January 4, 2016

In Attendance: / Vicki Billingsley, Sherice Mansfield, Connie Schmidt, Angela Morgan, Alex Hoerner, Kellie Cooper, Laurie Beavers, Heather Ryan, Michael Piper, Shannon Bjornson, Mark Hurston
Meeting was called to order at ___7:00___p.m. by Vicki Billingsley
Minutes from last meeting were reviewed and approved.
Piper Report: / Check has been issued for Saul Haus. Connie had a concern regarding how to make sure the $500 comes back to LHS athletes. Piper confirmed that LHS has their own Saul Haus account, other school cannot access it. If funds get matched, they will be designated for LHS
Treasurer’s Report: / There is approximately $63,000 in the account, $11,600 is Booster funds. Connie will check on guidelines for concession volunteers for students regarding insurance and child labor laws.
Agenda Items: / Clothes for a Cause – Angela discussed Clothes for a Cause. She would like to make it a competition between classes for $500 reward, comparing donation bags each week or specific day. Angela will contact Ruby White to confirm placement of the donation container. Piper will help locate a place.
Promo – Vicki ordered the LHS banners and business cards for $86. Vicki proposed purchasing refrigerator clips or pens. Vicki will price check pens.
Spirit Gear – Vicki discussed LHS window clings, $3 to purchase, selling at $5. Vicki will also look into making window clings. Discussion tables until further notice.
Coach Attendance – Vicki working on a Coach Letter addressing this with Robb
Concession Stand Report: / Concessions made a deposit to Little Caesars of $518, which should cover the remaining concession dates. Boosters may be assigned a Basketball playoff date. The Dance Team will be offered first selection. Italian Sodas are now being made in the concession stand with a measured glass.
Fundraising Report: / Auction is schedules for Friday March 19th; room is reserved 1pm to 10pm, as it is a half day. The Auction will be held 6:30 to 9:00. Angela has the following committees planned,
  • Decorations/Food – Set-up & Clean-up
  • Logistics – Cashiers, auction, bid sheets, timing, flow
  • Procurement – Obtaining auction items
Appetizers and desserts planned. Angela proposed 50% return for clubs, Vicki 2nd, all approved. Entry fees go to Boosters to cover event costs. Plan to encourage each club to donate a basket or items. $10 balloons were a popular purchase will continue to offer. Selling squares – 50/50 board. Angela will contact student team/club coaches for student participation. Football players assisted last year with parking, sports players assisted with set-up, clean-up and runners. Planning to continue with the same name to create a tradition. Wine was discussed as an auction item. Wine can be auctioned if sealed. Connie suggested a Wine Ring Toss. Vicki offered to contact LHS alumni at St. Michelle to ask about donations. Laurie and Angela will also look into wine donations.
New Business: /
  • Courtni sent an email stepping down as secretary, due to work schedules and family commitments. We will miss your service Courtni! This will means that the Boosters will need a website manager and or Co-Secretary. Please ask around. Vicki will look into finding a web specialist and will consult with Amy Cronin to request support and assistance in the meantime.
  • Discussed ways to promote the Booster Auction. Sherice will consult with Amy and Julianna about included a Booster Flyer in the music and drama programs. Angela offered to make the flyers. The next music concert is February 23rd.

Upcoming Events: / Auction Meeting, Wednesday January13th at Angela’s. Details will be emailed.


LHS Boosters Live To Give!


LHS Boosters Live To Give!