19 August 2016

Present:Stewart Forrester (Chairman), Anne Lochhead (Administration Services Manager),Janette Rae (Cleaning), Gary Madden (Mechanical Services),Christine Mailer (Administration),Louise Darroch (CSR),Matt Grimes (Portering Services), Dave Edmond (Electrical), Charles Whiteford (Grounds), Sean Tait (Operations and Maintenance), Robert McKenna (Works Management), William McLachlan (Security),Derek Hutchison (Joiners), Michaela Graham (Catering), Robert Kilpatrick (Assistant Director, Development and Operations), Duncan Colville (Catering).

Apologies:Shaun McAllister (Assistant Director, Commercial and Support Services), Adam Beasley (Residences), Marilyn Houston (Cleaning).

  1. Welcome

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting, including the new Catering Manager, Duncan Colville. Duncan provided the Group with some information on his background and his new role. He also highlighted the work he is doing at present in reviewing all our catering outlets and that his target is to increase the revenue from those outlets.

The Chairman also welcomed Robert Kilpatrickas a permanent member of the Group. Robert will take the place of Shaun McAllister. The chairman thanked SMcA for all of his hard work on behalf of the group.

  1. Minute of June Meeting

The minute of the June meeting was approved.

  1. Mechanical Services – Use of Multimeters (Out of Hours Call Out Work)

RMcK stated the engineers do not have the appropriate training to be able to use the multimeters and it has not been possible to find a suitable training course as yet, so the Engineerswere advised that they shouldnot use the multimeterseither within or outwith normal hours. RK suggested North Glasgow College may have a suitable training course and that once the training has been undertaken, he considers it would be reasonable to have engineers use the multimeters on callouts. It was also indicated that there will now be some crossover required in Engineering and Electrical trades regarding the combi boilers in the Residences.

  1. Residences Feedback.

The group noted the written feedback that had been provided.

  1. Uniforms

DC suggested further PPE equipment will be supplied to the staff in the Catering section. He told the Group that he is keen to ensure that we are taking full account of food safety regulations in respect of the staff uniforms and this is likely to result in additional uniform items being provided for all Catering staff including a hat or hair net for all staff concerned in food sale or preparation.

  1. Recycling

The previous meeting had considered issues regarding problems arising from Portering staff not being allowed to stand at the back of the recycling vehicles for loading and unloading due to safety reasons. A risk assessment was due to be carried out to help drive a future solution. It was noted that no risk assessment has been carried out yet. This is currently with Paul McGowan. No further information was available. Also, it was advised that we were still awaiting delivery of the recycling bins.

  1. Refurbishment Update

No update was available at the meeting. The repairs to the roof of St James Rd are currently being carried out. A further update will be sought from Stella Matko regarding the wider refurbishment question.

[Action: Robert Kilpatrick]

  1. Repair of Broken Items of Furniture

With regards to the repair of broken items, particularly the chairs which are faulty, but also now an issue with tables, RK said the manufacturer would need to be identified or we would need to look at identifying a programme to replace them. John Ferguson should be able to supply the names of the manufacturers. RK suggested continuing with the present procedure in the interim, whereby Portering are carrying out short term repairs. MG was asked to bring a sample faulty chair to RK.

[Action: Matt Grimes]

  1. TIC Access

An email was received complaining about the vans being parked at the slabbed area at the Inovo building next door and staff have been told not to park there. It was also noted that trades staff could not get access to park in the loading bay as the area is in use. A further complaint related to TIC was that Ann-Marie Campbell has been asking trades staff to carry out additional jobs not listed on the job line. RMcK confirmed that all trades staff in that situation should inform the TIC staff that they need to phone our Helpdesk to raise a new line. That helps to keep everything clearly registered and protects our tradesmen too.

  1. Safety Glasses

SF advised that he was still waiting for a responsefrom Safety Services regarding why only one firm can deal with this.

  1. Transport

A number of issues were discussed under this heading. Parking tickets for works vehicles are currently being paid by Portering Services and other trades staff rather than by the department. This issue has already been raised with RK and is something which will be looked at again. In the interim, parking tickets are to be taken to Robert McKenna who will evaluate on a case by case basis whether the individuals concerned should be responsible for paying the ticket or whether the department will meet the cost.

On another matter, it was confirmed that the last two older vans have now been replaced. It was also advised that due to a change of policy, skips are now to be used to handle equipment off the flat bed so it is no longer necessary to use a tipper now, therefore no new tipper will be purchased. This can be reviewed in the future if it is found to be still needed however.

RMcK apologised for not checking the driving licences as yet and will do this shortly.

It was noted that Catering need a new refrigerated vehicle.

  1. Cleaning Staff Vacancies Notifications.

It was recommended that Andy Baillie take measures to notify cleaning staff of vacancies on a regular basis. All cleaning staff are however reminded that they can access this information via the computers provided in the tearooms.

[Action: Andy Baillie / Robert Kilpatrick]

  1. Cleaning Staff – Safety Concerns.

Clarification was sought as to whether any member of cleaning staff had felt under threat or if any incident had occurred. The Group was advised that there had been no attacks on the University campus, but there were concerns regarding lighting in various areas. RMcK said that the lighting is above compliance levels. RK asked if the areas on the campus causing the cleaners particular concern could be highlighted on a campus map and an Electrician would look into it whether there are specific issues in those areas.

An issue with the lighting in the lane was raised. It was noted however that the lane is owned by Glasgow City Council and the University has installed lighting on the wall. Staff were advised that avoiding the lane altogether in the very early morning and using the longer routeround instead may ultimately be the best solution to allay their fears.

  1. AOCB

a)Therecent visit to the University of Glasgow’s CHP facility had proved very worthwhile for the Engineers, who will continue to be involved with the CHP’s development as the project progresses.

a)There has been no progress regarding the PTC access. Portering Services staff have been unable to get access due to one resident. However it was stated that legally we have limited access rights.

b)Students have been asking why they do not have access to drinking water. Water coolers are available in academic buildings in the kitchens but not in open areas. It was reported that coolers were being put into Stenhouse that weekend. However it would really be up to each individual department to pay for it if they wish coolers installed for students.

c)Cleaning staff complained regarding the mess contractors leave and say that some are using the Cleaner’s cupboards to store their equipment. They were advised to raise this with the suppliers in question and to escalate it to the relevant Project Manager if this has no effect.

d)The need for an additional storage area for Portering Services was raised. It was stated that an additional area within the Colville is under consideration. Roddy Yarr/Val Hunter to be asked to comment on any update on this.

[Action: Roddy Yarr / Val Hunter]

  1. Date of Next Meeting

To be arranged.
