of music. Members are to give 100 % of their cooperation and support to the directors and to each other. Together we strive to meet these expectations for continued success.

Participation yields:

1. Development of ability to sight-read

2. Development of strong, mature vocal quality

3. Development of tonal memory

4. Development of self-confidence and pride on stage

5. Mastery of diverse choral literature

6. Development of aesthetic appreciation

Required Supplies:

Each student must have the following in class every day:

1.  One 1” Black, 3-Ring binder.

2.  2 pencils (these must be available every day)

3.  Loose Leaf paper (approx. 40 sheets)

4.  All music and handouts given by the teacher

Choral Ensembles

Lyric Choir

Membership includes 7th and 8th grade beginner girls and is based upon choral audition, schedule availability and directors' educational suggestion. Sight-reading skills are introduced and applied to appropriate choral literature. This choir may compete at the UIL concert and sightreading competition and/or music festivals. Individual members may choose to participate in Solo and Ensemble contest and All-Region choir auditions. These are completely optional and require work outside of the normal school day, as well as individual practice. Eligibility is an important factor; as it is a requirement to participate as a member of any extracurricular activity in the state of Texas.

Symphonic Choir

Membership includes 7th and 8th grade girls who are experienced students and is based upon choral audition, schedule availability and directors' educational suggestion. Sight-reading skills are introduced and applied to appropriate choral literature. This choir may compete at the UIL concert and sightreading competition and/or music festivals. Individual members must choose to participate in either Solo and Ensemble contest or All-Region choir auditions (both are recommended). These activities require work outside of the normal school day, as well as individual practice. Eligibility is an important factor; as it is a requirement to participate as a member of any extracurricular activity in the state of Texas.


Membership includes 7th and 8th grade boys and is based upon choral audition, schedule availability and directors' educational suggestion. Sight-reading skills are introduced and applied to appropriate choral literature. This choir may compete at the UIL concert and sightreading competition and/or music festivals. Individual members must choose to participate in either Solo and Ensemble contest or All-Region choir auditions (both are recommended). These activities require work outside of the normal school day, as well as individual practice. Eligibility is an important factor; as it is a requirement to participate as a member of any extracurricular activity in the state of Texas.


Students at Mcadams Junior High are expected to adhere to the following ideals:

Respectful - Gators will hold others in high regard; value other points of view; accept people for who they are. They will maintain a kind and polite disposition toward self, others and the community.

Responsible - Gators will know the difference between right and wrong and be accountable for their conduct and obligations (School Expectations & Rules).

Involved - Gators will be engaged in learning in the classroom and participate in extracurricular activities.



1. Come into the classroom in a calm and orderly fashion.

2. Place your belongings in the designated area and go to your designated seat. All you should bring to your seat is your choir folder with all required music, a pencil, and a good attitude. (Anything else that you bring to the risers will be confiscated)

3. If for some reason, you cannot participate or vocalize in rehearsal, clear it with your

director BEFORE CLASS BEGINS. If you are too sick to participate, you probably

shouldn't be at school.

4. Bell-work/Warm-up begins promptly when the tardy bell rings. Students will be counted tardy if not seated and attentive WHEN THE BELL RINGS. Listen for

announcements, due dates, instruections, etc.

5. Get a drink of water and use the restroom before the tardy bell rings. No excuses.

6. All students must keep their mouth empty of foreign objects such as, but not limited to: gum, candy, food, paper, pens, pencils, pen caps, small animals, other humans.

No exceptions.

7. Cell phones are to be turned off and put away while in any choir rehearsal or


8. Members should remain in their assigned seat or standing location, without touching others, during rehearsals unless otherwise instructed by the director.

9. Misbehavior, talking without permission, or any other disruptions will not be tolerated

at any time.

10.Make a habit of being on time with a good attitude, ready to work, and making sounds only when asked.

If a student’s individual conduct falls outside of the guidelines, steps will be taken to ensure each students success which include the following:

1st offense: verbal warning to student

2nd offense: Conference with teacher/parent contact

3rd offense: Conference with teacher/parent contact

4th offense: Discipline referral/parent contact

Grading System

• Daily Work (55%)—the student’s daily work is based on the quality of effort made during the rehearsal time.

• Tests—(45%)-- Students’ understanding of music concepts/skills will be assessed weekly. Concerts will count for 3 test grades (Attendance, Performance & Etiquette, Uniform)

Performances – Attendance to all performances is required. Performances count for 2 test grades and are graded on the following criteria:

• Being on time

• Dressed in the appropriate uniform

• Performance etiquette

• Audience etiquette


Formal Uniform


• Black formal (provided by school**)

• Black flats (no flip-flops, tennis shoes or high heels)

• Hose (optional)

• Jewelry-small stud earrings only

• Hair--out of face

• No perfume should be worn as a courtesy to other singers.

**All girls will need to pay a $10.00/year uniform maintenance fee which will cover cleanings and alterations. Uniform fees are due by September 8th.


• Solid-black dress pants with a black leather belt.

• Long-sleeve solid-black button-down dress shirt

• Solid-black shoes and socks

• No cologne or body spray should be worn as a courtesy to other singers.

Informal Uniform:

Women & Men:

• Choir T-Shirt (may also be worn any school day)

• Blue jeans (school appropriate only)

• Tennis Shoes


The voice is an instrument housed in the body. As with any instrument, the voice requires care. To ensure good vocal health, choir students should refrain from anything that may damage their instrument.

Things to avoid include:

1. Excessively loud vocal production and excessive talking

2. Screaming/Yelling

3. The use of tobacco products and overexposure of secondhand smoke

The voice is positively affected by:

1. Drinking plenty of water

2. Getting enough rest/sleep

3. Proper vocal technique

CONFERENCES (Conference is 4th period 10:17 a.m. to 11:10 a.m.)

All parent conferences must be arranged by contacting the director. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have questions or concerns. Because the director is stationed at several LISD campuses, please do not come to the choir room expecting a conference without confirmation from your student's director and signing in through the front office.


If you have any questions or you wish to help in any way, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Thank you,

Phillip Nix

MJHS Choir Director

Phone: 281-229-7294


MJHS Choir Calendar

Please make a note of the following dates, and make the necessary plans to be present when required. Remember: If you’re absent, the whole group suffers.


5th – MJHS Fall Choir Concert – 6:00 p.m. @ MJHS Auditorium


16th – Guys Night @ DHS


19thth – Christmas Concert – 6:00 p.m. @ MJHS Auditorium


12th – Girls Night – 4-7pm @ DHS


22rd – Pre UIL concert


1st&2nd – UIL Concert and Sightreading competition

24th – All Region Auditions


28th – Junior High All-Region Clinic and Concert @ University Baptist Church


22 – Final concert

Remember: Concert attendance counts for THREE test grades. We need you there!


In accepting this handbook, I accept the privileges and responsibilities as a

member of the MJHS Choir Program and promise to uphold in my actions and

attitudes those qualities which will honor the choir and school.



Parent or Guardian




ADDRESS: ______


PHONE#: ______

DATE: ______

Parents, please answer the following:

I would like to be considered for volunteer opportunities as they arise (circle one)

Yes No

My Child’s Tshirt size is (adult sizes): xs s m L XL XXL