Human Development 8: Educational Planning and Guidance

Spring 2000

Instructor:Margaret Chun

Office:Student Service Center 104D

(310) 660-3447

Office Hour:Tuesdays 2:30-3:00

This course is designed for the first year college student. This course introduces higher education and the Master Plan of Higher Education in California. Included will be discussions of general education policies, requirements for transfer and the Associate in Arts Degree, and the differences among various higher education systems. Important information about the college and its resources as well as strategies to help the student succeed such as study skills, learning skills, time management, and career goals will be assessed. Student education plans will be developed.

Textbooks Required:

El Camino College Catalog and the Schedule of Classes (please bring both to class)


This course is graded on a Credit/No-Credit Basis only. Grading is based on attendance, participation, and completion of in-class and homework assignments, as well as a final exam.

Students with 3 or more absences will receive a no-credit for this course. Arriving to class late will result in half an absence. If you know in advance that you will have to miss a class, please contact me ahead of class to make arrangements for the work that you will miss.

Following is a breakdown of the points you need to earn credit in this course:

70-100 points = Credit

69 and below = No Credit

Point Break Down:

Attendance/Class Participation10%

Class/Homework Assignments:

A. Defining ECC Vocabulary5%

B. Identifying Campus Resources5%

C. Career/Transfer Center Exercise5%

D. True Colors Essay10%

E. Cultural Adjustment Assignment10%

F. Autobiographical Essay10%

G. Student Education Plan20%

Final Exam25%

Course Outline:

March 21, 2000-Introductions

-Review Course Syllabus

-Review International Student Program Services; Extended Opportunities Programs and Services (EOP&S)

-F-1 Rules and Regulations

-Ice-Breaker Exercise

Homework Assignment: Defining El Camino College


March 28, 2000-Introduction to Higher Education in California

El Camino College's Certificate, Graduation and Transfer Requirements

  1. Importance of Associate Degrees
  2. Transferring to UC's/CSU's

Homework Assignment:Identifying Campus Resources

April 4, 2000-Transferring to UC's/CSU's continued

-Choosing a university

-Work on Student Education Plan

-Homework Assignment: Finish Autobiographical Essay

April 11, 2000-Academic Policies--How to Calculate Grade Point Averages; Probation and Dismissal, Course Repeats

-Fall 2000 Suggested List of classes

-Cultural Adjustment Discussion and Assignment

April 18, 2000Spring Break--no classes in session

April 25, 2000-Introduction to Career Counseling

-Tour of Career/Transfer Center

Homework Assignment: Finish the Career Transfer Center Assignment

May 2, 2000Guest Speaker: - Career Counselor

"True Colors" Presentation

Homework Assignment:"True Colors" Essay

May 9, 2000-Self-Responsibility Exercise

-Time Management Exercise

Homework Assignment: Finish Student Education Plan

May 16, 2000-Learning Styles

-Study Skills Assessment

-Note Taking Strategies

-Student Education Plan due

May 23, 2000-FINAL EXAM

*** The course outline is subject to change depending on availability of guest speaker***