Rosie Jones Curriculum Vitae
Current Employment
Postdoctoral Research Assistant(March 2015 - present)
Department of Earth Sciences, University of Oxford, UK
My current research project is part of the ERC funded NOBLE project and the NERC funded consortium project ‘Mantle Volatiles: Processes, Reservoirs and Fluxes’. Specifically I am using noble gas isotope systematics (He, Ne, Ar, Kr and Xe) to develop newunderstanding on the origin, preservation and fluxes of volatiles (e.g., H2O, C, N, O, as well as the noble gases)into and out of the terrestrial mantle over the course of Earth history. This involves analysing the noble gas content and isotopic composition of a range of sample types (e.g., lava, volcanic scoria, mantle xenoliths, hydrothermal gas), and sample materials (e.g., volcanic glass, phenocryst phases, fluid and melt inclusions, volcanic gasses and waters), from different geological settings (e.g., ocean islands, spreading centers, volcanic arcs). Due to the generally low abundance of noble gases in these sample types I am involved with developing new sample handling techniques, extraction methods and analytical protocols. A key part of this postdoctoral position thus far has been to set up and optimise the performance of a ThermoFisher Helix MC+ noble gas mass spectrometer in order to obtain the high precision data required to study mantle processes.
Educational History and Qualifications
PhD in Geology(September 2009 - March 2014, including a 4 month work placement)
School of GeoSciences, University of Edinburgh, UK
Thesis title: Subduction zone processes and continental crust formation in the southern Central Andes: Insights from Geochemistry and Geochronology
Supervised by: Dr Linda Kirstein, Dr Richard Hinton (both University of Edinburgh), Prof. Simone Kasemann (University of Bremen) and Prof. Tim Elliott (University of Bristol)
MSc Environmental Geochemistry – with Merit (September 2007 - September 2008)
School of Earth and Environment, University of Leeds, UK
Dissertation title: Sulphur cycling during mass extinction intervals: The Triassic - Jurassic boundary
Supervised by: Dr Rob Newton and Prof. Paul Wignall
BSc Geological Sciences– with First class honours (September 2004 - June 2007)
School of Earth and Environment, University of Leeds, UK
Independent mapping project (dissertation): A geological overview and palaeoenvironmental reconstruction of the Candanchu area, Spanish Pyrenees
KingEdwardVICampHillSchool for Girls/Sixth Form, Birmingham, UK(1996 - 2003)
A-levels in Psychology, Biology, Physics, Art and General Studies
12 GCSEs including English and Maths
Academic Awards and Funding
Mar 2016Timothy Jefferson Field Research Fund to participate in fieldwork to Kamchatka (£1775)
Jan 2014 VMSG (Volcanic and Magmatic Studies Group, UK) Annual Meeting 2014, Edinburgh; Poster presentation: honourable mention
Dec 2013 Seed Corn Scholarship to assist in writing grant proposals (2 months)
Jan 2013School of GeoSciences Graduate School Conference, University of Edinburgh; Best student oral presentation
Jan 2013VMSG (Volcanic and Magmatic Studies Group, UK) Annual Meeting 2013, Bristol; Oral Presentation: commendation received
Nov 2011VMSG Fieldtrip Bursary (declined)
Mar 2010School of GeoSciences Research Conference, University of Edinburgh; First prize – oral presentation
Sep 2009Derek and Maureen Moss scholarship (4 years)
Sep 2009NERC CASE studentship (3.5 years)
Sep 2007NERC Advanced Course Studentship (1 year)
Jul 2007The Versey Prize for the highest overall BSc degree mark in Geological Sciences (University of Leeds)
Journal Publications
Jones, R. E., Kirstein, L. A., Kasemann, S. A., Litvak, V. D., Poma, S., Elliott, T., Alonso, R., Hinton, R. and EIMF (2016). The role of changing geodynamics in the progressive contamination of Late Cretaceous to Late Miocene arc magmas in the southern Central Andes.Lithos, 262, Pages 169 – 191.
Litvak, V.D., Spagnuolo, M.G., Folguera, A., Poma, S., Jones, R.E. and Ramos, V.A. (2015). Late Cenozoic calc-alkaline volcanism over the Payenia shallow subduction zone, South-Central Andean back-arc (34°30’-37°S), Argentina. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 64, Pages 365-380.
Jones, R. E., Kirstein, L. A., Kasemann, S. A., Dhuime, B., Elliott, T., Litvak, V. D., Alonso, R., Hinton, R. and EIMF (2015). Geodynamic controls on the contamination of Cenozoic arc magmas in the southern Central Andes: Insights from the O and Hf isotopic composition of zircon. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 164, Pages 386-402.
Jones, R.E., De Hoog, C.J.M., Kirstein, L., Kasemann, S., Elliott, T., Litvak, V., Hinton, R., and EIMF (2014). Temporal variations in the influence of the subducting slab on Central Andean arc magmas: evidence from boron isotope systematics.Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 408, Pages 390-401.
Edited book chapters
Vanesa D. Litvak, Stella Poma, Rosemary E. Jones, LucíaFernández Paz, SofíaIannelli, Mauro Spagnuolo, Linda A. Kirstein, Andrés Folguera and Víctor A. Ramos. The Late Paleogene to Neogene volcanic arc in the Southern Central Andes (28°-37°S). Springer edited book (to be published in 2017).
Sofía B. Iannelli, LucíaFernández Paz, Vanesa D. Litvak, Andrés Folguera, Rosemary E. Jones, Miguel E. Ramos and Víctor A. Ramos. Paleogene arc-related volcanism in the Southern Central Andes, North Patagonia (39°-41°S). Springer edited book (to be published in 2017).
Selected Conference Contributions
Jones, R.E., van Keken, P., Hauri, E., Vervoort, J. and Ballentine, C.J. Geodynamic investigation of the processes that control Lu-Hf isotopicdifferences between different mantle domains and the crust. EGU General Assembly, April 2016, Vienna.
Jones, R.E.,Mabry, J. andBallentine, C.J. Developments towards high precision noble gas analysis using the Helix MC+ noble gas mass spectrometer. DINGUE, April 2016, Nancy.
Singh, S., Thompson, D., Jones, R.E., Zhu, J., Ribeiro, J.M., Ague, J. and Lowell, B. The role of bend faults on slab serpentinization and the water cycle at the Nicaraguan convergent margin. AGU General Assembly, December 2015, San Francisco. (Not in attendance)
Jones, R.E., De Hoog, C.J.M., Kirstein, L., Kasemann, S., Elliott, T., Litvak, V., Hinton, R., and EIMF. The recycling of volatiles at subduction zones: Boron isotope systematics identify temporal variations in the southern Central Andes. CIDER Summer Programme, July 2015, University of Berkeley, California.
Jones, R.E.,Ballentine, C.J., and co-authors, An overview of the UK consortium ‘Mantle Volatiles: Processes, Reservoirs and Fluxes’. DCO International Science Meeting, March 2015, Munich.
Jones, R.E., Goulden, J. and Larson, K. Recent advances in EBSD analysis (Oxford Instruments). Tectonic Studies Group Annual Meeting, January 2015, Edinburgh.
Kasemann, S., Jones, R.E., Schmidt, D.M., Elliott, T., and Kirstein, L. Advantages of combined high precision MC-ICPMS and high spatial resolution techniques in Earth Sciences (Invited talk). Goldschmidt, June 2014, Sacramento.
Jones, R.E., Kirstein, L., Hinton, R., Kasemann, S., Elliott, T., Litvak, V., and EIMF, Boron cycling in the Central Andean Subduction Zone: Evidence for Recycled Components? (Poster presentation – commendation received). Volcanic and Magmatic Studies Group Annual Meeting, January 2014, Edinburgh.
Jones, R.E., Kirstein, L., Hinton, R., Kasemann, S., Elliott, T., Litvak, V., and EIMF, Boron cycling in the Central Andean Subduction Zone: Evidence for Recycled Components? (Poster presentation). Goldschmidt, August 2013, Florence.
Jones, R.E., Kirstein, L., Kasemann, S., Dhuime, B., Elliott, T., Litvak, V., and Hinton, R., Continental crust formation in the Southern Central Andes: New insights from O and Hf isotopes in zircon (Oral presentation – first prize received). University of EdinburghGraduateSchool Conference, January 2013
Jones, R.E., Kirstein, L., Kasemann, S., Dhuime, B., Elliott, T., Litvak, V., and Hinton, R., Continental crust formation in the Southern Central Andes: New insights from O and Hf isotopes in zircon (Oral presentation – commendation received). Volcanic and Magmatic Studies Group Annual Meeting, January 2013, Bristol.
Jones, R.E., Kirstein, L., Kasemann, S., Hinton, R., Dhuime, B., Elliott, T. and Litvak, V., Cenozoic
magmatism and continental crust formation in the Southern Central Andes (Poster presentation). Goldschmidt, June 2012, Montréal.
Jones, R.E., Kirstein, L., Kasemann, S., Hinton, R., and Elliott, T.,Landscape evolution, volcanism and sediment flux along the active Andean margin (Poster presentation). Volcanic and Magmatic Studies Group Annual Meeting, January 2011,Cambridge.
Jones, R.E., Kirstein, L., Kasemann, S., and Hinton, R. Landscape evolution, volcanism and sediment flux along the active Andean margin (Oral presentation – first prize received). School of GeoSciences Research Conference, March 2010,University of Edinburgh.
Invited Seminars
May 2016‘Contamination of arc magmas in the southern Central Andes: the role of changing subduction zone geodynamics’. Volcano Group Meeting, University of Oxford.
Jun 2014‘Subduction zone processes and continental crust formation in the southern Central Andes: Insights from geochemistry and geochronology’. Earth and Planetary Science Seminar, University of Edinburgh.
Jun 2013‘Cenozoic arc magmatism and continental growth in the southern Central Andes’. Hotstuff Seminar, University of Bristol.
Professional Membership and Affiliations
- The European Association of Geochemistry
- Fellow of the Geological Society of London
- Deep Carbon Observatory (DCO)
- Cooperative Institute for Dynamic Earth Research (CIDER)
- The Mineralogical Society of Great Britain and Ireland, Special Interest Group: Volcanic and Magmatic Studies Group (VMSG)
- The Geochemical Society
Employment History
EBSD Applications Specialist (June 2014 – March 2015)
Oxford Instruments, High Wycombe, UK
I was involved with developing applications for electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) as part of Oxford Instrument’s Nanoanalysis applications and marketing team. This includedcharacterising a wide range samples, including geological samples and metals, via EBSD; testing and developing Oxford Instruments specialist software for EBSD analysis and data processing (e.g., AZtec, HKL Channel 5); testing and developing detectors for EBSD analysis; giving demonstrations and support to clients; producing reports, application notes and training/support materials for both clients and in-house use; preparing a wide range of samples for scanning electron microscope (SEM) imaging and EBSD analysis.
Postgraduate Demonstrator(September 2009 – March 2014)
School of GeoSciences, University of Edinburgh, UK
I have demonstrated and tutored on a number of undergraduate degree courses including Chemical Geology, Earth Dynamics, Earth Materials, Sedimentology and Stratigraphy, and residential field courses in NW Scotland, Mull and SE Spain. I have also held the position of Course Assistant for an undergraduate Natural Hazards module which involved: delivering practical classes to over 100 undergraduate students; coordinating demonstrating and marking of submitted work; communicating between lecturing staff, administration staff and postgraduate demonstrators; addressing student issues; ensuring the smooth running of the course. In addition to this I co-supervised an undergraduate chemistry student who was conducting a NERC funded summer project in the School of GeoSciences.
Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) Facility Assistant (April - July 2012)
School of GeoSciences, University of Edinburgh, UK
I was temporarily in charge of running the SEM facilitywithin the School of GeoSciences, to provide staff cover. The facility provides imaging and analytical services across all scientific and engineering disciplines. My responsibilities included: scheduling users; determining sample requirements; preparing samples for analysis; training and supervising instrument users; performing basic instrument maintenance and calibration; preparing health and safety documentation; managing the associated accounts. I gained experience using, and in training clients to use, secondary electron (SE), backscattered electron (BSE) and cathodoluminescence (CL) imaging modes, and energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry (EDS). I also gained experience guiding and instructing students, academic staff and commercial clients on the use of laboratory equipment and leading tours of the laboratory facilities.
Stable Isotope Research Assistant (October 2008 - May 2009)
School of Earth and Environment, University of Leeds, UK
My main responsibilities were to prepare and analyse samples from a wide variety of projects, on a gas-source mass spectrometer, and to process and present the results. This primarily involved carbon isotope analysis and sulphate-oxygen isotope analysis of sediments and biogenic material. My other responsibilities included: assisting in laboratory organisation and management; training/supervising students and other lab users; preparing health and safety documentation (including risk and COSHH assessments); participating in fieldwork and sample collection.
Technical Assistant(June - September 2007)
GETECH plc, Leeds, UK
My primary responsibility was to use graphics packages and GIS software (e.g., ArcGIS) to collate and map geological and geophysical data for use in petroleum exploration studies. I also developed a drill core database for the South Atlantic, aided in the production and editing of commercial reports, conducting literature searches and reviews, and dealt with general enquiries and administration.
Additional Positions of Employment / Responsibility
- Journal Reviewer (June 2016 - present) for Lithos, JGS and Space Science
- Postdoc Representative (May 2016 – present), University of Oxford
- Co-convener/co-chair at EGU General Assembly(April 2016), Vienna
- Demonstrator (October – December 2015), Mathematical problem solving in the Earth Sciences (including use of Matlab), University of Oxford
- Graduate School Social Secretary (February 2010 - January 2011), University of Edinburgh
- Conservation Volunteer (June 2009), Conservation Volunteers Australia
- G-BASE Voluntary Field Worker (August - September 2008), British Geological Survey
- MSc Geochemistry Student Representative (September 2007 - September 2008), School of Earth and Environment, University of Leeds
- Postgraduate Demonstrator (June 2007), Introduction to Geological Mapping in NW Scotland, School of Earth and Environment, University of Leeds
Additional Skills
- Full, clean UK driving license (including off road driving experience).
- Practical IT skills including a high level of capability using Windows, MS Office, ArcGIS, Endnote and CorelDraw. I also have experience using a number of software packages designed for geochemical data, including Geochemists Workbench, SigmaPlot and Isoplot.
- Basic computer programming experience using Matlab and Python.
- Experience using instrumental control software including Qtegra (ThermoFisher), AZtecand INCA (both Oxford Instruments), Spirit X-ray analysis (PGT) and Peak Sight (Cameca).
- Basic conversational French and Spanish.
I love being in the outdoors and my main hobbies include mountaineering, running, cycling and swimming.I also enjoy travelling, photography and art.